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Showing posts with the label back to school

7 Ways to Organize and Decorate the Home Office

Whether you have kids going back to school, you are going back to school yourself, or neither, now is a great time to get the home office organized. This time of year kicks off the busiest time of the year for many. An organized home office can help you cope with the many activities and tasks ahead. Here are seven great (and pretty) ideas for organizing the home office: 1. Make a pretty perpetual calendar: by pitter and glink

7 No bake cookies and treats

It's still hot here and some of  you have kiddos that have started back to school. So how do you provide treats and still beat the heat? No bake cookies! I remember my Grandmother making a "drop cookie" that I'm pretty sure had no baking involved. I'll have to do some digging for her recipe. In the meantime, here's a round up of some other no bake cookies and treats I'd like to try. No bake coconut cookies by The 36th Avenue Peanut butter granola bars/ Martha Stewart Peanut butter no bake cookies by My Blessed Life Chiquita banana no bake cookies No bake cookies/ Eating Well No bake fruit and nut drop cookies by  Leftover Queen Peanut butter graham cracker balls by Baby Gizmo Blog See a recurring theme here? peanut butter, oats, coconut, graham crackers? All good stuff. Have a great week!