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Showing posts with the label anthro knock off

Two strand bright bead necklace

  Over a year ago, I saw a necklace at Anthropologie that I really wanted to knock off. However, I forgot to save a picture of it and it disappeared from the site. After a long search I finally found a picture of it.      The pastel consortium   After more time passing, I finally got around to making my own. I couldn't find as close a match for the beads as I wanted, but used it for inspiration nonetheless.   Most of my beads came from Michael's and a few from etsy. The suede cord came from Michaels. Besides the beads and cord, all you need is beading wire, crimp beads, and jump rings.     This has been a fun necklace to wear this summer.     Thanks for stopping by.   I'll be sharing here: Think Pink Sundays * Under the Table and Dreaming * Sundae Scoop * Creative Bloggers Party and Hop * Craftomaniac Monday * Make the Scene Monday * Make It Pretty Monday * Masterpiece Monday * ...

Anthro knock off fabric bobby pins

This is my "Tried it Out Thursday" on Friday. Sometimes life just gets busy. I get to the blog when I can. I'm not going to complain about, we'll just move on. I was inspired by these fabric bobby pins at Anthropologie : So I picked up some of these (I can't find plain gold or silver bobby slides around here, so I got these and I've been wearing the colored ones as is) And some of these barrettes I got some fabric strips and mod podge and wrapped the fabric around the slides and barrettes. There are no magical steps for this and I'm not 100% pleased with the way these turned out. Working with such a small item was very difficult for me. I'm thinking of other ways to do this but I'm not sure. Maybe using a spray adhesive on the top and just laying the strip of fabric over it would work. I'm not sure. Do you have any suggestions? Please share. I'd love to hear any tips you have for making this project better....

5 Anthro knock offs- Must Do Monday

I'm so glad there are crafters who can "knock off" those cute accessories that are out of my price range and/or available for only a short period of time, and are willing to share their tutorials.  Here are 5 Anthro knock-offs that have been on my list for a while.  from 3, Four, and under Sol Pom pom knock off by Small Good Things Dutch Wax Collage by Flamingo Toes Paisley ReBirth by Flamingo Toes Voluminous scarf knock off by Of Pinks and Fairy Tales

Anthro necklace knock off- Tried it out Thursday

Good morning! It's almost Friday. This week I tried out Beverly's tutorial at Flamingo Toes for the Anthro Pernilla knock off. By the way, this necklace is no longer available at Anthro, so I consider the tutorial for it highly valuable.