I recently purchased a coral blazer and had tossed it across my cedar chest with other items that needed to be put away. It was lying across a mint shirt and white jacket and I loved the color combination. It inspired an outfit with the blazer, a white dress and mint necklace. However, there was one problem- I didn't own a white dress or mint necklace. A couple of weeks later, I was in Belk's and scored a cute white dress on clearance for $15.39! Of course it went home with me and Sunday I wore it with the blazer to church. I still don't have the mint accessories so I went with turquoise. Dress- Belk; Blazer- Forever 21; shoes- TJMaxx For evening services, I made the dress a little more casual and wore it with sandals and a vest belted over it. You can see the inspiration for this version here . Dress- Belk; vest- Old Navy; belt/shoes- Target Linking up to WIWW .