The text is a quote from this post by Merlin Mann.
As I designed it, stitched it, and took pictures to share it with the world, I found myself feeling a little weird about it. I've stitched things Merlin Mann has said before. In fact, I've done it three seperate times. I found myself wondering if that might seem a little creepy or weird. Would I get a cease and desist letter? Would my friends and family stage an intervention?
So I was actually a little nervous to share it. It turns out that I did not have to worry, and that it was received very favorably.
The experience has reminded me of something important, though, and that is that I should keep doing what I am doing because I enjoy doing it. End of story.
In Gigantic, the documentary about They Might Be Giants, Ira Glass said that if John Linnell had never been in a band and was a guy with a 9-5 job, he would probably still spend all of his spare time writing songs because that's what he's supposed to do. I really love that idea, and I'd like to think that I'd still be making these odd little things even if I didn't have an internet community to share my work with. I am really glad that I don't have to find out, though. :)