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Magnolia Forever DT challenge #march

Hello, It´s time for a new challenge at  Magnolia Forever , and I made a birthday card  for the challenge: Paper: Maja Design- Vintage Spring Basics Stamp: Magnolia- Tilda with Bunny Balloon Zig markers: blush- mid brown- red- pale green- pale dawn gray- haze blue. Stamp: Papirdesign

Simply Magnolia DT challenge for july

  Hello, It's time for reminder at Simply Magnolia with theme "anything goes with option summer". Here is my card for the challenge: Design papers: Maja Design- Trpocal Garden Stamp: Magnolia- Cancer Tilda Stamp: Norsk Stempelblad Ribbon: Søstrene Grene I'm entering with my card in this challenge: Forever Magnolia  - Anything goes

Guest designer for Magnolia Forever

Hello In july I´m guest designer for  Magnolia Forever  ,  and the theme is Anything goes. I´ve made a easel card for the challenge: Design paper: Reprint- La vie en rose. Stamp: Magnolia- Summer Buzz Tilda Flowers: Wild Orchid Craft and Papirdesign Zig markers: blush, pale rose, blue gray, dark oatmeal, may green, yellow, olive green. Stamp: Norsk stempelblad  Sticker: Papirdesign

Simply Magnolia DT challenge for May

 Hello, It's time for a new challenge at Simply Magnolia challenge, with the theme "anything goes with option birthday". I've made a box for the challenge. Stamp: Magnolia- Lovely rose Tilda Papers: Maja design Dies: Magnolia Flowers : Wild Orchid Crafts and Papirdesign Zig markers: blush, dark oatmeal, red, may green, deep brown and gray tint. I´m entering with my card in this challenge: Forever Magnolia - Anything goes

"Hurra for deg"

 Hallo, I dag har jeg pyntet en gavepose og fargelagt et nytt stempel motiv. Mønsterark: Prima- Havana Stempel: Magnolia- Tilda in the Wind.  Blomster: Wild Orchid Crafts og Papirdesign  Zig markers: flesh colour, blush, brown, light pink, haze blue, green shadow. Dies: Magnolia  Tekst: Papirdesign- Gratulerer 1 Knapp: somlelitt Jeg deltar i denne utfordringen: Magnolia Forever - Anything goes  

Ally´s Angels DT challenge #57

Hello It´s time for a new challenge at  Ally´s Angels , and I´ve made a bucket card for the challenge. Papers: Maja Design- Summer Crush (Long summer nights and butterflies in her stomach) Picture: North Stamp design. Flowers: Papirdesign. Dies: Magnolia. Sticker: Papirdesign. Inside the card, I´ve made a card. Stamps: Norsk Stempelblad.

Napking fold card

Hallo, I dag har jeg en napkin fold kort å vise dere. Det er mange år siden sist jeg har laget en sånn, og tenkte at det var på tide å lage en. Malen finner du  her . Som base har jeg brukt kraftkartong, da jeg synes at det holder bedre enn  bazill ark. Mønsterark: ScrapBoys- Romantic Soul. Motiv: Magnolia- Sakurai 15 Lacy Tilda Zig markers: blush, flesh colour, light green, dark gray, cool gray 1, pale gray og yellow. Kortet er festet med et bånd rundt for å holde det sammen. Innsiden av kortet. Stemplene er fra både Papirdesign og Norsk Stempelblad. Jeg deltar i denne utfordringen: Magnolia Forever - Anything goes

Guest designer for Magnolia Forever

Hello, This month I am guest designer for Magnolia Forever, and I've made a box with a draw for the challenge.  Stamp: Magnolia- Dressed for Festivity Tilda Zig markers: blush, light pink, gray. Design papers: Maja Design- Little street café.  Flowers: Papirdesign and Wild Orchid Crafts.

Bare til deg

Hallo, Jeg har laget en tag med konvolutt. Malen finner du  på Facebooksiden til  Elis@beth´s bygdescrap . Mønsterark: Prima- Spring farm house. Stempel: Magnolia- Red Riding Hood Tilda Zig markers: blush, lilac, deep brown, pale rose. Blomster: Wild Orchid Crafts. Stempel: Kort og Godt Jeg deltar i denne utfordringen: Forever Magnolia - Anything goes  

Ally's Angels DT challenge #55

  Hello It's time for a new challenge at Ally's Angels.  Here is my card for the challenge: Papers: Pion design Stamp: Magnolia-Sparkle collection Zig markers: blush, lilac, deep brown, light green and yellow. Stamp:Papirdesign  I´m entering in this challenge with my card: Magnolia Forever - Anything goes

Magnolia Sparkle

Hello I've made a card to a friend of mine with the pop up box Sparkle from Magnolia. The base of the card is a big tag and I scorded on the half.  Stamp: Magnolia- Sparkle  Zig: blush, dull blue, deep brown, beige.  Papers: Maja design- Bohemian Harmony Dies: Magnolia  Stamps: Papirdesign  I'm entering with my card in this challenge: Magnolia Forever

Simply Magnolia DT challenge #february

 Hello It´s time for a new challenge at  Simply Magnolia challenge  and the theme is: Anything goes with option Valentine day. Here is my card for the challenge: Papers: Pion design- Theodor and Bella Stamp: Magnolia- Tilda with Dexter the dragon Zig markers: blush, peach pink, olive green, deep brown, brick beige, warm gray 2. Stickers: Papirdesign- Du er unik Stamp: Kort og Godt

After Eight eske

Hallo, Jeg har laget en eske til å ha rundt After Eight esken.  Mønsterark: Maja Design- Happy Christmas Stempler: Papirdesign- Nordpolen og Juleord.

Simply Magnolia DT challenge #august

Hello, It´s time for a new challenge at  Simply Magnolia , and the theme is: anything goes with option round card. Here is my card for the challenge: Papers: Maja design- Celebration (Congratulations, Festivities and Shades of celebration- Vintage Teal) Stamp: Magnolia- Bubble Tilda Dies: Magnolia Flowers: Papirdesin Zig markers: blush, mustard, blue gray, light blue and haze blue. I´m enteringe with my card in this challenge: Magnolia Forever - Anything goes

Sendes med en klem

 Hallo Jeg har laget et staffelikort i rund format. Mønsterark: Maja Design- Miles Apart Stempel: Magnolia- Sweet Tilda with Balloon Zig markers: blush, deep brown, light green, light pink .  Stempel: North star stamp Jeg deltar i denne utfordringen: Simply Magnolia - Anything goes (with option color picture)

Golden Week Tilda

Hallo  Jeg har vært med på 4 forskjellige digi scrappetreff disse 3 siste ukene, og den ene oppgaven var å lage et venninnekort. Motiv: Magnolia- Golden Week Tilda  Mønsterark: Maja Design- Vintage Autumn Basics  Blomster: Papirdesign  Zig markers: blush, blue gray, dark pink, pale dawn gray, mid brown.  Stempel: Kort og God t  Jeg deltar i denne utfordringen: Magnolia Forever - Alt er lov