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Magnolia Forever DT challenge #april

  Hello It´s time for a new challenge at  Magnolia Forever . I´ve made a birthday card. I have used a tag and folded it in the middle. Papers: Authentique- Celebrate Stamp: Magnolia- Sparkle collection Zig markers: blush, flesh color, cobalt blue, light blue, red and mid brown. Flowers: Wild Orchid Crafts and Papirdesign Button: somlemakeriet Stamps: Norsk Stempelblad and Papirdesign Have a wonderful week-end!

Magnolia Forever DT challenge #march

Hello, It´s time for a new challenge at  Magnolia Forever , and I made a birthday card  for the challenge: Paper: Maja Design- Vintage Spring Basics Stamp: Magnolia- Tilda with Bunny Balloon Zig markers: blush- mid brown- red- pale green- pale dawn gray- haze blue. Stamp: Papirdesign

Magnolia Forever DT challenge #february

 Hello It´s time for a new challenge at Forever Magnolia. I´ve made a tag with papers from Maja Design (Vintage Spring). Tilda is colored with Zig markers: blush- pale rose- dark brown- platinum brown- geranium red- pale green. Flowers: Papirdesign. Sticker: Papirdesign Dies: Magnolia

Magnolia Forever DT challenge #january

 Hello, It's time for a new challenge at  Magnolia Forever . Here is my card for the challenge: Papers: Papirdesign- Det kimer nå til julefest Stamp: Magnolia- Noel Tilda Zig markers: blush- Pale dawn gray- Platinum brown- Dark brown- Geranium red- Light gray Flowers: Papirdesign Sticker: Papirdesign

Magnolia Forever DT challenge #december

Hello It´s time for a new challenge at Magnolia Forever. I´ve made a christmas card with Christmas Kitchen Tilda.   Papers: Papirdesign- Romjulsdrøm  Stamp: Magnolia- Christmas Kitchen Tilda Flowers: Papirdesign Zig markers: blush, pale dawn gray, platinum brown, geranium red. Button:  Somlemakeriet Stamp: Papirdesign- Stress ned.