
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Friday, August 29, 2014

Staying Busy

Oh my goodness, I'd forgotten just how busy going back to school was!  My kids went back last Monday so they're finishing up their second week today.  We've had Open House, karate lessons, Back to School lunch for the school staff, PTO meetings, doctor's appointments, volleyball games, football games...

But they are loving their new teachers and have lots of friends in their classes and come home everyday telling me something they've learned or a teacher said and it makes my heart happy.  :)

Here's their first day pics for you:

I've found a little time for sewing this week and made myself a new top, testing another new pattern for Jenny.  She's tweaking the sizing as I found it a little too big, but the pattern is great.  It's a split-neck raglan top.  Think peasant top for women without elastic in the neckline or arms.  I'm going to make some adjustments to the sizing on my top and hope to show it off Monday.

What are you up to on this long holiday weekend?  Gearing up for fall?  Celebrating the last bits of summer?  We'll be watching tons of football and spending time with some dear friends that are coming to visit.

Monday, December 2, 2013

November Wrap Party

Y'all, I don't know where time is going, but I think there might be a hole in my hourglass, because it seems to be getting away faster than I think it should...

Thanksgiving was a wonderful break for us.  We got the whole week off of school so we headed to Disney for a couple of days and then hosted family here.  A holiday that only revolves around eating, family and being thankful for our many blessings--YES!

I hope all of my American friends had wonderful Thanksgivings and that all of my friends are as truly blessed as I am.  :)

I showed off a pic of the block I was working on for Toni a week or so back and then she pointed out to me that I'd sewed all the corner half-square triangles on backwards!  oops...  I'm just glad she said something because I would have made both of them like that and mailed them off to her wrong.

In the end I got them both done right (I think) and mailed off.  This block just didn't set in my brain right and I had to check the diagram for every step.  I still LOVE the colors she picked and think this quilt is going to be fantastic when she gets it all done.

Crown of Thorns blocks for Toni--That Stash Bee November 2013

We took pics of the kids Saturday for our Christmas cards.  The light on Friday night was unbeatable but we weren't ready.  The light on Saturday wasn't near as good but we did the best we could.

These were the two I liked best.

But believe me, there were a whole lot more that looked like this:

Please excuse the lack of editing and the grainy-ness.  Just laugh and enjoy.

This picture perfectly sums up their personalities.  I almost used it for our cards.  But I thought there might be some that didn't appreciate the truth in it...

I've got no school commitments tomorrow so I'm saying no when I get called to sub in the morning (I'm assuming that will happen) and I'm spending the day making progress on my Dad's quilt.  I'm getting there...slowly.  Progress pics tomorrow perhaps.

What are you up to this week?  Do you send out Christmas cards?  Do you take pics of just the kids, the whole family, or not include a pic at all?  I wanted to do a family shot this year, but Chris wasn't convinced that was necessary...maybe next year??

Monday, August 19, 2013

Back to School...Back to Routine!

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!  :)

Ok, not really, but today was the first day back to school around here and for most of the state of Florida.  So it was actually quiet in my house during the day today.

My kids were excited this morning and are looking forward to new adventures, new experiences and not looking forward to homework.

I am excited and am looking forward to a cleaner house, more sewing time and precious memories of my kids' school activities.

Here's some pics from this morning:

I'll be back tomorrow with a finish to show off.  I finished up my sweet nephew's quilt and delivered it to the baby shower yesterday and can you believe I didn't take any photos of it??  And I call myself a blogger...

I'm putting my sister on the job and will hopefully show it to y'all tomorrow.

Happy First Day of School everyone!!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A trip to remember

**This is a personal post and not sewing/craft-related at all.  It is also picture heavy.  Feel free to move on if you're only here for the amazing sewing content.  ;)**

Last week was our vacation to the midwest that I had mentioned before.  We'd planned to drive to St. Louis to see the Arch, take in a Cardinals game, pick up my MIL at the airport and then visit my Grandparents in Illinois for their 60th wedding anniversary.

On the way home, we'd planned to drop my MIL back off at the airport and then take the kids to Mammoth Cave in KY and visit Chattanooga, TN to see Rock City, Ruby Falls, etc.

Our anniversary is 2 days after my Grandparents' and their 50th was our first.  We'd come to celebrate then too and then visited these places, so we thought it'd be fun to recreate the trip with the kids this time.

But...if you've ever heard the saying "If you want to make God laugh tell him your plans," I've got proof it's true.

We left early Monday morning and drove all day.  The driving was great until we hit mid Kentucky.  Then my Tahoe decided to just die on the side of the interstate.  It cranked back up after a few minutes and then died twice more in downtown St. Louis, always cranking back up after a few minutes of sitting.  Tuesday morning Chris left it at a nearby car shop and we set out to explore the Arch.

It was really neat.  The museum was great, full of American history.  We found out that Emma is a bit claustrophobic and did not enjoy the trip up or the viewing area from up top AT ALL.  She seriously was clutching Chris' leg and almost crying all the way to the top.  Oren, on the other hand, thought it was AWESOME and wanted me to take pics of EVERYTHING!!  :)

Word of advice--do the Arch first thing in the morning.  We got there right after it opened and didn't wait for anything.  We left about 2 hours later and there were hundreds, yes hundreds of people just waiting in line to get into the museum!

On a sidenote--I picked out my kitchen wall colors and Chris finally agreed.  I'd been wanting to boldly paint my large kitchen/dining room walls a Tiffany Blue, but our bedroom is right off the kitchen and it's painted in light aquas and Chris wasn't sure that would go together well.  But after seeing the old capitol building with it's patina-ed dome he was sold.  So...thanks to St. Louis for our future painting projects!

That night we picked up the Tahoe (they swore there was nothing wrong with it and didn't charge us--ummm, thank you??) and walked over to the Cardinals game.  It was awesome!  We had GREAT seats, the crowd was awesome, and the home team was on fire!

Wednesday we picked up my Mother-in-Law from the airport and drove the 2 hours to my Grandparents' house in rural Illinois.  Yes, my blog is called Small Town Stitcher, but we got nothing on the area my Grandparents call home.  They have about a 30-minute drive to a town the size of mine.  I have a 30-minute drive to Gainesville, a big college-town.

Thursday evening, the whole family (4 generations) got together for a wiener roast and s'mores.  I am always reminded how important family is when we're all together.  My cousins and I have basically always lived 1000 miles apart, and yet, as children we were each others' favorite playmates.  We don't see each other but once or twice a year, but time and distance doesn't matter.  Family always comes first.

Friday evening we headed to my Aunt's house to eat supper there and let the kids play.  Around 8, Oren came out of the basement crying and holding his arm.  He'd fallen and hurt himself.  If you don't know Oren--he's a tough kid.  He'll usually shake off an injury and go on playing, but after 10 minutes he was still crying and holding his arm to him.  So we headed to the local ER.  And yep--he broke not one both both bones in his arm below the wrist and they said he'd need to have it set by an orthopedic surgeon when we got home.  They splinted it up and gave us some meds and sent us on our way.

So Saturday brought a subdued Oren, me with a stomach bug, our 11th anniversary, a party for my Grandparents' and questions about what to do about our trip.  We decided to just enjoy the day and leave early Sunday morning.  Chris had to drop his mom back off at the airport early Sunday morning and we'd just leave from there to come home.

My grandparents are an example for all.  Through 60 years of farming, working, raising children, and loving each other, they've managed the hard times and the easy.  They are loved by all who know them and I couldn't ask for a better example of how to live my life.

Sunday morning we started home.  After dropping off my MIL, we stopped for breakfast and within 20 minutes, the day got longer.  Oren got sick.  We don't know for sure if it was the Tylenol 3, a migraine, the stress of his arm and the trip or the stomach bug I had, but I imagine it was a bit of all of it.  He threw up all over himself (except for his splinted arm which he managed to avoid bless his sweet heart!)

We had to pull over at a gas station to clean out the back seat and strip him naked in the parking lot and clean him up and change him.  He ended up puking and sleeping alternatively for most of the rest of the trip home.  But I tell you that sweet kid never once complained or got upset.  It was a long 16 hours, and we were all thrilled to get home.

So we cancelled our trip to Mammoth Cave and Chattanooga.  We told the kids the family comes first and those places aren't going anywhere.  Both of them were great about understanding and Emma has been so good about helping Oren out with this broken arm and all the attention he's got for it.

We got in with the ortho on Monday morning and the angulation of the bones had fixed so they felt a cast was enough.  He's got a waterproof cast on until this Thursday (at least).  We go back then to check his progress.  There was no need for surgery or putting him under to set the bones.  It was a huge weight off all of our shoulders.

I have to say in all that happened, God was with us.  So many things could have been so much worse, but through it all, we were reminded how much He loves us.  I know this will be a trip we never forget--through both highs and lows, it was memorable to say the least.  :)

And that concludes the personal content...I'll be back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow with a WIP post!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Random 4th of July

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to my American friends!  Ours is pretty low-key here.  We're headed to watch fireworks tonight, but the day we've spent together at home as we have big vacation plans coming up next week.

Why do they grow so fast???

As I mentioned last week, I'm on a mission to empty my WIP baskets.  In the last week, I've
  • sewn straps on a dress for Emma.
  • made a baby dress out of that poor excuse for a skirt
  • hemmed and narrowed the shoulders on a cordoroy dress my Grandmother had made and never finished that fits me perfectly
  • patched an old pair of Chris' jeans
  • Sewn together a bodice and skirt on a dress I made 2 summers ago and never finished.  I've just got to add in the zipper and bottom hem and it's wearable.

Finishing all of these projects feels good.  I can now see the basket which is a huge improvement from this time last week.  And I've kept my sewing room clean by picking up after myself each time I come in here.  New leaf??  Maybe--I'm liking it.  :)

What have we been doing outside of my sewing room?

  • I've run a lot.  I finished my 56 miles in June and am working on 50 miles in July.
  • Chris is building the cutest little rocking chair!  He's got it all apart now while he's finishing it but I can't wait to show you guys the finished chair.  Here's a sneak peek from last week.

  • Stayed inside A LOT--it's rained most of the last 4 days.  Yep--4 days.  Seriously, it rained for almost all of the daylight hours on Monday.  My driveway was its own mudpit.  I could have charged admission to some local rednecks for a fun afternoon.
  • Oren got glasses.  He looks so cute!  He was having trouble seeing things clearly from far away.  I'd asked him about 20 times, but I guess he didn't realize it until I was with him and could say I can read that--can you?
I seriously just want to squeeze him every time he puts these on!!  I love this little face!!!!

    • And I found this shirt for sale on GroopDealz...look familiar??  Sorry the pic is so small, the deal is expired so I can't get the pics to blow up any bigger.  The front looks exactly like the shirt I made for Em!

    And what do we have coming up?

    • Possibly no fireworks because it is coming down here again...  Seriously, like I just about jumped out of my skin the thunder crashed so loudly.
    • A family reunion next week for my Grandparents` 60th wedding anniversary.
    • Chris and I will be celebrating our 11th on the day of the party.
    • My Dad will celebrate his 60th birthday the next day.  (We're celebrating my Mom's parents...)
    • We're taking the kids to St. Louis on the way to see a Cards game and visit the Arch.
    • We're taking them to Mammoth Cave and Rock City on the way home.

      Lots going summer always goes.  What are you up to today?  Do you have big plans for the 4th (if you're American) and what projects are you working on?? 

      Linked up with Cindy
      Live A Colorful Life

      Thursday, June 27, 2013

      Oh I got Random...

      Its been awhile since I did a Totally Random post on Thursdays and y'all know I've always got some randomness going on.  Here goes...

      **I'm loving my clean and uncluttered work area.  Well, the WIP area is still crazy cluttered--but that's what I'm working on.

      **I finished up this pretty block for a friend.  It's really similar to what I'm doing for Emma's new bed quilt that should be finished by the time she goes to college...hopefully...

      **I also started this 3-Layered Star from Emily.  The section on the left I made today.  The section on the right I made last night after 5 margaritas.  Just kidding, just kidding.  I was tired though last night and sewed the pieces together wrong so then when I trimmed and realized my mistake I was out of luck when I sewed it back together correctly.  I just need to fix the white part though, so while a pain, it's not the end of the world.

      **I really want to get out and pick the rest of our blackberries for some jam but it's thundered here ALL day.  Like all day.  We got a short shower around 11, but we're still getting thunder.  And see all of those pine trees?  I really don't want to be under those if the lightning gets close again...

      **The kids have been at my Mom and Dad's since Tuesday.  They're coming home tomorrow.  They've been to Sea World and to see Monsters University.  These are the pics I get from them when they're gone...

      **I've been really trying to run 3 days a week and am ALMOST to my goal of 56 miles in June.  As of today I've got 47 and I'm due for a long run tomorrow.  Yesterday was my speedwork run which I HATE with a passion, but I managed to run 1 mile in under 10 minutes which is flying for me.  I quickly slowed down after that.  My goal is to run a 5K in under 30 minutes.  It's a long-term goal.

      **I haven't been checking my reader much.  I haven't decided if I'm going to use bloglovin or feedly yet and subscribed with both to my favorite blogs, but plan on using Google Reader till June 30 at 11:59.  Really, I'll be asleep at like 9:30, but you know what I mean.  So, if I haven't commented on your posts lately, it isn't personal, it's a lack of hours in my day.  And free internet--a lack of that too.

      **I've got a hankering for some chewy chocolate chip cookies.  I've been putting off making them.  But last weekend I did make Snickerdoodle Bars after Toni made me want them and they were gone by Monday morning.  We had friends over for Mexican and I think cinnamon desserts go well with Mexican food.  You want to make these--the're delish!  I almost added chocolate chips to the batter and I think that would be an excellent choice, but just plain, they're still really good.

      **Chris made some killer fajita steak and shrimp for supper that night.  And I made mexican pork roast that was pretty good too.

      **I got all of my bee blocks done really early this month but because we're on summer break I never go to town and still haven't mailed them.  oops.  I'm going tomorrow for sure.  Or Chris will for me.

      **Ok--I'm off to brave the thunder and pick some berries.  They're on their way out and i haven't made jam yet, so I better get to picking.

      What are you up to on this random Thursday?  Let me know and then head over to Cindy's to see what everyone else is doing too.

      Live A Colorful Life

      Saturday, June 15, 2013

      Le Challenge--June

      Le Challenge

      Nat and Lucy gave us an excellent challenge again this month with “Maritime.”  What a great way to start thinking about summer and the sea.

      Le Challenge

      I had envisioned sailor skirts and boatneck tops from the get-go, but flat ran out of momentum to get a skirt made.  So after some thinking I decided to make a top for me out of some navy and white striped knit.  But a trip to JoAnn Fabrics left me with this navy and white sheer polyester as it was the only thing I could find.

      I do love how the fabric has clear sequins randomly to give it a little extra sparkle.

      So as I was telling my sister (Hi Carrie!) about this idea she saw the fabric and suggested I make a summer scarf instead.  And while I don’t know how much I’ll wear it during the heat of summer, I couldn’t let the idea go.  And I know I’ll wear it a lot through the fall and spring, so here is my infinity scarf with a maritime nod…

      But since I’d bought extra fabric thinking I was making a shirt for me, I decided to make one for Emma.  It’s a basic dolman-sleeved tee-shirt style top that I kinda made up as I went along.  The seams are a little wonky in places, but I think it turned out darling.

      Doesn’t she look precious??

      Sorry they are large and sideways--Blogger and I are fighting today...

      So here we are together, ready for a day on the sea.  Or a day on our front porch…  Next month, we’ll take some seaside pictures for you, but for now you’re stuck with a very tired 9-year-old (and a pretty tired Mama) and our attempts at modeling today…

      I’m linking up with Le Challenge, so head over there to find out what everyone else conjured up with the maritime theme.  I’d really encourage you to participate in this fun challenge—a l creative forms are included, it’s more about using the theme to create than any rules on what to create.  It’s a lot of fun!  And I just looked and next month's theme is Toffee...I see sweets in my future and you know how much I love sweets!!!