
Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveaway. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Hi everyone!

After a busy and hot weekend watching softball, I'm back with a giveaway winner and an update of my latest projects.

I let pick the winner for the Etsy gift card and it turned out to be Helen!!  Congrats to you, my friend, and I've sent you an email.

As for what I'm up to this week...I've got all of Oren's star blocks done and ready to sash. I'm going with a 2.5" black sashing to spread the blocks out, and I haven't decided for sure on final layout.

Why does blogger like to turn my photos sideways??  Oh well, I guess these aren't really directional blocks so it works...

And I've got the clothing itch again and as we're coming near our summer vacation (to the Bahamas!!), I want to whip up a few dresses to take with me.  I've asked Em if she wants anything new as well but she politely declined.  That's fine with me--more time to sew for myself.  ;)

So, I'm thinking of adding another Staple Dress and a sheath at least, but am up for suggestions.  I've got any number of great patterns and tutorials pinned to my clothing board and saved to my computer.  It's almost like I've got so many choices I don't know where to start...


I've got some linens, rayons and cottons put to the side and ready to sew up.  I think I've actually got a dress or two in my WIP basket to get working on as well...

So what do you like to sew in the summertime?  Dresses?  Skirts?  Bags?  Handstitching?  Honestly, at this point I think I'd just be happy to get any sewing done.  But before I get to it, I'm off to the pool for a bit.  :)

Happy July 1!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Time flies...

Wow, time really does fly whether you want it to or not.

Hello to everyone still hanging on and I see I've even gained a few new followers in my long absence.  I never had any intention to stop blogging, but with surgery recovery became a new focus and blogging got less and less important.  Then, of course, sewing did too, and with no progress, there's not much to blog about.  :)

And then I just got out of the habit of coming to this space to talk with you all...

But I'm back.  I took the time today to sit down and write.  To say hello.  To assure everyone that doesn't follow me on instagram that I am alright.  I am mostly healed from my surgery and have been given the "ok" to resume normal life.  Exercise is still SLOW GOING and it's frustrating, but I do not wake up with back pain every morning.  I can stand for hours without my back aching and in turn my legs and feet.  I feel like a new woman--an out of shape woman, but still.  :)

We've been busy since I last posted.  There's been LOTS of softball and lots of karate.  There's been many hours spent driving back and forth between the two.  There's been hours of PTO stuff--book fair, coffee bars, testing fun days...  There's been proud Mama moments of field days, awards ceremonies, district softball wins, karate accomplishments.  There's been summer schedule adjustments with more swimming and less packing of lunches.

Like I said, we've been busy.

But I want to be busy here as well, with y'all.  So to thank you for sticking around, I want to give something away.  How's an etsy gift card sound?  That way, whatever it is that strikes your fancy can be yours and we're not limited to fabric or yarn or whatever else...

Just leave a comment here telling me what you're up to this summer and I'll randomly draw a winner this weekend.  Em's in the state tournament this weekend, so it'll probably be Sunday before I draw and Monday before I announce.  That's almost a week to get entered.  :)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Giveaway Day!!!

Its the most wonderful time of the year!  And today is one of the most wonderful days of the year!  It's Sew, Mama Sew's annual Christmas Giveaway Day (Week)!!

Giveaway Day

For years, Sew, Mama Sew has hosted a Giveaway Day that is nothing more than an online get-together of lots of giving, creative people who want to share goods, projects, fabric, etc.  It's become such a big thing that there's no way you could get to all of the giveaways in a day, so they've made it a week-long celebration.

And of course, I'm playing along!  One of the reasons I started my blog was to participate in Giveaway Day.  I love the idea of sharing and giving and it makes me happy to put a smile on others' faces.

So let's get to the sharing, shall we??

Last month I gave away 2 Etsy gift cards for my birthday/blogiversary and one of them was never claimed.  So I'm sweetening the Giveaway Day Jackpot by adding that back in.  :)

So, this year, I'm sharing 2 Etsy gift cards--$25 each!!  I have so many friends that sell fabric online and I hate having to choose only one of them to support so I'm going to let you pick.  But by using an etsy gift card, you're not limited to just fabric.  Are you a knitter--buy yarn or needles!  Are you a crafter in general--go crazy on supplies?  Or could you use a little something special to keep you going this holiday season--spoil yourself with something fun!

I absolutely HATE giveaways that make you jump through hoops.  It wasn't very long ago I was a dial-up girl in a high-speed world, so all you gotta do is leave me a comment answering this question:

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY TREAT?  And links to recipes or shops are always appreciated.  We've got some mighty sweet teeth in this house...  :)

You must answer the question though or you can't win.  No "THANKS FOR THE GIVEAWAY" answers here, people.  I want it to be easy, but you at least gotta read the content!!  On Friday, December 13 at 8 p.m. (EST) I'll use to choose winners.  I'll contact the winners through email (so PLEASE make sure you're not a no-reply blogger) and you'll have one week to respond or I will choose a new winner.

And because I love the feeling that I'm actually starting a conversation and not just putting myself out there, I'll reward followers with a second entry.  Just let me know how you follow and you're that much closer to the prize.

I hope you'll come back after today and find a home here where I talk about my sewing, crafts, and life in general.  And I hope you win lots and lots of goodies this week (except for the goodies I really want!!!) ;)

Good luck to you and remember to share the love this holiday season and every day.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Back to Work

Let me take a moment to give a heartfelt thanks to every man and woman who has served their country as we honor our Veterans today.  Thank you also to the families of those veterans who have also served by sharing their loved one with us during their time of service.  Your work and commitment to our country does not go unnoticed.  Thank you just doesn't seem enough, but please believe how heartfelt it is.

Today in America, many of us have the day off of work and school to celebrate Veterans Day.  But I actually got some work done--quilting work that is.  Each year I make a quilt for one of my family members.  This year, it's my Dad.  He's a kind and easy-going person who gets along with just about everybody he meets.  He's a born-and-raised Chicagoan that fell in love with a small-town country girl and ended up living in Florida.  He's a die-hard White Sox, Bears, and Blackhawks fan.  Both sides of his family hail from Ireland not too far back on either family tree, and so he's a born Notre Dame fan as well.  He's a retired football coach and still a history teacher.  He'd do anything for any of us and deserves something special.

So, I decided on what I'm making and got set to start.  Then I realized I didn't have any navy fabric and had to order some.  While I wait for it to arrive, I went ahead and started cutting and sewing my green and gold strip sets.  I'm about halfway done.

I can't wait to show you some blocks when I get the navy.  I hope it turns out like I drew it up in EQ, but I'm going to keep you on the edge of you seat for awhile.  haha

And now--for the winners of the birthday Etsy Gift Card Challenge.  We had 30 entries and our trusty friend helped me choose Sarah from Thrift Store Crafter and Allison C. as the winners!  I'm emailing you both now.  You'll both have one week to get back with me before I choose new winners.

Thanks for all the birthday love.  I had a great and quiet weekend.

Congrats again to the winners!  I'm subbing the next 3 days this week, so I will hopefully make it back to post again this week...fingers crossed!  ;)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Share the Love!

Y'all, I swear.  I need more hours in the day.  Because unless I'm not going to sleep, I just can't seem to fit it all in right now.

But, I am so thankful for how full my life is because it means I am truly blessed to have so many great people and so many great experiences filling my days.

And today is a special day.  It's my birthday.  I've already had so many people call, text and tell me HBD on facebook.  I am more blessed than I deserve and I want to share some of that with y'all, my special crafty friends.

So...I'm going to combine this giveaway with my blogiversary last month (bad bloggers tend to miss those important days!) and give away 2 gift certificates to Etsy.  That way, you can find something special to buy no matter what your interests may be.  And then I don't have to choose between my fabric shop buddies.  ;)

So, I've got 2 $25 gift certificates that may have your name on them.  All you gotta do is comment here with your favorite gift ever.  It can be a gift to you or from you.  It can be something amazingly special and expensive, or the perfect pair of socks to make someone's day.  Let's share the love and offer up some gift ideas at the same time.

Blog followers obviously get a second entry, since you're who I talk with the most, so let me know in a second comment how you follow me.

I'll give you through the weekend to enter and choose a winner Monday afternoon.

Alright I'm off to run and shower so I have time to sew before I pick up the kids from school.  Tonight is our Homecoming game, so we've got a parade and a game to help me celebrate.  :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Thrill is Gone

***ETA--All of the fabrics are spoken for and mailed.  Sorry!!***

Do you ever have fabric that you've fallen out of love with?  You look at it, take it out of the cabinet, want to use it, but...the Thrill is Gone?  You just don't like it anymore?

My friend Lucy is helping us all out by hosting something that I think is a great idea.  I'd actually considered doing it myself but she beat me to it and I'm glad she did.

She's hosting a Fugly Fabric Swap/Giveaway Party.


This week you can link up any fabrics you've fallen out of love with and trade/give/sell to someone else.  I think this is such a great way to spread fabric and blog love with each other and also not waste as well.  Just because I don't love a fabric anymore doesn't mean that it's not exactly what you've been looking for.

And there are some people who'll take fabric no matter how ugly for scrap projects, charity quilts, really bad taste, what have you.  ;)

So, I've got a few offerings this week.  And I'm just flat offering.  Meaning--you let me know you want it and it's all yours.  I'll ship anywhere, but international readers--what say we split the costs??  Because really--fabric love knows no boundaries, right??

So, here's what I got.  Mostly fabrics my kids have outgrown or I've used and don't plan to use again, but some are fairly big cuts I just haven't got around to using.  Some are designer fabric, some aren't, but all have worked just fine for what I've used them for.  I'm giving rough estimates of size here for time's sake, but if you want details, let me know and I can actually measure for you and let you know.

1.  Rainbow fabric.  I've got 2 cuts of this.  The straight-grain piece is roughly 44" by WOF (width of fabric).  The bias cut piece is actually about a yard long, but with a bias-cut edge already in it--perfect for bindings on quilts or little girl's dresses.  I cut bias strips for seam bindings years ago on a dress for Emma.  It was precious!

2.  Cowboy print.  This is an old Alexander Henry print I've had for years.  It's a half-yard by WOF cut, but with some missing.  I cut two stockings out of it. :)  So, there's a good-sized 18" square of fabric and then some area to be used for scraps and then another big chunk.  How's that for accurate?

3.  Buffalo Check.  This one is roughly 3 feet by WOF.  I have had this forever and backed a few quilts with it.  Not sure where it's from, but it's thick and holds up well.  It's a burgandy/maroon red with a creamy/tan base color.

4.  Green prints.  2 fabrics here.  The green swirls are from JoAnn and it's roughly a 2-foot square.  A little bigger on both sides, but roughly.  The small check is a 9-inch by WOF cut.  These come together as they're such a small amount of both.

5.  Fall print.  I actually got this one at Walmart I believe, but it's sturdy, thick and held up great--almost like a really lightweight denim.  I made Em a dress out of this a few years back and she wore it a ton.  This one is like 44" by WOF but with some chunks missing.  There is probably a 12" by WOF section anyway and then some of the middle is missing in the rest.

6.  Fairy Princess.  This is a JoAnn special.  I've made a ton of stuff with it and little girls love it.  The skirt of each princess has a silvery glitter on it.  This one is about 36" by WOF with some missing.

7.  Beach Balls.  I bought this Moda fabric for a specific purpose and then never used it.  It's from the Malibu Monkeys line by Erin Michael.  This one is roughly 60" by WOF.

8.  Flannel Ballerinas.  Another JoAnn novelty.  This one is flannel.  It's roughly 20" by 42".  The other selvage is cut off, it's basically WOF.  I made Emma a nightgown out of this when she was in kindergarten that she still wears so it's held up just fine.  I've also backed baby quilts in with no complaint from the recipients.

9.  Mary Englebreit Panel.  I won this in a giveaway and just haven't used it yet.  I hate to see it wasted, so I'd love to share it.  It's just this panel, but you could certainly cut this apart to create multiple projects with it.  It's Moda from the Recipes for Friendship line.

10.  Rocket fabric.  This one's from JoAnn too.  I had planned to use it in Oren's Star Wars quilt, but waited too long and now he's "too old" for it.  It's a yard by WOF.  Feels high-quality.

And that's it for now!  As I said before--if you want it, it's yours.  First-come, first-served.  And you can have as much or as little as you want.  Leave me a comment with what you'd like and I'll email you for your address.  Make sure, of course, that if you're a no-reply blogger to leave your email in your comment because if I can't get ahold of you, I can't send it to you.  If you're international and you don't mind splitting shipping with me, feel free to ask for what you want as well.

Head over to Lucy's to see other available fabrics or link up yourself.  It's only this week, though so hurry!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Giveaway Day

Hi y'all!  It's one of my favorite weeks of the year!  Giveaway Week at Sew, Mama, Sew!  It's so fun to see everyone sharing and giving and it's also fun to find new blogs I'd somehow missed before.  

Who doesn’t love a giveaway?  Not this girl.  Y’all know I love to share.  So, let’s get right down to it.  I know everyone participating in Sew, Mama, Sew’s Giveaway Day (and if you’re not, you really should) has a bunch of places to visit today and throughout the week, so I’m not going to take a lot of your time or make you jump through hoops.  I know what Giveaway Day is like on a dial-up connection, okay?!?

So…I am giving away a $25 gift certificate to the Westwood Acres Etsy shop!  Amanda, the owner, is a great girl.  She carries great fabrics in her shop, sews amazing things that she shows off on her blog, and makes me smile on Instagram nearly every day.  

She also has amazing customer service and great shipping fees...can you say $5.85 for shipping now matter how much inside the U.S.??

Here's a glimpse of some items you could get with $25...

Field Study Feathers FQ Bundle from Anna Maria Horner for Free Spirit

Field Study Feathers FQ Bundle from Anna Maria Horner for Free Spirit for $10

2wenty Thr3e Camera Fat Quarter Bundle by Eric and Julie Comstock For Moda

2wenty Thr3e Camera Fat Quarter Bundle by Eric and Julie Comstock For Moda--$12.50

Text The Rainbow Fat Quarter Bundle of Eight

              Text The Rainbow Fat Quarter Bundle of Eight for $19.95

Stripes That Bind Bundle of 10 Fat Quarters

                         Stripes That Bind Bundle of 10 Fat Quarters for $24.90

And that's just a taste...she's got individual fabrics and all kinds of other bundles too.

So, how can you win $25 to spend in Amanda's shop?  Just tell me what you like to sew best--quilts, clothing, etc.  I like quilts the best because they don't have to fit anyone, but as the weather warms up (down here in Florida we're just about to start our 6-month-long summer), I find myself wanting a new wardrobe of dresses, skirts and loose-fitting tops.

So, tell me your favorite thing to sew and you’re entered to win.  I love me some followers (so I’m not just talking/typing to myself), so if you’re a follower (new or old), let me know and you get another entry too.  

The contest will be open till Friday, May 10 at 8 p.m.(eastern) and then I’ll use Mr. to pick a winner.  Winners will be notified through email so make sure I can get a hold of you if you’re a no-reply blogger.  Otherwise I’ll have to choose another winner.

Good luck on all your goodie-winning adventures this week!  

p.s.  This contest is competely sponsored by me and my choice.  I have shopped with Amanda in the past and chose to support her shop for this giveaway.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

And the winner is.....

Hi everyone! I hope you're all having a good weekend. Sorry to be late with the giveaway winner but we went out of town for the weekend and I didn't have time to post the results.

I found all of your color loves and dislikes/lack of stash very interesting and tallied all of the results which I'll share as soon as I get a chance.

But as for the winner....out of 486 (WOW!!!) comments, is #352....

Congratulations Julie.  I've emailed you and will get you your $25 gift card to the Knotted Thread Etsy Shop as soon as I hear back.

Thank you so much to each and everyone of you who stopped by, commented and especially those that became a follower.  To know that I'm not on this journey alone--to know there are people reading my ramblings and commenting really makes my day.

I'll be back tonight or tomorrow with the results of my impromptu survey on color choices...

Monday, December 3, 2012


Who doesn’t love a giveaway?  Not this girl.  Y’all know I love to share.  Well, some things….  So, let’s get right down to it.  I know everyone participating in Sew, Mama, Sew’s Giveaway Day (and if you’re not, you really should) has a bunch of places to visit today and throughout the week, so I’m not going to take a lot of your time or make you jump through hoops.  I know what Giveaway Day is like on a dial-up connection, okay?!?

Giveaway Day

So…I am giving away a $25 gift certificate to the Knotted Thread Etsy shopJennifer, the owner, is a great girl.  She recently moved to Hawaii (I know, let’s all hate her just for a minute…okay) and decided that change brings more change and she’d open up the fabric shop she’d been dreaming about.

She’s building up more and more inventory each month, including

NOTTING HILL by Joel Dewberry
SIMPLY COLOR by Vanessa Christenson
Simply Color Charm Pack

SMALL DOTS and CHEVRONS from Riley Blake
1/2 yard Bundle Riley Blake Small Dots - Complete Line

Fat Quarter Bundle Riley Blake Medium Chevrons

There's also some Terrain, Ruby (by Bonnie and Camille) flannel, and some pre-made items like coasters, makeup rolls and even a quilt or two.  

So, how can you win $25 to spend in Jennifer’s shop?  Just tell me your favorite color of fabric to buy.  I find that I have a TON of yellows, blues (especially aquas) and reds.  But not as much oranges or purples.  And I have an on-again, off-again love with greens, blacks and browns…

So, tell me your favorite color(s) to buy and you’re entered to win.  I love me some followers (so I’m not just talking/typing to myself), so if you’re a follower (new or old), let me know and you get another entry too.  J

The contest will be open till Friday, Dec 7 at 8 p.m. and then I’ll use Mr. to pick a winner.  Winners will be notified through email so make sure I can get a hold of you if you’re a no-reply blogger.  Otherwise I’ll have to choose another winner.

Good luck on all your goodie-winning adventures this week!  

Monday, November 12, 2012

And the winner is...

So, last week when I planned the giveaway ending, I totally forgot that Monday (today) was our celebrated Veterans Day and the kids wouldn't be at school.  So, instead of drawing a winner when I got home from dropping them off, I drew a winner with my coffee and breakfast instead.  :)

And the winner of the $25 gift certificate to Westwood Acres is

.....Marci from Marci Girl Designs!  Congratulations and thanks so very much to each and every one of you who took the time to wish me happy birthday.  Y'all really know how to make a girl feel special!

I also want to send a special thanks to all of the brave men and women who have served or are serving in our armed forces.  The fact that you volunteer your service to our country to keep us safe and free is so amazing and we don't say thank you enough.  Whether you served in peace times or war, whether you were/are stationed at home or overseas--THANK YOU!

graphic found here

And to the families of veterans, a big thank you as well!  Sharing your loved one with us while they serve is a huge sacrifice that I cannot even begin to imagine.  Thank you for all that you do to support and love your veteran as well.  :)

We are headed to the nearby Veterans Day parade in a few minutes.  Take the time today to thank a soldier for their service.

I'll be back this afternoon (or tomorrow morning) with some cool stuff to show you...  :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Let's Celebrate!!

Today is my birthday!  Yes, Chris and I were born only 8 days apart (and some years...), so it's a special time of year for us.  :)

I have already had such rich birthday blessings showered down on me this morning that I know that my cup truly does runneth over.

So...let's celebrate!!  I want to share my blessings with y'all.  Let's have a giveaway!  I don't know why, but I just love to give stuff away.  Probably because I know how happy I am when I win something or someone does something kind for me that I just want to make someone else feel that good too.

How about a $25 gift card to go fabric shopping??  Sound good to anyone else?

And this time around, let's support Amanda at Westwood Acres.  Amanda is fun to read over at her blog A Crafty Fox and gave away all kinds of goodies after Quilt Market.  And you know how I feel about giveaways!  ;)

She's got this Lark by Amy Butler jelly roll for $21.  And there's a layer cake too!
Lark by Amy Butler COMPLETE 24 Piece Quilter's Fabric Roll

Or this Riley Bake Polka Dot FQ Bundle for $24.75
NEW Riley Blake House Designer Small Polka Dots 11 Fat Quarter Bundle

And this Bella Solids Bright Bundle for $25 just makes me smile.
NEW Bella Solids 'Brights' Bundle of 8 Half Yards from Moda's Fall 2012 Release

And Field Study by AMH Feathers.  LOVE!  This half-yard bundle is only $19!
Field Study Feathers Half Yard Bundle from Anna Maria Horner for Free Spirit

But those are just some of the bundles.  She's got yardage in Chicopee, Out To Sea, and Chevrons besides a TON of half-yard bundles, charm packs, fat quarter and fat eigth bundles, etc.

I think I'm going to order some Madrona Road at the same time for myself.  A little birthday spoiling, maybe??  :)

So--let's get to the details--leave me a comment telling me your favorite birthday dessert.  Like I said yesterday--Chris would rather have hello dollies than cake and I'd eat just about anything!  But what's your favorite treat?

For an extra entry, let me know you're a follower, because y'all are so special to me to keep up with the ramblings I lay on you.  ;)

I'll keep the giveaway open until Monday (November 12) morning after I drop off the kids at school.  Around 8 a.m.  Then I'll randomly pick a winner.

Thanks for being here another year with me.  :)  Now I'm off to a birthday lunch with a friend.  Yay!

**This giveaway is completely organized and paid for by me.  I chose the gift because I wanted to share.**

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fall color

  Down here in Florida, we don't get much fall color.  There are no spectacular color tours where you drive around to see the leaves changing colors.  There are no pumpkin or apple-picking adventures.  There is slightly cooler in the mornings and evenings and hot summer-like days for awhile longer and then we'll have a brief fall before winter starts.

So...we have to make our own fall color sometimes!  As I mentioned on Saturday, the kids had some fall pictures taken on Friday by a friend who set up her own fall-like environment.  All we had to do was dress our kiddos in fall colors and clothing and find a happy medium between fall apparel and summer temperatures!

I ended up putting both of my two in jeans, but I whipped up a skirt for Emma as an alternative in perfect-for-fall colors.  I knew I wanted Oren in the shirt he ended up wearing--it was a plaid featuring dark turquoise, navy, orange and green.  And I decided that the accent color I'd pick out of his shirt was turquoise for Emma--it's one of my favorite colors and I hoped it would stand out from the fall decorations while still coordinating with them.   Even in Em's jeans, she wore a turquoise headband and earrings.

But for the skirt I picked this lovely fabric I bought from Connecting Threads last fall to make a simple elastic-waisted skirt.  I believe it's called Golden Afternoon, but is all sold out.  The colors all matched the colors found in Oren's shirt and the brown matched her boots well.  Plus, can you get more fall than this?

I just cut a rectangle of fabric 16 inches long by the width of the fabric (~44 inches).  Then I sewed the selvages together (with turquoise thread!) and folded the top down to make an elastic casing.  Inserted a strip of elastic 1 inch smaller than Emma's waist, sewed the waistband shut and hemmed.  Done.  The entire thing took me maybe 20 minutes.

She tried it on with this turquoise shirt and I loved it, but she said for the pictures she felt more comfortable in the jeans.  Another way I know she's growing up--this kid has been a skirt and dress fanatic since she was old enough to point to what she wanted to wear.  Who let her grow up into a preteen so soon???

I didn't mind, because I knew going into it the skirt was a backup plan. Plus, it's not like she won't wear it ever.

So...since I didn't get professional shots of her in it Friday night, I decided to do a little mini-photo shoot at our house yesterday.  She loves to model, so she didn't mind too much.  ;)

AND...when I was cutting out this skirt panel--I accidentally cut two!  So...I've got another one ready to whip up and I thought I'd share!  So, let's have a giveaway!  Comment here if you'd like to win a skirt just like Emma's.  I can shorten the length if your little girl is smaller.  And because I am so thankful to all of you who come back repeatedly and keep me company, I'm going to give 2 entries to followers.

All you have to do is comment with your favorite fall color.  And then comment again to tell me that you follow if you do.  **Edited to add--this giveaway will be open for 1 week--you've got until Monday, October 8 at 11:59 p.m. to enter!  I'll chose a winner Tuesday morning.**

Thanks for making my fall brighter just by visiting and going on this journey with me!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Finished up by Friday and A WINNER!!!!

I cannot even begin to express in words my amazement in both the number of responses to the giveaway and the number of y'all that stuck around and became followers!!!!  I mean 772 comments!  REALLY!!??!!  I am blown away. 

And I am sorry that I couldn't respond to every comment individually.  I worked 3 days at the book fair this week along with other responsibilites that really cut into my blogging time.  ;)  And with trying to enter the giveaways too, I just didn't have time for everything what with my need to sleep each night.  BUT, I am very interested to hear your responses and I kept each email to read when I do find the time.  I find it very interesting how we all are alike and different in our use and appreciation of color.

So, enough with the small talk...the winner of the giveaway for $25 to Poppyseed Fabrics is..........

Leila  (May 21, 2012 08:09 PM)

Who said:
     Life is super crazy. I am just waiting for my life to get even crazier once my kids are out of school.

Congratulations to Leila.  I have sent an email to her and will get the gift certificate out as soon as I've heard from her.  

I hate that I only had one to give away.  I wish I could give one to each of you, although that would take an awfully big wallet and a LOT of inventory on Kimberly's part!  ;)

So....yesterday afternoon I finished up my Nubees Blocks and my modern blocks bee block after all.  Here are some results:

While on the subject of color with my giveaway question, I find it interesting, that even without Pantone spouting Tangerine Tango as the color of the year, orange is so popular among quilters right now.  Look at my blocks above--three of the four requested orange!  Interesting indeed.  :)

These are just simple 2.5" patchwork squares framed in 2.5" solids to turn something we all know and love into beautiful art...or at least that's how I think of it.  This is what I asked my lovely ladies in the Empower group of d.GS to send me too, and they are rolling in!  Can't wait to share them with ya!

As for my Modern Blocks block, here it is:

Jan asked for a wonky square in a square block using these fabrics.  You know wonky is not my favorite when it's very deliberate but still supposed to look orderly.  I'm better at a little wonk, you know.  ;)  But, I hope she will like this.  With no real direction other than the fabric choices and to start with a dark red center, this is what I came up with.  I like the creative process of wonky blocks, but I always question my end result...  I am very interested in seeing this quilt when it's all put together.

So, that's my sewing progress since Wednesday.  Emma and I are headed to run those birthday errands tomorrow and I'm picking up new sashing fabric for an end-of-the-year quilt for Oren's kg teacher.  Only 9 school days left...better get cracking!  But the blocks are all made from my Nubees friends, so I just need to sash, baste, quilt and bind.  Easy, right?

Haha!  Anyway, have a great weekend to each and everyone of you!  I hope you find Monday peaceful and (to my American crew) remember those that have served their country to grant us the liberties we all hold dear.  

Monday, May 21, 2012

Giveaway Time

Hi all, remember me, the girl who used to post here with witty commentary and excellent projects?  Well, that was before I was hit with a tidal wave of school field trips, fun days, Book Fairs, softball games, teeball games and other such nonsense called life.  I have been getting some sewing in, just not enough time to sew and blog...I didn't think y'all would hold it against me.

But enough of where I've been instead of around here, today is a great day to make a comeback because it's SEW MAMA SEW'S GIVEAWAY DAY!!  Yay!  This is one reason I began blogging in the first place.  I love the online sewing and quilting community and I'm so glad to share in the love.  :)

I haven't had time to get anything made in advance to give away this time around, so I decided to just share some fabric love this go-around.

The winner of my giveaway will receive a $25 gift certificate to Poppyseed Fabrics!  No, I am not affiliated with the shop in any way, I just think that Kimberly does a fine job of both selling great fabrics and putting together fabric bundles that make great combinations together!

Here are a couple of my favorite bundles just to show you what I mean:

Icy Blue, custom Fat Quarter bundle, 9 total
Icy Blue Custom Fat Quarter Bundle

Kona Designer solid cotton, by Robert Kaufman, Fat quarter bundle, 7 total
Kona Bundle, 7 Fat Quarters

Crazy pickles and smoke custom Fat Quarter bundle, 9 total
Crazy Pickles and Smoke Custom Fat Quarter Bunlde, 9 Fabrics

See what I mean?  And I didn't even go into all of the single fabric line bundles and individual fabrics she carries.  

I'm all about easy giveaways so you can get going with the rest of your day, so if you're interested in winning this gift certificate, leave me a comment telling me your favorite color combo right now.  Don't just say hi or great giveaway, let me know what you're digging right now.  For a second entry, you can become a follower, because I LOVE to reward those that stick around and really make this blog interactive.

I'll choose a winner through on Friday (5/25) evening after 8 p.m. (EST).  I'll let the winner know via email that night/following morning.  So PLEASE make sure you leave an email address or you aren't a no-reply blogger.  If I can't get ahold of you, I'll draw someone else.  

Now leave a comment and get back to entering all of the great giveaways being shared.  I know I will be!!  :)  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Fabric Winners and one Fun Weekend!

I have to start this post off by saying I have one of the best brothers on the entire planet.  He is such a great brother, son, and uncle.  My brother, Jay, is also an awesome choral teacher.   Yep, I've got about 2 notes I can sing and my brother went to college on a scholarship based on his voice.  Now he teaches chorus and music in Orlando.

His students performed in December a few times at Disney and as their instructor, he got free tickets for each performance.  And what did my sweet baby brother do with those free tickets?  He took my entire family to Disney for the day!  That's right, he used his annual pass for himself and spread the other six tickets he received plus two more he got from a friend to take my Mom, Dad, sister, brother-in-law and Chris and me and the kids to the Magic Kingdom on Saturday.  His girlfriend went with us as well (she has an annual pass too or I'm sure he would have got her a ticket.  :))

I think Chris and Oren may have not yet realized we were at the Happiest Place on Earth... haha!

How awesome is he??

Oren tried REALLY hard to pull that sword from the stone!

The PhilHarMagic Show is AWESOME!

We had a great day.  We didnt' rush to see it all, but just enjoyed ourselves and pretty much saw all that we wanted to.  We were beat by the end of the night, but happy and content with a day spent with our favorite people doing some pretty fun stuff.

THANKS AGAIN UNCLE JAY!!!!!! the winners of my fugly fabric giveaway.  I used, but I don't know how to do that cool screen capture thingie, so take my word for it, okay...

And here are the winners.  I will be contacting each of you through email unless you are a no-reply blogger and you didn't leave me an email address.  If that is the case and you see your name here, email me or leave a comment here with your email address.  If I don't hear back from you by next Monday (2/20) I will redraw a new winner.  And without further ado, here are the lucky fabric winners!
1.  Chiska
2. MommyMadeIt
3. CreativeInstincts
4.  Maxine
5.  JustPam
6.  Richard
7.  Strawberry Patch
8.  Margaret
9.  Steffi

THANKS AGAIN to everyone who commented and became a new follower!  I can't believe how many of you wanted to stick around and read about what I have to say!  

I wish each and everyone of you a very Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow.  We're pretty low-key about it around here.  Other than class parties and a little chocolate for the kids, we don't do much and I'm totally okay with that.  BUT, I made something special for the kids' teachers and I'll be back with that tomorrow...