Showing posts with label Dusty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dusty. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Another year... Another month... Another day

It's been over 2 years since my last post!
Our little guy recently turned 2 and he is
just a hoot!  What a blessing he's been
throughout the last 2 years.  His sisters 
adore him (except when he is demolishing
their toys with his trucks!).

We are preparing for a move to a new house,
just across town.  It has been an interesting
process, to say the least.  Actually... I think
frustrating is more accurate.  It's a long story
and I won't get into it here - goodness knows
my mother and sister have heard me re-hash
it a number of times.  It's probably just best
to let it go...  

So we're hoping to be in the
new-to-us house in the next few weeks.
Then there will be the scramble of unpacking
and getting settled while I try to get our
homeschool curriculum all planned out and
organized.  Luckily, I use "Sonlight" which
has the lessons all planned, but I have an
order to things that I like to follow and I'll
need to get that all worked out.  It's hard to 
believe Eloise will be in 4th grade and Dinah
in 1st!  Time flies!  I hope to enjoy this 
schooling year more than I have the past
couple.  There are challenges with anything,
but I found it particularly challenging having
a newborn and toddler last year while trying
to navigate schooling 2 kiddos.  I'm hoping
this year doesn't have quite the bumps that
last year did!  I guess we'll see!

It's a dreary day in PA, but thankfully it is
cool outside.  Eloise is battling a random fever,
so I'm going to make some homemade chicken
soup and rolls for dinner and pray that her body
continues to fight off whatever it is she caught.

I hope to be back a little more often
in this space... I kinda miss it!

Monday, July 17, 2017

He's Here!

Dusten Matthew
8 lbs, 7.6 oz

Welcomed home by his 3 big sisters!
(Two of which surprised us with a stomach bug!)

Everyone is well now and we are counting
our blessings!!