Showing posts with label Classics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Classics. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2011

Villette Wrap Up

 Lucy Snowe, a young Englishwoman of the educated class, narrates the story of her life—in a particularly partisan and sometimes unreliable manner. She is left destitute after the death of her mysterious family and, after briefly being a nurse-companion, takes herself off on a blind, daring trip to the Continent. She goes to the kingdom of Labassecour (perhaps modeled on Belgium) and, through a series of very fortunate occurrences, manages to land herself a job and a place to live on her first night in the town of Villette. She becomes a nursery governess to the three daughters of the proprietress of a large school for girls. During her time as the bonne d'enfants, she impresses her employer, Madame Beck, with her modesty and excellent English. She is elevated to the position of English teacher, though she has no qualifications for it and has a poor command of the French language spoken in Villette. Lucy, however, comes to excel at teaching and to love it. 

The read-a-long hosted by Wallace of Unputdownables wrapped up right before I went on vacation. I am glad that I participated as I have wanted to read this book and honestly would have gave up on it if not for the read-a-long. Having a reading plan and the weekly discussions kept me accountable and I am glad I stuck with it. My version did not have the French translated and that was frustrating for me. There were parts that really dragged and then parts that had me glued to the pages.  The many "surprises" made the reading a delight. Charlotte was a brilliant writer.
Author: Charlotte Bronte
Published: 1853
Pages: 656
Genre: Fiction
Source: Library
Finished: 3-28-11



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