Showing posts with label 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2016. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Favorites of 2016 and Year End Wrap Up

I was surprised that I read more in 2016 than 2015 since these three grands kept me busy.

I finished the year reading 236 books which is 12 more than in 2015.  I am challenging myself to read 237+ in 2017.  It may be difficult with two new grand babies arriving this summer!

2016 Stats:

First book of 2016

Last book of 2016
Total Read: 236
     Female authors: 140
     Male authors: 21
     Repeat Authors:
Beatriz Williams (4)
Christina Lauren (6)
Eloisa James (4)
Jessica Sorensen (4)
Kate Ruggle (5)
Susan Mallery (4)

     Debut Authors: 16
     New to Me Authors: 62
     Audiobooks: 67
     Shortest Book: I Really Do Miss Your Smile (66 pgs.)
     Longest Book: Titans (608 pgs.)

Stand Alones: 71

Continuing Series:
Alexandra Cooper, Jack Reacher, Kate & Curan, Michael Bennett, Alex Cross, Tracers, Eve and Roark, Myron Bolitar, Kate Burkholder, Fox and O'Hare, Jack Swyteck, Charly Davidson, Fool's Gold, Will Robie, Black Dagger Brotherhood,

Genres Read: contemporary 37, crime fiction 5, historical 17, historical romance 27, legal mystery, legal suspense/thriller 2, mystery 3, magical realism, new adult 4, non-fiction 2, paranormal/fantasy 2, regency romance 1,  romance 34, romantic suspense 14, science fiction, steamy romance 18, suspense/thriller 43, urban 4, young adult 13

Where I Read: 45 of the 50 states plus Antarctica, Australia, Belgium, Cornwall, England, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, London, Montreal, Norway, Paris, Patagonia, Persian Gulf, Philippines, Scotland, Venezuela,

It is always hard to too choose favorites, but I did pick some in a few categories:

Adult Fiction:


Nicole Pool - her narration made this a listening delight
Rebekkah Ross - of the five, All The Missing GIrls stood out
Sebastian York - of the seven Surviving Ice was a favorite

Young Adult:

Debut Novels:

New to me authors:

Audio Books:

Highlights of 2016:

2016 proved to be a great year.  It has been one of the best physically that I've experienced in a few years. My granddaughter Nora arrived in February. Our son Caleb married in September gifting us with not only a lovely daughter-in-law but another granddaughter, Janessa.


First Book of 2017 - Find Her by Lisa Gardner

2016 Challenges

2016 Challenges

First Book of 2016

Outdo Myself - read more books than last year - success 236/225

Where Are You Reading? 45/50 - still have not met this challenge

2016 Favorites

Friday, December 30, 2016

December Wrap Up

December's reading total was almost half audios. I listened while shopping alone, wrapping presents and getting ready for Christmas weekend.

Titles Read:
A Lowcountry Christmas by Mary Alice Monroe
A Scot in the Dark by Sarah MacLean
Apprentice in Death by J.D. Robb
Bossman by Vi Keeland (audio)
Chase by JP and Michael Ledwidge (audio)
Deep Dark by Laura Griffin
Erasing Faith by Julie Johnson (audio)
French Kiss by JP and Richard DiLallo (audio)
Guilty Minds by Joseph Finder
Heist by JP and Rees Jones (audio)
Little Black Dress by JP and Emily Raymond (audio)
Maid Under the Mistletoe by Maureen Child
Reckless Creed by Alex Kava
Sweet Little Lies by Jill Shalvis
The Gun Runner by Scott Hildreth (audio)
The Trouble with Mistletoe by Jill Shalvis
The Vanishing Year Kate Moretti by (audio)

•Total Read: 17

•YA: 0
•Audios: 8
•Abandonded: Dear Mr. M
•New to me authors: 6
•Debut authors: 0
•Series Books: 11

•YTD - 237

•Favorite Book(s) of the Month: A Lowcountry Christmas, Apprentice in Death

Where I've Read This Month: California, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, New York (6), San Francisco (2), South Carolina, Washington DC, England, Hungary, London

Genres read: contemporary (2), historical romance, romance (4), romantic suspense, steamy romance (3), suspense/thriller (6),

What I am looking forward to next month:

A Breath of Fire by Amanda Bouchet

Christmas with these three grands was extra special!  Next year will be doubly exciting as two more will join our family in June and August.

Linking up with Kathryn at The Book Date's Month In Review

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tuesday Intro/Teaser

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros is a weekly meme hosted by Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea every Tuesday. To participate share the opening paragraph or two of a book you've decided to read based on that paragraph. Please feel free to join in, First Chapter~First Paragraph~Tuesday Intros.

What He Needs To Know
A naked selfie. It starts with that. Hector Cantrell sends a seventeen-year old kid to troll middle school in East L.A. The kid, improbably named Addison, makes for fine bait. Seedily handsome, starter mustache, pop-star cheekbones, dirty blond hair flipped just so. He wears a hoodie and rides a skateboard, the better to look like he's fifteen.

The Nowhere Man by Gregg Hurwitz
(Evan Smoak #2)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by Ambrosia of The Purple Booker

He gives her a phone number: 1-800-2-NOWHERE. A magical, fix-it line.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Last weekly reading wrap up of 2016

Reckless Creed by Alex Kava (#3)
Ryder Creed owns CrimeScents, Inc, a company that trains dogs for search and rescue, service, etc. He is called in on a case of a missing young woman. Meanwhile one of his employees gets the news that his good friend killed himself.  Friend Maggie O'Dell is called in on a case that cold be related to a missing fugitive. When they discover the three cases are intertwined they know they are on the trail of this fugitive, that not only threatens them, but Ryder's dogs as well. This is the third book in this series, but each book stands alone. Learning more about the secondary characters was a bonus that made this book even better. 

The Gun Runner by Scott Hildreth (#1) audio
Former Marine Michael Tripp is a gun runner with discriminating  .  He stops by a coffee shop and interrupts a guy mistreating his girlfriend. Terra is impressed by this knight in shinning armor and shows up at the coffee shop daily in order to run into him again. She has been on Michael's mind as well, but he knows his line of work makes a relationship difficult. When they finally run into each other the chemistry is immediate, but each is keeping a big secret.  Terra is a "mafia princess" living on a trust fund and knows her father will not like Michael.  Told in alternating voices of Terra and Michael added to the complete telling of their story. Elizabeth Hart did a good job with Terra's naive, spoiled character, but did at times become too whiny. I thought Jeremy York did an even better job with Michael, his work ethic, concern for Terra and loyalty to his friends . Both did a great job with the action, suspense and romance.  The books ends with a bit of a cliffhanger and I look forward to the next installment.
*Thanks to Harlequin Audio (HarperCollins) for this review copy*

Bossman by Vi Keeland (audio)
Reese is on a bad date and is calling  her friend to call her back with an fake emergency so she can leave.  Her phone call is overheard by Chase on his way to the restroom, and he calls her on it.  She is embarrassed, a little bit mortified and totally furious when he shows up at her table and inserts himself on her bad date. They run into reach again. She keeps thinking about him, but know he is nothing but trouble.  When he becomes her new boss, she definitely needs to set boundaries.  Chase has other ideas. Dual POVs add to the humor, chemistry and growth of the characters. Maxine Mitchell and Joe Arden narrated Reese and Chase with just the right emphasis on each of their character's personality traits and had me laughing out loud quite a few times.

Last week was a busy with lasts minute Christmas shopping,dinner preparations, present wrapping, and house cleaning.  As always audios helped to make the job easier, fun and not take as long as expected.  I am working on my favorite of 2016 list.  My First Book of 2017 has been chosen.

Happy New Year!

Linking to these memes:

Kathryn at Book Date hosts IMWAYR?, a place to  meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great opportunity to organize yourself, visit, comment, and add to that every growing TBR pile.

The Sunday Post
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Audio Bookshots

Bookshots "stories at the speed of life" were introduced recently and they have become the go to audios when I need a quick listen. They would be great for those just starting audio books or those that want a short listen.

The Chase by JP and Michael Ledwidge  (9.5)

Detective Michael Bennet's case is an apparent suicide.  When he begins investigating things don't add up.  The identification comes back to a man that died years ago with ties to the military.  The case takes him on a wild ride.Danny Mastrogiorgio makes this short story a listening pleasure. He is the voice of Michael Bennett - his snark, love of family and dedication to his job.

Little Black Dress by JP and Emily Raymond
After her divorce Jane Avery spends a lot of time alone.  In an effort to make a change in her life she buys a little black dress that helps her feel empowered.  She engages in behavior that is out of character for her and lands her in a place she never expected.  A bit on the steamy side rather than the thriller I expected it to be.  Helen Wick does a good job narrating that kept me listening.

French Kiss by JP and Richard DiLallo
Luc Moncrief has joined the NYPD. A success in France, he now look forward to a new adventure in New York.  He is investigating the death of his partner while she was undercover.  He seems to be getting nowhere until his lover Della is stabbed.  He travels to Paris on a hunch with his new partner.  When she is attacked he is sure he knows who is orchestrating these murders. Luc is an interesting, likeable character and I hope there are more books featuring him . Jean Brassard's narration was a bit fast at times, but a great fit for the character.

Heist by JP and Rees Jones
Colin Mace narrated this fast paced short that drew me in and left me a bit stunned at the end.  His accents were easy to listen to and his character transitions were perfect. A diamond heist that had been planned and practiced finally happens. Just as the crew thinks it will go as planned their haul is almost stolen from them by thieves on motorcycles. When the jeweler doesn't call the robbery in it raises eyebrows. Detective Hill, soon to be retired, takes the case. He is lead on a chase that takes a couple of twists.

*Thanks to Mitch and Hachette Audio for these Bookshots Audios*


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