Viser innlegg med etiketten Layout. Vis alle innlegg
Viser innlegg med etiketten Layout. Vis alle innlegg

fredag 8. desember 2023

My blog has been sleeping for the past two years...

 ... but now I am planning to wake it up and post my creative work again:)

Here is my take on the second October challenge from @csi_colorstoriesinspiration. Love to scrap Halloween photos and create layouts with autumn colours. 

torsdag 4. oktober 2018

CSI Case File No 263: Pumpkin Carving


I love fall colours, and because we carve pumpkins every year, I have lots of photos to match the color scheme. I therfore made two layouts inspired by the scene, and chose to document something about autumn in 2005 and 2006. The clues that I used are: leaves, apple, pumpkins (are they fruit?) numbers, animal (fox), something woven and lace on the tags.

Look at this awesome scene and be inspired by the design team and  CSI Case File No 263 over at the CSI challenge blog.  I loved it:-)


Deadline: October 31st.

søndag 9. september 2018

CSI Case File No. 261: Dance Explosion

While I was relaxing on holiday, my daughter and her friend went to summer classes in ballet, hiphop and modern dances. So for testimony I chose to document this. On the photo we are in the centre of Oslo, looking for the dance school. The evidence I used was solid white background, clip, diagonal stripes and a number.
I really loved the colour combination of the challenge, and intended to use all of them, but it became a challenge with my limited holiday kit:-)

You can find the challenge here:-)
It lasts all month and closes on the 30th of September.

Case File No. 260: Cute

 Inspired by the girls and their floral dresses in this challenge, I made a page of our Sweedish summer girl Edith. She was so cute in her mum’s t-shirt and sun hat walking from the beach. 
For evidence I used solid white background, floral pattern, stripes, people embellishment, travel-themed elements, flowers, watercolour, ribbon and twine.

Case File No. 260 is found here:-)

tirsdag 7. august 2018

Case File No 259: Surfing in Sweden

The first August case file from CSI has a colour combination that I just love. Perfect for my surfing page, which I made on holiday with only a few tools;-). Here is the challenge:

And here is my layout. 

For testimony I chose to document our children trying some kind of surfing on holiday in Sweden. The evidence are solid white background, architectural elements, transportation stickers and triangles.

While on vacation, I planned to do some scrapping, and packed a few necessities that unfortunately was forgotten in my husband´s car as he was heading home before me. I then "had to" buy a few new supplies, and one of my new favourite things is this alphabet maker from We R Memory keepers. I used it on all the three layouts I made. 

tirsdag 15. mai 2018

CSI Case File No. 254: Bedtime

A new challenge is up at CSI! Have a look at this inspiring case file:

My DT page is inspired by the colours, and also the list of evidence that you can find at the bottom of the challenge page here. The evidence on this page is flowers, label, bling and gold glitter.

My layout is about a very common situation in my sister´s house. Someone really loves Peppa Pig:-)

søndag 15. april 2018

CSI Case File No. 252

In this challenge I was inspired by the scene; the stripes on the bedspread and the suitcases under the bed that made me think of travelling. From the list of evidence I chose: stripes, dots, circles, washi tape and puffy stickers.

Because I loved the colours so much, I made another page:-). 
From the evidence list I picked circle, clouds and triangles.

Here is a link to the challenge:

torsdag 1. mars 2018

CSI Case File No. 249: Write about your name

Første utfordring frå CSI i mars. Eg valte å løysa oppgåva på den tradisjonelle måten, ved hjelp av stikkord og forslag til tema. Det finn du nedst på CSI si side her. Eitt av tema var å skriva om namnet sitt. Eg syntest det passa fint å skriva historia bak sonen vår sitt namn. Det er sjeldan eg skriv direkte på sida, men mange seier det er noko eg kjem til å bli glad for seinare:-)
Det er mange sponsorar denne månaden, og flotte premiar å vinna. I tillegg er utfordringane svært inspirerande:-).


I chose the traditional way of solving this case file, telling the story behind my son´s name. Vetle means "born in winter" or "a cub". In some places in Norway it also means "little". As we wanted to name our son after my father Malvin, we thought it would be nice with a "little Malvin" in the family, in addition to (big) Malvin. Vetle Malvin soon grew up to look alot like his grandfather, and we were pleased by our choice. Now, being almost 2 meters tall, his name is quite ironic, and most people think it´s very funny.
For evidence I used wood, banners, woodland animals, triangles/trees, arrows and twigs.


Mitt DT-bidrag:-)

søndag 18. februar 2018

CSI Case Files Nos 247 and 248

I want to share with you my two latest pages made for CSI. The first challenge is telling the story of happy little girl playing in the sand on the beach in Spain. The colours were perfect for the photo I found.

The second layout I made after being inspired by nature in "the scene". I had a cute photo of my daughter painting a potato plant. She had learned about potato plants at school, and wanted to show us how they looked. 

These case files are great fun, and the colour scheme amazing. Have a try, and win great prizes:-)
Have a nice day!

lørdag 20. januar 2018

CSI Case File No 246: Baby Bunny

Endringar i CSI frå 2018 av! 
No kan du køyra freestyle, og ikkje lenger vera bunden av dei tradisjonelle fargane og "spora" som er foreslått. Det er nok å laga ei side basert på inspirasjon av biletet/scena, og skriva litt om kva som inspirerte deg. 

Du kan sjølvsagt halda fram som før, også, og løysa oppgåva på den gamle måten. Det viktigaste er at du får lyst til å scrappa og ta vare på minne som er viktig for DEG. 

Flotte premiar er det kvar månad. Lukke til:-)

Mitt forslag til løysing:

Eg vart mest inspirert av scena, og haren fekk meg til å tenkja på nokre bilete eg hadde liggjande av dotter mi i ein jakke med kaninøyre. Eg likte godt fargane som høyrde til, og valde å bruka dei på tradisjonelt vis. Eg treng nok litt tid på å køyra freestyle sjølv, og måtte støtta meg på foreslåtte spor nedst på CSI si førsteside;-)

lørdag 2. desember 2017

Case File No. 243: Winter Holiday

The first of every month the CSI challenge comes with a sketch. The colours on case file no. 243 inspires us with wintery colours and a Christmas scene to put us in the right mood:-) 

My take on no. 243

Some years ago we were on winter holiday in the Norwegian mountains. The kids enjoyed both skiing in the daytime, and being in the outdoor hot tub in the afternoon/evening. Beautiful weather made this a holiday to remember.
The evidence I used: glitter, circular elements, silver, winter elements and deer head.

onsdag 1. november 2017

CSI Case File No 241: Pumpkin carving 2016

Autumn colours from CSI challenge no 241 to make autumn pages:-)
These pumpkins are from last year´s pumpkin carving gathering in our house. It has become a tradition to invite the same people over for dinner and creative time every year. It is a delight to see our teenagers enjoy a few hours without their Iphones or computers. 

Evidence I have used: leaves, wood, star, chevron arrows and animals.
Testimony: Document autumn

mandag 16. oktober 2017

CSI Case File 240: Cinderella

There are so many beautiful layouts to inspire you in this case file from CSI.

I have chosen to solve the case by documenting a celebration on stage. The local ballet group performed the love between Cinderella and her prince, and it was magical. 

Evidence used: stars, flowers, texture paste, pearls and stamps
Testimony: inspiration words you, lovely and sweet, and document a celebration

tirsdag 3. oktober 2017

CSI Case File No 239: Summer all year round

The first CSI October challenge is here, and I have made a page about sweet Nora, the summer girl born in Singapore.
My testimony clues are the summer topic and the inspiration words paradise and summer.
Evidence clues are washi tape, thin stripes, flowers and a flamingo.

mandag 18. september 2017

CSI Case Files 237 & 238

This month is all about school and books:-) 
You have until the end of the month to solve both these case files.
Case file no 238 I have solved by using the following evidence: 
text print, googled eyes, coloured pencils and enamel dots. 
The testimony is to document a favourite book or reading.

Case file 237 is solved by using these pieces of evidence: 
triangles, scissors, cactus and school themed stuff.

mandag 21. august 2017

CSI Case File No 236: Ship ahoy

Case file no. 236 is all about pirates, skulls and crossbones! Enjoy yourselves making a scary or a cute pirate layout:-) You have until the end of the month to join this fun challenge!

Here is my layout showing the pirate party my son had on his 7th birthday some years ago.
Evidence to solve this case: flags/banner, wet medium, nautical elements, clouds, sun, birds, (palm) trees, wave shape, triangles and skull and crossbone.

lørdag 5. august 2017

CSI Case File No. 235

CSI has another great sketch and challenge running the whole of August. It´s always fun to look for clues to solve these cases. The evidence on my layout this time is solid white background, flowers, eyeglasses, puffy stickers and wet medium. For testimony I chose the topic girlfriends. 

A couple of years ago I went to Barcelona with six friends of mine. Every second year we travel to a new place together. Up till now we have been to Bergen, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Riga, Rome, Warszawa and Barcelona. These girls are always fun to spend some days with:-)

onsdag 19. juli 2017

CSI Case File No. 234

This case file suggests to document a summer getaway, and I had plenty of photos from different vacations to choose from. The photo I picked here show the joy of my son on the playground close to a house we rented in Denmark. It was freezing cold outside and very windy the whole time we were there. Still, the kids loved it, and never noticed that we had to buy them warmer clothes.
You can join this challenge up till the 31. of July.

Testimony: Document a summer getaway
Evidence: Triangles, scallops, sun and stamps

CSI Case File No. 233

Due to the holidays, I´m a bit late posting the last two layouts for CSI, but here they are.
Girly colors on this first one, and I chose some photos of my dad and my daughter picking apples in my parents´garden. They were so special to each other. 

Evidence I used: triangles, watercolors, metal string, puffy sticker, leaves and fruit.
Testimony: Document a weekend ritual - visiting grandpa and grandma


lørdag 15. april 2017

CSI Case File No. 228

Here comes CSI Case File No. 228. Great palette, and fun to solve.

Did your know CSI was looking for new members for their design team? If you are interested, take a look here. It´s such fun creating layouts based on these exciting case files, and the team members are so talented, creative and supportive.

Here is my take on the second case file of April.

Evidence: chevrons, branches/flowers, silver metal, jars, puffy stickers
Testimony: journal about your husband and inspiration words home and comfort

This page is about the many times our daughter woke up in the evening smelling her dad´s late night cooking. She used to get up, tip-toeing into the living room nicely asking for a bite. She never got a no from my husband. He loved sharing his food with her. Even after bedtime.