Please bear with me as this is a long post.
My, oh my, I am one blessed blogger for having received so much love in cyberworld. I've gotten these wonderful awards from dear friends whom I haven't even met yet.
Lisa gave me this:

“This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant.” Okay, I'm blushing. Lisa is just an all-around wonderful lady who leaves me the most encouraging comments. Thanks, Lisa, it's an honor that you think my blog content is brilliant.
The conditions of this award are:
- I must thank the person who gave me the award, list their blog and link to it
- I must list ten (10) honest things about myself
- I must put a copy of The Honest Scrap Logo on my blog
- I must select at least seven (7) other worthy bloggers & list their links
- I must notify the bloggers of the award
10 Honest Things About Me …….
1. I'm a Christian, saved by grace alone. I give God credit for all the wonderful things in my life.
2. My favorite dessert is cheesecake.
3. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain - even had a "minor" root canal done in Croatia without novocaine (OUCH!!!). Oh, and I had a C-section, too, in Croatia with only Tylenol for my post-operation pain medication.
4. I am a big Jane Austen fan.
5. I used to hate pink and anything girly, but God has a sense of humor and gave me THREE girly girls who love pink. They've converted me to do the same.
6. I had a long "must have list" for a husband, so I didn't think I would ever get married. God proved me wrong again and brought me a wonderful husband who is everything I wanted and more.
7. I was very career-minded when I started college and changed my mind before I finished. I don't regret that choice for even one second. I love my life!
8. I'm a tech geek and loves to learn new software.
9. I got to know and fell in love with my husband while on a missions trip to Siberia (yes, THAT Siberia).
10. I was one of the many stranded travelers after the Sept 11 tragedy, while being 8 months pregnant. It wasn't fun, but we can laugh at the experience now. :-)
I nominate these wonderful ladies for the above award:
Crystal, Sue, Marcie, Paula, Selma, Tami, Joni and Tenia.---------------------------------
The other award I received is from
Sue and
Paula. These wonderful ladies have been a source of encouragement and inspiration with their beautiful creations and comments. Go check out their blogs and you'll know what I mean.

I am so thankful for all the new friends I've made through blogging and one of my greatest wishes is that I will have a chance to meet you all someday! Thank you for adding more beauty and joy in my life through your wonderful creations.
One of my exciting news that I can share now is...I now illustrate for
Squigglefly. They sell my illustrations as digital images (or digistamps, as others call it, too.) that you can download instantly and resize to whatever size you want. I hope to post some projects in the next couple of days using my images from there. I have some
wedding images,
flowers and
Scripture word arts there. If you've read all the way down here, thank you. Have a good day!