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Showing posts with label CRAFT DT card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CRAFT DT card. Show all posts

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A bit sketchy

Hi all,
I hope you are having a good weekend.  It was lovely seeing hubby's family last week.  Daisy and Martha don't see their cousin an awful lot, so they were very excited to have a sleepover and got to bed very late.  This weekend we went to Wallington house, a national trust property, which had a Gruffalo weekend.  We spent the day searching for all the characters in the story, although Martha was a bit scared he might catch her!
Over at CRAFT, we have a fantastic sketch for you.  I have used an image called My Fair Lady by Sassy Studios, one of our sponsors.
See you later.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Hanging around

Hi all,
Well, the girls are going to a birthday party today and then we are going away for the weekend.  We are staying near a theme park and have access to it all weekend, so the girls will be happy.
Over at CRAFT, our theme is to create a bookmark or a doorhanger.  I have made a very pink and girly doorhanger for Daisy's room, using an image from QKR, one of our sponsors.
See you later.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Yes, it is girly

Hi all,
This is another scheduled post.
Over at CRAFT, our theme is for the girls.  Now, I know this isn't the traditional girly style, but it was another birthday card I made for Martha.  She loves bunnies and the colour blue.  Although she loves barbie dolls at the moment, we had a lot of trouble trying to find a blue barbie car for her dolls (it was what she asked for).  It does annoy me when everyone seems to think that all girls like pink.
See you later.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Fancy a rest?

Hi all,
Well, it's the weekend (nearly).  We had a lovely half term, even if the weather wasn't too good.  Today, it was really sunny, so we went to a park, which has a great paddling pool as well as all the normal play park things.  The girls loved it and then we had an ice cream to finish off (I was probably more excited about this than they were!)
Over at CRAFT, our theme is father's day or male.  I have used an image called It's your day, by Karen's Doodles and the papers are from my scrap drawer.
See you later.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I'm a rocket man (or dog!)

Hi all,
Well, spring seems to over and we have gone back to winter.  It's been very windy all day.  Martha and I stayed in a lot of the time, except for going shopping for a blue bunny that Martha wanted.  Well, we couldn't find one anywhere, so when we got home, I tried making one.  I have to do the face now.
Over at CRAFT, we have a colour challenge for you.  I have used an image called Rocket Dog, by QKR Stampede, one of our sponsors.
See you later.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The very best at being bad ...

Hi all,
Where has the time gone?  I was teaching 2 and a half days last week and the time seemed to fly by.  Martha had an extra day in nursery, which she seemed happy about, although I had the usual guilt about leaving her.  Anyway, I enjoyed teaching, although one and a half days in a reception class was very tiring.  I'm used to slightly older children, so having 20 4 and 5 year olds was fun but wearing!
Over at CRAFT, our theme is queen for a day/fantasy/ bling.  I am using this wonderful image by Sassy Studios, one of our sponsors.  I know she is a wicked queen, but she is fabulous.  I have had the textured paper for years and just thought it went perfectly.
See you later.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's really not beginning to look at lot like Christmas

Hi all,
I can't believe that Daisy's Easter holiday is almost over.  We went swimming today and Martha had fun tipping water over our heads with a plastic watering can!
Well, the weather has been quite Christmassy lately (although I am hoping it is now over), but it really is only April.  I have this title because over at CRAFT this week, our theme is Christmas.  I have used an image called Christmas rooftop by Hope Jacare, one of our sponsors.  The papers are magazine freebies.
See you later.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Hi all,
Here is another of my slightly late DT cards.  Yesterday we went to a naming ceremony of the fourth son of some of hubby's old school friends, and then we stayed the night at my in laws.  This afternoon, we went to a friend's son's first birthday party.  I was glad to get home and sit down!
Over at CRAFT, our theme is recycle.  Daisy went to a friend's birthday party last Friday and this is the card I made.  The ribbon was a hanging loop from a dress and the flower is from some packaging.
See you later.

Monday, March 4, 2013

I'm still here!

Hi all,
Firstly, I am sorry I haven't been around for nearly a week.  I have been madly busy with life.  I have loads of rehearsals for the show I am in as that starts next week, and also I have started running a craft club after school on a Wednesday and have been preparing for that.  I also had meetings for PTA and nursery things so didn't have time to stop.
I have to apologise to my teamies at CRAFT as I am VERY late with this card.  Our theme is embossing, and I have used an image by one of our sponsors, Meljen's Designs.  I have gone for a white on white Christmas card and used a snowflake embossing folder and scored lines using my scoreboard.
Hopefully I will see you tomorrow.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Ewe make me smile

Hi all,
We're off to Manchester this afternoon, so I have lots of packing to do and I'm sure the girls will help!
Over at CRAFT, we have a recipe for you, to use 1 circle, 2 squares, a sentiment and ribbon.  I have used an image from Pink Gem, one of our sponsors, and the papers are freebies from a magazine.  I know this is quite simple, but I completely messed up and thought there was a different theme this week and made that card.  It was only when I checked the other cards from the DT, that I realised my mistake and needed to get something made quickly.
See you later.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Well, it has been snowing

Hi all,
I hope you had a good day.  Daisy asked for a special Valentine's Day tea today, so they got heart shaped omelettes and then a pink iced heart shaped cake which Martha and I made.  I think that was themed enough!
Over at CRAFT, our theme is Christmas in February.  The weather has been quite wintery this month, so it didn't feel so odd making a Christmas card.  The image is Christmas Mantle, by Floppy Latte, one of our sponsors.  The papers are freebies from a magazine.
See you later.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Give us a hug!

Hi all,
I hope you had a good week.  Ours has been busy as usual, and then today the girls had their dancing/drama lessons, so we have been out for most of the day.
I am a bit late in posting this, but over at CRAFT this week, our theme is get well/use bandages/sympathy.  I used an image from Wags n Whiskers, one of our sponsors, and made a get well card, as I think everyone wants a hug when they aren't well.  The papers are from Hot off the Press and the flower dies are by Nellie Snellen.
See you later.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Masquerade, painted faces on parade...

Hi all,
I can't believe where the week has gone.  Today, we spent the morning at a friends house and then Daisy had a dance lesson after school.  Martha came too and watched, but insisted on wearing her dance dress and ballet shoes too.  I have been having troubles with my printer and it completely gave up this Monday, and so all my plans of getting ahead with my DT makes went out of the window.
Over at CRAFT, our theme is to use or make a mask.  I know that there are many definitions of a mask and masking in craft, but I decided to go literal and use a mask stamp I had in my stash.  The main image is Birthday Kids 12 by Stamp Fairy, one of our sponsors.  I used dies I bought at the NEC and some very fine blue net between the backing paper and the image.  I think this would make a good party invitation, but it would have to be a very small party, as it took a while to make!
See you later.

Friday, January 25, 2013

All you need is love

Hi all,
The snow decided to come back this afternoon, but hopefully this is the last of it now as I really don't like driving in these conditions.  Hopefully, we will be able to take the girls to their dancing and drama classes tomorrow as they have already missed some because of the weather.
Over at CRAFT, our theme is Valentine's/love.  I have used an image by Hope Jacare, one of our sponsors, called Love Overflowing.  The paper is from a pack I have had for years, but it doesn't have it's cover anymore, so I don't know who made it.  I'm not sure if this will go to hubby, as it is a bit pink and lovely dovey for him.  I'm off for a bit of hopping.
See you later.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Is it too early?

Hi all,
I hope you are all okay, and keeping warm if snow is near you.  Daisy's school was shut early and we had to collect them.  I was glad she comes on the bus as I wouldn't have wanted to drive to get her.  I really don't like driving in snow.  We've got about 5 inches of snow here and the girls are looking forward to going out and making snowmen tomorrow.
Over at CRAFT, our theme is Christmas in January.  I did find it a bit hard making a Christmas card now, but it might help me be more organised for next Christmas.  I have used a fab image by Bugaboo, one of our sponsors.
See you later.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The seaweed is alway greener, in somebody else's lake....

Happy 6th birthday to Daisy
Hi all,
As you may gather, it is Daisy's birthday today.  She got up at half six this morning and opened all her presents, with Martha helping.  She asked to go to the local pub for tea, so hubby came home from work a bit earlier and we headed there, which was lovely as we don't often go out in the week.
We gave Daisy a pink camera, as she loves taking photos and also taking videos of herself singing and this one is better quality than the kids camera she did have, which has now been claimed by Martha.  She also had some money, so we are taking her shopping on Saturday as she would like some clothes and some toys.
Over at CRAFT, we have a colour theme for you to use, which is mainly blues.  I have used Ursula Honey, by Sassy Design Studios, one of our sponsors, and I thought the blue theme went well, as she is meant to live in the sea.  The papers are from my scrap boxes and I used woodware punches for the flowers.
See you later.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Better late than never!

Hi all,
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.  As has been the case for a while here, it was really busy and I am still chasing my tail, which is why I haven't been around to any blogs for a while.  I am planning to put that right tonight and tomorrow.  The drama club's nativity went well.  The children enjoyed it and the parents were pleased with what they saw, which is always nice.  Then, my inlaws came over for a few days over Christmas.  The girls were very excited on the day and seemed to like what they got.  Then, it was hubby's birthday on the 29th, so we went over to my inlaws for a few days to see some friends and then they offered to babysit while we went to see Skyfall - which I enjoyed more than some of the recent Bond films.  We had friends over for New Year and then we all went for a walk on the beach - the kids even paddled. 
Daisy goes to school tomorrow and although I'll miss her, it will be quite nice to get back to a normal routine.
Over at Incy Wincy, our theme is to use something new.  I have used Ruby, a stamp by one of our sponsors, Care2Stamp.  The scallop dies and embossing folder were bought at the NEC in November, but I haven't had a chance to use them before, so they are my something new.
As I haven't had a chance to post this before, I thought I would do it now.  The bottom card is my DT inspiration for CRAFT. Our theme is to make your own backing paper.  I have used an image called Harley and Haley by Saturated Canary.  The background paper was made with Victorian Velvet distress ink, stamped with a flower stamp I got free with a magazine.

I have made this one for Daisy's birthday.  She will be 6 this Thursday and so on Sunday we are taking her and 3 friends bowling.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Away in a Manger

Hi all,
Not long before Christmas now, and I have soooooo much still to do.  Daisy went off dressed in her party dress as her school has their Christmas party today (they all have it together as there are only 50 children in the school) and she is very excited about having 2 weeks off.  Martha had fun at her toddler party, although she hid when Santa came in and only looked up again when he left!
Over at CRAFT, we have a great sketch for you.  I have used an image by Glitterbabe called nativity and lots of scraps of papers.
See you later.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Not long to go

Hi all,
Well, it's very snowy here.  Yesterday we got a message from school saying that the bus was collecting the bus children at 1pm because of the poor road conditions.  We were okay as I was home with Martha, but it wasn't so good for people who had to work.  Anyway, we spent the afternoon playing in the snow and then warming up with hot chocolate.
Over at CRAFT, our theme is Christmas and I have used a wonderful image by Robyn's Fetish, one of our sponsors.  I have gone traditional here, because I think the image needed it.  The papers are magazine freebies.
See you later.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Baubles galore

Hi all,
As is usual at the moment, I am running a bit late with this post.  I was at work Wednesday and Thursday, which aren't my usual days, but as Mum and Dad are up, they can look after Martha.  Then, Martha's been ill last night and today, so she has been quite clingy.
Anyway, over at CRAFT this week, our theme is to use fabric.  I have had lots of Christmas fabric lying around for years as I was going to make decorations and things, so I found this fab bauble pattern and used an image by Bugaboo stamps, one of our sponsors.  The papers are by My Mind's eye.
See you later.