Someday, the altered art you make today will be
old, faded, falling apart, and someone else will salvage the bits and use them
in new altered art.It's the best that any piece of art can hope for

~ anon~

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Showing posts with label Zettiology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zettiology. Show all posts

Monday, 11 January 2010

Frivolous Feet

I fancied having a go at a blog challenge so had a look yesterday at Ink on my Fingers Sunday Stampers.
This week the challenge was entitled 'Tiger Feet' and being a Mud fan in my day I just had to have a go.

Luckily you didn't have to include the Tiger bit just the feet bit.!! Now... I am not over-run with feet stamps, but I did come across these lovely Stockinged Legs that I bought from Dimension Forth ages ago and never quite had a reason to use them. So I am hoping Hels will allow these stockinged feet!??
(If you click on the photo, you will see there are various references to feet)

Now to me Feet means travelling, and if you have had a look at my blog before you may remember 'Auntie Gertie' - I have been thinking about her since I found the stamp which reminded me so much of her and have wondered what her life was really like, she died before we could have a 'proper' adult conversation.
I wonder if that spinster lady who looked after her parents until they died and as far as I can remember hardly ever left her home town, never mind her home county, had a secret desire to (or in fact actually did) wear frivolous /daring underwear and dreamt of taking off and travelling the world.

We will never know, but if she did then this collaged mirror is a tribute to her secret desires.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

Very therapeutic

Well I was supposed to be tidying/organizing my craft room but I got a bit sidetracked when I came across Pbirds Round Robin page which I really should have passed on by now! (sorry Paula will pass it on tomorrow!) but anyway I had been musing over Paula's theme of Imagine and then came across my new acrylic bits and my Alice in wonderland stamps, which were out because I am sadly lacking inspiration for an AIW swap...

Anyway back to the plot... if Lewis Carroll didn't have an amazing imagination no-one did, so I decided to base the RR page around Alice. So here it is, I had a delightful time doodling/colouring and really like the result. My colours are getting brighter and bolder by the day! If I was a proper artist I could say I was going through my 'Bright Period' lol

The strange surreal stuff on the side is some Vilene that I was bought for my birthday... spray it heat it, it becomes holey... am I doing it right?? Anyway looks cool here! I did have a bit of a blonde moment though, thought it may be a good idea to put it through my hardly ever used Xyron machine, except I had a laminating cartridge in it.. whoops! with much care I managed to extract it!
It's a bit different from my normal stuff (if you can call anything normal) so I hope Pbird likes it!

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Been told off....

for not updating my blog for a few days.... well I've been busy altering another matchbox for the above person....

It reads....
"There is nothing finer in this here world than a friend who is smug and wears........"
Stripey socks
Now I could relate a long and sorry tale about the history and story about this friend and this quote, but it is nothing more than the plain fact that she is very talented, so quite rightly smug (gawd help us if she wins the ATC competition at Ally Pally this weekend for the third year running, we will never hear the end of it) and lives in a strange Zetti like world of her own.... so if she doesn't wear stripey socks then she jolly well should!

Not long now till my twice yearly treat of taking myself off to Alexandra palace in London and The Big Stamp and Scrapbooking Show... a weekend staying with my bessie mate... meeting up with lots of other friends and a bit of a spend on crafty goodies....... what could be finer???

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Had a bit of a Zetti weekend

A new venture for me..... the world of Zettiology. For real examples you should check out

But here are my efforts....

When I asked for advice from an artist who I greatly admire, this is what she said

'As far as Zetti is concerned, there are NO rules whatsoever. The idea is to get yourself into the mind-set (which is not always easy) to create ODD and STRANGE. If you don't have any Zetti stamps (which I didn't to start with) use any bits from mags and cut and paste bits together that don't really match. Mix them all up with a bit of doodling and journaling here and there and you will have created zetti (Land of Odd!)'

So I think I have entered the Land of Odd, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. It is lovely to work without boundaries, knowing that nothing is right or wrong... These babies are going to wing their way over to the USA where I (in a drunken moment I think) entered a swap. I'm looking forward to seeing what I get in return.

Not to everyone's taste I know, but they were huge fun to do and very therapeutic.

Now off to do some more doodling...........another project I started this weekend!