We got to start on a quilt that Ainsley is going to work on throughout the year. She painted her name, a birthday cake with her birthday on it, and I put paint on her hands and feet so she could make hand and footprints on the quilt too. That was her favorite part! It was funny to watch her paint the birthday cake cuz she was being such a perfectionist. I traced a cake and then she painted the inside of it and it took her so long! She did a very good job though! There was one time that she went outside the line and she got really frustrated!
Then we went into the gym so they could take her picture and get her measurements. She is 3 feet 2 inches, and she weighs 33 pounds!
After all that stuff, she got to play for a little while. She ran around the gym with this little horsey for about 20 minutes and then we went home!