In the spirit of socktoberfest, I'd like to share a little bit about my history of sock knitting - although it's a been short one!
My first pair of socks were completed about a year ago with the help of my secret pal. I dropped the hint that I wanted to learn and she sent me some great sock yarn and a simple sock pattern from Knitting Pure and Simple. They weren't anything too fancy - basic crew with a heel flap and simple toe knit on DPNs. They fit pretty well, little loose at the top though. I probably should have gone down one needle size.

First Socks
My second socks were intended to be a Christmas gift, but I decided I liked them for myself and didn't know if I would make the deadline. They were the Log Cabin Socks from Handknit Holidays. I wore them all winter long in my very chilly apartment. The Rowan Calmer held up just fine - and so did the rib trim this time!

Log Cabin Socks
For my third pair, I decided to be a little more adverturous and learn how to do a short-row heel and toe. I used Opal self striping yarn, which kept my plain stockinette sock from becoming too boring. In fact, they were far from boring. I was so addicted, I ended up knitting 3 socks. So much for second sock syndrome!

Chameleon socks
My fourth pair were Pomatomus made with Koigu. I had been a Koigu virgin and I have no idea why it took me so long to knit with this wonderful yarn! The colors were beautiful and worked so well with the fish scale like pattern. I've yet to wear this pair yet, since I finished in the summer, but I'm sure the Koigu will hold up just fine.

And now, my current Socktoberfest socks:

Embossed Leaves from Interweave Knits Winter 2005

Slow start
I've been dying to make these socks and only bought this issue because of them. I was also waiting for the right yarn to come along. I think the Mulberry Tree color and the shine of this yarn works perfectly with this pattern. I'm loving the color effect too. It's not stripy like other yarns, it give more of a mottled, almost impressionist kind of effect. It's so pretty!
Even though I've knit a few pairs now, I tend to stick to the same old technique and my trusty DPNs (my favorites are Brittany's 5" long Birch needles). There's so much I need to learn - different heel and toe finishes, knitting with the magic loop method, and of course the holy of all holies - knitting two at the same time!
I love knitting socks for two reasons: portability and they make great small in-between projects. It's easy to just throw a sock in your bag and knit a few rows here and there. And with all the secret projects I've been working on lately, they are a welcome something small to knit when I have a few minutes to myself between projects.
Hope you enjoyed my little "history" and hope everyone has an enjoyable Socktoberfest!