Danas su me obradovale dve nagrade, sa bloga moje drage
Pxoenix. Kad posjetite njen blog vidjećete zašto sam srecna što mi je baš ona dodelila nagrade. Zaista se ima šta videti, i naučiti, a posebno mi je drago sto se nas dve ne poznajemo bas dugo, a kako se kaze, "nasle smo se".
Po pravilu, isti award mogu da dodelim takođe kreativnim blogericama.. Ima ih zaista puno, pa je teško odabrati najbolje,ali eto moj prijedlog za ovaj put su ove blogerice:
Miki Panic
Sve su ovo kreativni i vrlo inspirativni blogovi.
Drage moje, sve koje ste na spisku treba da uradite ovo.
1. Preuzmete jedan od ovih awarda za svoj blog
2. U tekstu vašeg bloga ukucate link blogerice koja vam ga dodijeljuje
3. Izaberete blogove koji vas najviše inspirišu i unesete linkove.
Želim vam jos puno priznanja i posjeta na vašim divnim blogovima...
What a morning! What a surprise! I received two awards from blogger
Phoenix and if you visit her blog you'll understand why am I so happy that I was awarded these. There is really a lot to see and learn
According to the rules, I can give this award to other creative bloggers. And since there are really a lot of them it is very difficult for me to pick the best ones. However, this is my proposal for the awards.
These are all very creative and the blogs are exceptionally inspiring.
My dears, all of you that are listed here, you need to do the following:
1. Download one of the awards for your blog,
2. In the text field input the address of the blog you received this award from,
3. Select the most inspiring blogs for you and enter their links.
I sincerely wish you many more awards and a lot of visits to your great blogs.
Cmokić (kiss)