Showing posts with label Women's Wear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women's Wear. Show all posts

Friday, 8 December 2017

A Good Cloth is Always Neat

One of the basic rules for me: keep your headcloth (wimple, scarf, veil, coiffe etc) as neat as you can. I am usually a big fan of big and untidy tidy, as often seen on the early Flemish masters, or I like my wool headcover for really cold days. The cloth is handwoven, with the frilled edge created during the weaving by additional weft threads.

For the Christmas-Celebration last year neither of my go-to styles would do, as it was organised by a Basel groupe, so my style needed to fit in more with theirs.

I nicked some of their pictures what show my attempt to blend in, I think it's not too bad

Photo: Not too bad for a style long not worn by me...

I used big fake braides made from unspun flax, made a new quick silk fringe (met his end by my cat the night after, I woke up to the whole thing kaput and all over the living-room floor), and wrapped my headcloth in a way what would be both warm and appropriate for the styles worn in Basel &  Alsace.

The new silk fringe
Photo: A. Reeves
Lighting the candles for mass.
Photo: Compagnie Basilisk