Showing posts with label My Card Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Card Photography. Show all posts

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Photography Backdrops on a Budget!

Hi guys

You may have noticed from my most recent posts that I've been using props and staging for my card photography.

For a while I wanted to purchase some photography backdrop boards but found them all very expensive....and I know absolutely nothing about photography so didn't want to spend too much on backboards if I couldn't bring out the best in them.  I take all my card photos on my mobile phone!

So, I ended up making my own...

Here's how I did them.

I was wondering around The Range (a UK home/garden/craft store, for my overseas friends who aren't familiar) as I often do as it's only a five minute drive from home, and was walking passed the DIY section when I saw some wood effect wallpaper.  So I stole ripped off some good amounts from the free sample need a good amount to get the real effect on your wall, right?! :)

I then wandered around the art section looking for some kind of foam/mount board.  They did sell foam board in packs of two but these were only A3 size and quite expensive.  So I then stumbled across some mount board.  It was larger than I wanted but better to be too big than too small, eh.  And at 'Buy four boards for £10' it's rude not to!  It's 700gsm so nice and sturdy.  You can follow the link, here, for the details.

So I brought it all home and adhered the wallpaper to the boards...done!  As you can see I didn't quite steal acquire enough of the stone wall effect paper but it's still plenty big enough for it's purpose.  I have one more board to complete when I find some more paper that I think will work.  I might eventually cut these down slightly as they are quite bulky for the amount of space I have but at the moment I just slide them behind a cupboard for storage.

So in total these boards have cost me just £2.50 each!  And if I find more designs I can quite happily adhere them to the back of these instead of buying more boards....that will be £1.25 per board!

I love a bargain!!

Here's some examples of the boards in use:

I hope you found this useful if you are looking for something similar.  Apart from being a little on the large side, these certainly work for me!

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