Friday, April 16, 2010

Did you ever?

Did you ever swallow your pride and do something hard just because it was the right thing to do? And then later realize, oh the prophet has been saying we should do this all along...

Yeah, me too.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Boys vs. Girls

Because I had four daughters before I had my little boy, people love to ask me if "he's so different?" My answer is invariably "Yes and No." Yes, he throws everything like it's a ball, the girls never did that. Yes, he came better equipped at making sound effects -- he makes a more accurate car noise than I do, and he can't drive.

But no, he's not more active or wild. No, he's not more rough. Maybe I had some wild little girls to start. Certainly some of his sisters were very active toddlers. But today, a conversation I had with him exemplified one major difference I've noticed with this little boy. Here's how it went:

John: Hey Mommy, burp for me!
Me: No John, I don't want to burp.
John: C'mon Mom, BURP!
Me: John, I don't like burping and I don't want to burp.
John: Mom, just use your neck, ok? It's easy Mom.

Yeah, he's different than his sisters. But sometimes, different is good.

P.S. Yes, in the first photo he tolerated "trading" jammies with Eliza for one night. He puts up with a lot...