This has been a hard year. I could explain all the reasons why I think this year has been hard on me personally as well as so many who are dear to me, but rather than go on, I'm just sticking with my first sentence.
Throughout the year, I have seen the Savior's hand in my life again and again. His tender mercies have picked me up and shored the lives of so many as I witnessed His love for His brothers and sisters time and again.
Three women, dear to me, and all those who knew them: angels who walked among us; passed away within the last six months. All three of these remarkable women were gone quickly, unexpectedly. In my mind, it seems there must be a new dynamite Relief Society presidency in Paradise. Zoe Ann, Ardelle, and Beth all left a legacy of love and kindness. I have no doubt if I follow their examples of faith and goodness, 2010 will be better -- or at least it will be better to me. Because it seems, you can't walk with faith and harbor anger, or fear, or be unkind. Faith in Jesus Christ alights in the believer the hope for a better tomorrow. And so, I walk by faith... again. Join me.