Here in New Jersey, my littlest guy doesn't go to school each morning like he did in NY. While I was a little concerned that he would be bored with the MWF preschool schedule we have here, he's quickly adapted and become my little buddy around the house again. I must say, I'm really cherishing this extra time with him, since this is his last year at home before he starts kindergarten (where or where does the time go?)
A few days ago, we had this conversation:
John: Mom, I just saw a queen ant!
Me: Are you sure it was a queen, buddy?
John: Yep, it was so humongo! (A John word for humongous)
Me: Hmmm, well John, just because a bug is big, that doesn't actually make it the queen. The queen is special. She keeps the hive or colony going and she makes the babies.
John: (thinking)... Mom, does that make you the queen of our house?
Me: Why yes, son. Yes it does.