Monday, November 07, 2011

Queen Bee

Here in New Jersey, my littlest guy doesn't go to school each morning like he did in NY. While I was a little concerned that he would be bored with the MWF preschool schedule we have here, he's quickly adapted and become my little buddy around the house again. I must say, I'm really cherishing this extra time with him, since this is his last year at home before he starts kindergarten (where or where does the time go?)

A few days ago, we had this conversation:

John: Mom, I just saw a queen ant!

Me: Are you sure it was a queen, buddy?

John: Yep, it was so humongo! (A John word for humongous)

Me: Hmmm, well John, just because a bug is big, that doesn't actually make it the queen. The queen is special. She keeps the hive or colony going and she makes the babies.

John: (thinking)... Mom, does that make you the queen of our house?

Me: Why yes, son. Yes it does.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

And we're back

So, as some may know, Daniel took a job in Princeton at the beginning of January. At the time, I had half the house gutted, no kitchen, a bunch of craziness. And then, no husband. As a result, no time to blog. No time to think. No time to do anything but put out fires. In 2011, we lost Daniel's mom unexpectedly to an unnamed lung disease, finished remodeling our house, went through the pain of marketing the house, and then moved to Princeton, in time for the kids to start school this morning. We are loving our new home and neighborhood. I never really believed that some men have 10 minute commutes and eat dinner with their families -- but Princeton has made it a reality for me. Blessed, I am, as ever, blessed.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


13 years ago today, I became a mother. I could tell you that I got thrown a miracle I never asked for, but that would be a lie. From the first time I held my little sister (another day I hope to never forget) I knew I wanted my very own baby. When Daniel and I were dating and first married, I even referred to babies as “little tinies.” I wanted my own “little tiny.” Well, I got it, and she was tiny – tiny and perfect. From the moment she appeared on the scene, she’s needed me. I guess I never counted on how much I needed her. Mothering Emma has never been easy. Sometimes, when I sit and think over her life, I am overwhelmed by the number of obstacles we have had to face-down. But I would take every one of those again to be her mother. Because did you catch that? – I’m a mother – her mother! Heavenly Father entrusted me (of all people) with such an amazing spirit.

Just this week, I took Emma to a new doctor. I have taken her to see doctors of many specialties in places all over the country. But this time, I knew that some of the health issues she’s been having had to be more than what the last few doctors were calling them. I needed to find someone who looked at the big picture and told me that everything was related – as I had suspected. As it turned out, Emma was diagnosed with an allergy to gluten, beef, and soy to name a few things. I wasn’t actually too surprised. Now, I’m on a mission to change the way she eats, to change what’s available in our home, and to help her back to better health.

Today, her 13th birthday, I spent 2 hours in the grocery store (my third this week) reading labels and trying to find my way through this new health maze. A friend called me on my cell phone while I was there. She asked me how I was handling it all. I thought for a moment, than answered, “She’s alive. She’s mine. This is nothing. I’m just glad to know more about how I can help Emma.” The greatest thing I’ll ever do, the greatest I can ever be – is to be the “mom.”

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Daniel sent me to learn about and buy balusters for our front stairs today. We need to have the balusters changed out and the stairs rebuilt as part of the ongoing construction at our house. So, I threw on my paint/working jeans and an old t-shirt, and ran the kids to school. Then off to the first of three lumber yards and two different Home Depot stores. I am now an expert on balusters. So, if you need to know -- just call me. I'm also an expert on men who gawk at blonds who visit the above mentioned places of business. Seriously guys, stop it with the staring. Women don't like it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Scene From Summer

We're still at the home we rented for the summer in Park City. It has been glorious. Here's a scene from today, that could have been plucked from many days this summer. (I was sitting in a chair in my bedroom reading when from the main floor I heard...)

Eliza: Mom, where are you?
Me: (Silence)
Eliza: Mom, are you upstairs or down?
Me: (Silence)
Eliza: Moooooommmmmmmm, where ARE you?
Me: (Still happily silent)
Eliza: (Tromping up the stairs toward the master bedroom) Mom, I'll find you!
and moments later...
Eliza: Hi, Mom. I found you!
Me: Hi Eliza, I wasn't lost.
Eliza: Mom, sometimes I think you hide from me.
Me: Sometimes Eliza, I think you're right.
Eliza: Oh not 'sometimes', Mom. I'm right usually.
Me: Well then, there you go.

Monday, July 19, 2010


I've been asked to guest post over at this week. So, if you are a movie fan -- especially British drama, follow me over there.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

I like

Watching Daniel laugh, I mean really laugh hard, is one of the great joys of my life. When he's laughing so hard that his whole body is shaking and he can barely breathe, I have to watch him and not the funny thing -- no matter what it is. The three things that made him laugh the hardest in the last decade:

1. David Hyde Pierce: as Brave, Brave, Brave Sir Robin on Broadway in Spam-A-Lot

2. Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood: Whose Line Is it Anyway? live performance at the Tarrytown Music Hall, opening skit

3. John Lithgow: when we saw him on Broadway in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

If you've never heard the Sir Robin song, listen here.

If Colin and Brad are coming to a town near you, go.

And if, per chance, you can ever see John Lithgow perform live, don't miss it. That guy is hysterical.