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Last Updated: Wednesday, 27 June 2007, 13:59 GMT 14:59 UK
Day in pictures: Brown takes over

Gordon Brown

Chancellor Gordon Brown left Downing Street on his way to the Treasury. When he returned he was prime minister.

Media in Downing Street

The world's media gathered outside Number 10 to witness the historic scenes.

Removal men

A removal van pulled up early in the day to remove the last of Tony Blair's possessions. A treadmill was among the items.

Tony Blair

Mr Blair did not make any statement as he emerged from Downing Street ahead of his final prime minister's questions.

John Howson

One man glad to see an end to the Blair era is John Howson. He was among protesters outside the Downing Street gates.

Tony Blair

The chancellor looked on as Mr Blair began his final prime minister's questions in the Commons.

House of Commons

Mr Blair received a standing ovation from both sides of the house before heading back to Downing Street. He was due to visit Buckingham Palace later to resign.

Blair family

Mr Blair posed for photographs with his family on the steps of Downing Street before leaving for the Palace.

Gordon and Sarah Brown

Mr Brown was given a rousing send-off by colleagues at the Treasury before leaving with wife Sarah for his audience with the Queen. She invited him to form a new government.

Tony Blair

Mr Blair took the train from King's Cross to his Sedgefield constituency as Gordon Brown emerged from Buckingham Palace as prime minister.

Sarah Brown, Gordon Brown

Standing by the steps of Number 10, Mr Brown said he would be strong in purpose, steadfast in will and resolute in action.

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