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Last Updated: Friday, 29 June 2007, 20:30 GMT 21:30 UK
Brown brings in more 'outsiders'
Gordon Brown
Mr Brown has appointed non-Labour Party advisers
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has added more non-Labour Party faces to his ministerial line-up.

Former Metropolitan Police chief Lord Stevens becomes his international security adviser.

Former Navy chief Sir Alan West joins the Home Office as a security minister and former CBI chief Sir Digby Jones will be trade promotion minister.

Dewsbury's Muslim MP Shahid Malik has joined Brown's new team as junior minister for international development.

Senior Lib Dems Baroness Neuberger and Lord Lester will also become advisers, and more appointments are expected later.

Sir Digby Jones: Trade minister
Prof Sir Ara Darzi: Health Minister, patient care
Admiral Sir Alan West: Home Office minister, security
Lord Malloch Brown: Foreign Office minister, Asia, Africa and UN
Lord Stevens: Adviser on international security issues
Lib Dem Baroness Neuberger: Volunteering
Lib Dem Lord Lester: Adviser on constitutional reform

David Cameron has also made a point of drafting in outside policy advisers, including Lord Stevens, since taking over as Conservative leader.

But the former Met chief turned down an approach from Mr Cameron to stand as Tory candidate for London mayor.

Tory shadow home secretary David Davis said: "We welcome this appointment. We hope it will lead to a more measured response to the security threats we face."

'Personal choice'

Baroness Neuberger will promote volunteering, while Lord Lester will advise Justice Secretary Jack Straw on constitutional reform - an issue discussed during Friday's Cabinet meeting.

Lord Lester was one of the principal architects of the Human Rights Act, one of the most significant constitutional changes introduced by Labour.

Mr Brown has chosen to make constitutional reform and restoring trust the subject of his first Commons statement as prime minister on Monday.

At the health department, surgeon Prof Sir Ara Darzi has been appointed a minister in charge of improving patient care.

Each of the new ministers will be given peerages if they are not already members of the House of Lords.

The prime minister's official spokesman said they would not have to join the Labour Party.

But they would be expected to take the Labour whip and vote with Labour peers, he added.

A spokesman for the Lib Dems insisted Baroness Neuberger and Lord Lester - who will be advisers, rather than ministers - would not take the Labour whip.

Ingram resigns

Sir Digby Jones said: "How I vote is my own affair, but I will be taking the Labour whip in the House of Lords," while his office had earlier said he wanted to remain "apolitical".

He will be part of the new Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.

He said Labour would "increasingly" become less " in thrall" of the unions, who he hoped would "get into a 21st century agenda".

Sir Alan West will serve as a parliamentary under secretary and will not replace Home Office minister Tony McNulty, who will continue in his post.

Sir Alan joined Home Secretary Jacqui Smith earlier, as they spent their first full day in their new jobs dealing with a terror alert in central London.

He is a decorated Falklands veteran, who commanded HMS Ardent during the 1982 war.

At the Department for International Development, former Treasury adviser Shriti Vadera will become a junior minister.

Full line-up

The appointments follow Thursday's announcement that former United Nations deputy secretary general and critic of the Iraq war, Sir Mark Malloch Brown, is to be Foreign Office minister.

Armed Forces Minister Adam Ingram has meanwhile announced his resignation from the government to head a review of the military's role in tackling the global terrorist threat.

Mr Brown signalled a break with Whitehall tradition today by moving the weekly Cabinet meeting in 10 Downing Street from Thursdays.

He is shortly expected to announce the full line-up of his new government, with dozens of junior posts still to be filled.

Lib Dem peer Baroness Williams is considering the offer of a role advising the government on nuclear proliferation.

Former Lib Dem leader Lord Ashdown turned down the job of Northern Ireland Secretary after leader Sir Menzies Campbell had previously said that no Lib Dems would join a Labour Cabinet.

The new Cabinet members on their roles

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