John Peel, veteran radio presenter and DJ, has died suddenly on holiday in South America.
Your third page of comments:
I loved that man. Very cool guy, even when he was being deliberately and devoutly uncool.
Crow, Bristol, England.
Back in the late 60s John was the only way some kids could hear 'underground' music. All other airwaves were wall-to-wall formulaic pop. His ear for good sounds was revolutionary. He certainly changed my life. I remember as a teenager hearing Tonto's Expanding Headband, Velvet Underground, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Loudon Wainwright III for the very first time on Radio One's 'Top Gear'. He was a man of integrity: true to himself and his listeners for over 3 decades. Rest easy, John.
Godfrey Bartlett, Brentwood, England
What an awful shock. It feels like a friend has died. Saturday mornings aren't going to be nearly so cosy. My deepest sympathy to his family - how lucky we all were to have him.
Charlotte , Birmingham
John's radio shows were always an oasis against the mainstream desert. A refuge for the otherwise voiceless. A celebration of pioneering music from all over the world. I owe a large part of my CD collection to him. Like the music he played he was a one-off. Thank you.
Neil Dyble, Poole, Dorset
John has always strived for a strong and diverse approach to music, and will be missed. I recall seeing him on TV lately, explaining what the word "love" meant. When he talked about his wife Sheila, he welled up. What a super man.
Su Friend, Ascot, Berkshire
A true individual. His depth of knowledge and willingness to play anything as long as it sounded good will mean that his passing will leave a huge void in the British music scene. He'll be sorely missed.
Craig Mudie, Dundee, Scotland
I was introduced to John Peel by my father when I was about eleven or twelve (now almost 40) and have listened to him ever since. I never met him but he introduced me to many of my favourite bands as he did for countless others around the world. I know he will be greatly missed and I send all my sympathy to his wife and family.
Rachel Dean-Titterrell, London
This man changed the nature of broadcasting not once but throughout his working life
Irreplaceable, this man changed the nature of broadcasting not once but throughout his working life. I doubt he is replaceable and hope the BBC will continue to broadcast his thoughts and words for as long as the archive exists. Farewell, I have lost an intelligent, incisive but most of all entertaining friend.
John, Brighton, UK
Although I never met John I felt I actually knew him. He was totally natural in his enthusiasm for music and his attitude to 'celebrity'. My condolences to his family.
Giles, London, UK
John will be sorely missed by many, many people. Unmistakable voice, unparalleled music taste and in inspiration to me. My thoughts to his friends and family. RIP
Phil P, Herts
I am absolutely gutted, the best Disc Jockey in the world has left us. Thank you John for introducing me to so many bands and new genres of music. You will never be forgotten. RIP
Julie Bassett, Loughborough
He invented alternative music and helped me through my difficult teen years - John Peel saved my life, will miss him greatly
Graeme Marsh, Glasgow
What am I going to listen to now? Stunned...
Neil, Brooklyn, NY
Totally shocked, JP came closer to changing my life than any other person in the music industry. Genuinely a huge loss. My sympathies to Sheila and family
Dave, Bristol
A true gent and the only risk-taker left in radio worldwide. Your passing will leave a huge hole in many, many lives, including mine. Love to the family.
Darren Parry, Holyhead, Anglesey
Deadpan self-deprecation, sensitivity and - just occasionally - grumpiness
He made a unique contribution to Radio 4 as well as to Radio 1. His Saturday-morning monologues were a tour de force of deadpan self-deprecation, sensitivity and - just occasionally - grumpiness. Listening to him in full flow was like having a conversation with an old mate - an absolute delight.
Pads, London
Tragic for his family, a great shame for the rest of us that we won't hear him playing great new music into his 70s. I remember him playing what became "grunge" before anyone had heard of Nirvana, and he was the first person anywhere to play "Groove is in the Heart" on the radio, still the best ever dance track. Only last week I was listening to a recording of the 25th anniversary festive 50 quiz with Jarvis Cocker and Billy Bragg among the contestants - most entertaining, and a shame that there won't be another festive 50.
Dominic, Leeds
I'll never forget what he did for alternative music. From Napalm Death to Autechre he discovered the real bands far from mainstream. Condolences to the family
Stefano, Roma Italy
Never once did you get the impression that he was 'just doing a job'
John Peel has, more than any single person, shaped my musical tastes and thus hundreds of life changing experiences as a result. Everything about his work told of a man who lived for the joy of what he loved the most, music and his family. Never once did you get the impression that he was 'just doing a job', never once did you feel he was doing it for the status. My thanks and thoughts are with your family. Bless you John Peel
Gareth, Torquay, England
Hard to believe that the man I used to listen to under the bedcovers and who introduced me to music that my parents wouldn't like is no longer with us. I will really miss his voice.
Rachel Rogers, Weymouth, UK
John Peel phoned me up once to tell me that he loved the CD of my band that I'd just sent him. I couldn't believe it. He was a fantastic, utterly unique man, and his love of music did nothing less than enrich the cultural life of this country. He will be sadly missed.
Steven, London
What a shock and what a loss! I discovered John Peel when I was about 15 years old, and used to sit in my bedroom with the radio glued to my ear listening to his late night programmes. He and Annie Nightingale were responsible for shaping my music tastes very early on!! I am now nearly 40, and recently found myself driving back late one night, once again listening to John on a late night radio show, playing fantastic music, and the years, it felt, had melted away!! He will be greatly missed.
Felicity Hyde-Thompson, Brighton, England
I am completely shocked. His voice will be sorely missed. Without doubt, simply the best DJ ever. Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.
Stuart, Birmingham, UK
What a sad day. The news has come as too much of a shock for me to recall the pleasure his choice of music has given me over the years. I am thinking of the pain that Sheila and his children must be feeling, and of the grandfatherly love which Archie will now be deprived.
Christopher Murray, Baltinglass, Ireland
I feel genuinely upset by the sudden death of John Peel. He was such a genuine voice of Britain, so familiar, so wryly funny and so comforting for so many years. British broadcasting will not be the same without him.
Harriet, London
His massive enthusiasm for new music was simply incredible
All my early music memories and influences are down to 2 people - my elder brother who I had to share a bedroom with and John Peel. And I suspect that really means it's all down to John Peel. I remember my brother playing me the things he'd taped from the JP show, Stackridge to The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, Viv Stanshall to the Strawbs... then when I got my own radio and could stay up and listen it seemed like the World opened up. His massive enthusiasm for new music was simply incredible. Such very sad news. A truly wonderful voice of music gone from the airwaves.
J, Cambridge, UK
Now where will we listen to music, bourne of personal taste (a trusted opinion), instead of music based on demographics, sales and inexperience. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones.
Ed Wilson, London UK
Thanks Peely for all you've done for the alternative side of music - the world will be a quieter place without you... Tonight as a tribute to the great man, light a candle, dig out your Undertones albums ...and get Teenage kicks right through the night .
Dave, Sheffield
A truly remarkable man. It was impossible to listen to him and not think you were the only person in the world he was speaking to. To hear one of his broadcasts was the same as listening to an old friend and it was difficult to believe that he did not know you and that you were not a friend of his. He had a perfect radio voice, a perfect radio manner and a superb ability to make anything sound interesting. He played the best music and he definitely, at times, played the worst; but there was not one second of any of his broadcasts when he played or said something he did not care about. His radio shows sucked you in, in a manner few others have managed or will manage in the future. Everyone who listened to him lost a friend today, whether he knew them or not.
John Pearce, Bolton, England
As an impressionable and wide eyed teenager in the 70s JP opened up a brave new musical world which still lives with me today. I've just been told that you have died and couldn't believe it. They'll be a great gig in the sky. Condolences to the Peel family
Rick, Croydon, UK
A great loss. Very few people in broadcasting have his integrity. I owe him a debt of gratitude to introducing me to my favourite album. My thoughts go out to his family
Steve H, London, UK
I had the pleasure of meeting John and sharing a beer with him many times at the Reading Rock festival where I worked during the late 70s and early 80s. I will always remember the reading of the football results each Saturday at Reading. John you will be so missed by people who love real music.
Paul Smith, London
So John, you chose to leave us in Cuzco. An important focal point of Incan belief is that the divine resides in everything; you certainly helped a lot of us see and feel that it resides in music and song. Cheers mate, and don't get too peeved by all that celestial harp playing.
Pete Kozak, Santiago de Chile
I am so sad to hear this news. For me, he was the only reason to listen to Radio 1. I live in Tokyo at the moment but I was looking forward to returning home so that I could listen to more music from new artists, the like of which I would never have heard in today's "plastic" music scene of TV reality "idols" and cheesy pop acts. Good on you, John, for letting the music speak for itself! Rest in peace.
Adam Spurr, Tokyo, Japan
I had recently bought ELO's Out Of The Blue just a few weeks before I first heard John Peel in 1976. Just think where my taste could have gone without him...? It's a very sad day for genuine learning. Condolences.
Matt Peach, Bath, UK
In the words of Tom Petty - "There goes the last DJ"
Darren, Lewes
Never imagined I'd see the day we'd have to live in a world without him. I simply can't believe I won't ever hear that voice again, saying "I've just got this demo tape from a band calling themselves Heavy Plank Consortium" or some such, after which he would play you something new and different and beautiful and exciting. There never was anyone to come close to him. I'm afraid there probably never will be. I hope him and Marc Bolan are sharing a few beers and a joke right now. God bless you John Peel father of the musical taste of millions.
Julian Coleman, Leicester
I have diaries from the 70's that list, not my life, but who John Peel had on session every night. His influence on British music was so total that I fear for the future. It's impossible to describe how much he will be missed. A very sad day indeed.
Gary Cameron, Aberdeen
A genuine 'nice guy' who had done so much for the music industry and influenced so many. He will be sadly missed by many.
Paul Alderwick, Gosport, UK
John supported the underdogs - the otherwise neglected genres of music not profitable enough for modern radio. In doing so, he gave promoters (like us), bands, and venues everywhere the means and inspiration to carry on. He'll be dearly missed by all. I hope Radio 1 at least attempt to replace him with someone fit to carry his mantle.
Dave, Newport, Wales
John's happy relaxed style was a tonic to all. A great personality and presenter. May his family find comfort.
Chris Fairweather, Ipswich
In a world full of superlatives when every halfway decent footballer is called a "genius" and the word "hero" is (used to describe someone who achieves the mediocre John Peel was an ordinary bloke whose enthusiasm and integrity were truly something to be admired. He was everything that I want in a DJ. My thought go out to "the Pig" and the kids who he (despite his grumpy old man act) all to evidently loved and was hugely proud of.
Ron, Cambridge
I have come to admire John Peel not only because of his enormous contribution to the music industry, but also because of his balanced, pragmatic approach to life, his wry sense of humour and the sincere, sensitive and open-minded approach he adopted with the people he met. He will be sorely missed.
Bronwen Jones, Blandford, UK
A sad day for music, Peely has been on the radio in and around my house all my life, a voice that brought a new road into life through his god inspired choice and none inhibition of sound that will reverberate through the memories of my past and into my future, RIP a man connected to the Ether, definitely. See you again some time good man.
Vic Ross,
The voice of a lifetime - from rebellious youth to well-modulated middle age, John's dependable, affable 'purr' said it all! Deepest love to Sheila and the family who he so obviously and publicly adored.
Imogen Holt, Liskeard, Cornwall
Probably the most iconic, and influential DJ I ever heard. Only the good die young.
Tim E, Bristol, UK
John's been the voice of new music ever since I can remember. He, along with a few of his Radio 1 colleagues, introduced me to my favourite bands both present and past. I've a tear in my eye at the thought I'll never hear his dulcet tones again - I'll be playing Teenage Kicks loudly in my house tonight, in tribute to the greatest radio voice we've ever had.
Alan, Aberdeen, Scotland
Thank you for being the person you were. You will be missed and remembered with affection.
Rebecca Dittman, Liverpool UK
What a sad day. He will be missed. I grew up listening to 'Peelie' and I am eternally grateful to him for helping form my varied taste in music.
Mark Cosgrove, Epsom Surrey
His death is a huge loss to the wide world of music. He can never be matched.
Martin, Prague, Czech Republic
I'd like to express my deepest condolences to John's wife and family, he will be sadly missed. As one of the insomniacs who listened to the Monday night repeat of Home Truths, I will miss the friendly voice of experience. Goodbye John.
Heather, Merseyside, UK
Radio will not be the same! Who else would play death metal alongside techno followed by indie? A true character the city of Liverpool can be proud of! We will miss you John Peel
Phil, Bolton
Who else could have given us the likes of Mark Bolan, David Bowie, Siouxie and the Banshees but Mr John Peel. Rest peacefully John.
Rachel, Birmingham, England
Who else would play a Big Band record from the 50s next to a current banging techno tune. Huge eclecticism in musical taste and a champion of sound. I will miss his weekly Radio 1 slots a lot. My thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.
Jack Harris, Knutsford, England
I hope you guys at the BBC are going to give us a seriously big tribute to Peely because he meant so much to so many people - many nights I fell asleep listening to his show - its like losing one of the family - I can't stop crying. David - ex Liverpool
I started listening to John Peel as a 13 year old in 1982, and its no exaggeration to say that he shaped a vast chunk of my cultural life. There was no facade or pretence with the man (whatever his original background was), he always came across as a genuinely warm, modest, decent human being. Above all, he had a sincere love of music which he passed on to countless listeners...
Ifti, London, UK
Unmistakable. Influential. Unsurpassable. Irreplaceable. Legendary. Groundbreaking. Warm. Friendly. RIP
Rich, Peterborough, UK
He always remained the older friend who taught you all about music. For most of us the only tangible and real wisdom in the BBC, has now departed. Respect to this towering legend the like of which we can only dream of happening again... Sympathies to his nearest and dearest.
Simon, Huddersfield, W.Yorks.
I am deeply saddened by John's early death. Home Truths has long been one of the highlights of my weekend. My thoughts are with Sheila and the family.
Alison, London, UK
In the 1960's John Peel was my inspiration. Wherever I was, whatever I was doing, I would make sure I always listened to 'The Perfumed Garden'. To the incredible music, the engaging anecdotes and the wondrous ramblings of a most marvellous and inspirational man. Over all the years you have meant so much. God bless you John, I'll miss you.
Jess Roden, Middlesex
Saturday mornings will never be the same again
His presenting of Home Truths on Radio 4 was one of the wittiest, most entertaining and thought provoking programmes on the air. Saturday mornings will never be the same again.
Caroline, Oxford, UK
Shocking news and a great feeling of personal loss. Memories of listening to Festive 50's will stick with me forever, as will those early days of musical discovery for me, led by John Peel, and a transistor radio hidden under my pillow - my thoughts are with his family
Ian, Bath, UK
So we will never hear again the dulcet tones of John Peel late at night on the Radio. We will never hear his next musical selection and ponder on his incisive comments. John Peel was one of the great DJ's, his passing is the end of an era. The music world is a poorer place without him.
Ray Murtagh, Hull
Whatever else was going on in the world JP was a constant
John Peel seemed to have been a part of my life for ever but now he has gone and life will be all the poorer for it. Whatever else was going on in the world JP was a constant and someone to whom I will be forever grateful as the man who exposed me to King Crimson. Rock on JP.
Trevor, Cambs, UK
His influence on British music - particularly the cutting edge - cannot be overestimated. He made a real difference and it's difficult to see who'll replace him. And this was a man who played The Fall regularly on radio - for that alone he should have been knighted! He'll be sorely missed.
Paul, Nottingham
Without John Peel, most of my favourite bands would still be working in an office somewhere.
If that isn't enough, JP was one of the last remaining people in the media whose opinion I wanted to hear.
He was an absolute one-off. We truly will never see his like again.
Stuart Smith, Amstelveen, The Netherlands
John Peel introduced me to a plethora of bands I would never have seen or heard: Soft Machine, Third Eye Band, Principle Edwards Magic Theatre and on and on. I may have left Britain more than 30 years ago but can say that the music the great man introduced me to, is still with me. Thanks JP and RIP!
Mervo, Wiarton, Canada
The death of John Peel is a truly saddening event for music lovers all over the world, and I was deeply moved by the news. He was a real pioneer and had knocked out genuinely new and vibrant music on BBC Radio 1 since before I was born right up until the present. The number of musicians who owe their careers in part or in full to the enthusiasm of John must be beyond measure. John was without doubt one of the very few people without whom the world would have been genuinely and consistently worse off, and I hope, I trust, that he will be remembered for many years to come.
Barry S, Manchester UK
As a schoolboy in 1970s Britain, John was always cool and avant garde and was always on the cusp of what was happening in music. Amazingly he stayed that way until his death - always with his distinctive Liverpudlian monotone, always modest, yet always interested and interesting. A great loss to young and old listeners everywhere!
Robin Smith, Cortlandt, New York, USA
Listening to Peel in the late 70's was a secret world that Grown Ups didn't know about and spoke to you. He was the first Grown Up I'd heard that "knew", like a favourite uncle. Last year I bumped into him on the street and, without thinking, shook his hand saying "John Peel! Thank you!" He looked slightly bemused but not angry... like a favourite uncle.
Carl Stickley, London, UK
John was an genuine influence on myself & almost all of my friends since we were in our early teenage years, supplying us with a such a diverse range of music that no-one else dared to. He had a personality that went beyond the airwaves & seemed a genuinely good man. You will be missed.
Hugh Matthews, Glasgow
'Home Truths' was probably my favourite show on BBC Radio; it summed up the character and integrity of a man that I had great admiration for. He was both witty and considerate to his interviewees, and I will miss his unique charisma. We have lost a great man and nobody, anywhere, will fill his shoes.
Phil Murphy, Maynooth, Ireland
Thanks for your sessions. They are like a treasure for all the people who like good music. It was also a means for foreigners to discover the best bands.
Ronan, Brittany (France)
Since I first listened to The Perfumed Garden, John Peel has been my touchstone for music, introducing me to all that's good, some that's bad, but never was a moment wasted while listening to his shows. My sympathies to his family, and his massive extended family of listeners.
James Smith, UK
I met John Peel at gig he did in 1967 at Manchester University and have followed his career and applauded his musical tastes ever since. I will miss his intelligent and thoughtful comments on music and life in general.
Peter Milloy, Buckden, Cambridgeshire
Farewell John. The day the music died.
Simon Evans, Mountain Ash, Wales
Every fortnight I drive a 100 mile round trip to collect my children for the weekend. Listening to John made that journey for all of us. Our Saturday's will never be the same. God bless
Rod, Cambridge, UK
His true influence will probably never be known, and the legacy he leaves behind for us is massive. No doubt he will still be playing records at the wrong speed on that great radio station in the sky.
Steven & Julie, Leyland
I'm heartbroken.. This man has possibly done more than any other to introduce me, and the nation, to the best and most important music of the last 40 years. He's one of the few public individuals who deserve the accolade of "national treasure". I had the privilege of spending the entire Anti-Criminal Justice bill march in conversation with him, and he was every inch the man I'd hoped - passionate, caring, committed and modest. His words to me when I asked if he was speaking at the event were "Oh no, I just like to turn up and offer a bit of support at these things. I'm sure there are far more important people with things to say here than me". he'd missed out on a weekend at home with the family to go on the march on his own.. A hero and an example to all of us..
Malcolm Boyle, London, England
He was one of the most modest, entertaining and influential of music broadcasters
Long, long after his 10pm slot saw me through my teenage years I could still rely on a fresh musical outlook whenever I happened upon his voice during a long night drive home. He was one of the most modest, entertaining and influential of music broadcasters. Condolences to John's family and friends at their sudden and untimely loss.
Mark, Liverpool, England
My deepest condolences to the family. John's love of music and his down to earth manner and attitude have rubbed off on millions of people worldwide. Many a band have broken into success through his painstaking efforts to play as much variety of music as possible not because it was fashionable - but because he liked it! A genius and a gentleman, he will be surely missed.
Owen Davies, Llanelli, Wales
Oh no not Peelie, he was one of the good guys!
Ringo, Bristol
I can genuinely say that I am gutted to hear this news - I have listen to John Peel for the past 20 years first on Radio 1 then the World Service and Radio 4 - he will be greatly missed
Matthew Curtis, Knebworth
This is the first time I have ever written into one of these things, but for Jon Peel it is worth it
I heard on Radio 4 at 2pm that somebody involved with Radio 1 for a long time had died, but I didn't catch the name. I turned over to Radio 1 and they were playing Teenage Kicks by the Undertones and knew immediately it must have been John Peel. This is the first time I have ever written into one of these things, but for Jon Peel it is worth it. There will no doubt be lots of clichés about what a nice bloke he was. I never met him, but I am sure they would all be true.
Ted , Oxford
John Peel was a legend - a man in the public eye who actually seemed like a genuinely decent bloke. What a sad loss to British broadcasting. RIP John
Spook, Wales
The fact that he had been doing what he is doing since 1967 without anyone else coming close to being half as good as him says it all. There is a huge hole in the contemporary music scene without him.
Grace, Orpington, Kent
For championing The Smiths and the amusement he gave me on Top of the Pops in the 80's, he was a true great.
Kevin Lloyd, Manchester, England
Without John Peel I wouldn't be working in the music industry
I am so shocked. Peel was my inspiration behind a lifetime of listening to music. He turned me onto so many new bands, genres and sounds. He has championed so many new forms of music and kick started the careers of so many musicians. Without John Peel I wouldn't be working in the music industry. It's a job I love and I owe a massive debt to this inspirational man. RIP
James, London, UK
Gonna miss those awful shorts on the Glastonbury coverage. And grumpy old men won't be the same.
Cillian O' Neill, Rugby, England
I met the great man once. He had a rotten cold but took the time to talk to me - mainly about Liverpool FC! He then played Release the Bats for me. A true gentleman. He will be missed so much.
Andrew , Farnham
As a constant listener to Home Truths and having listened to the eagerness with which John was looking forward to the holiday I find this huge loss hard to comprehend. It is really sad.
Gordon Rawcliffe, London
I was interviewed by Mr Peel on Home Truths with my family. It was a piece on addiction. It was a very difficult subject and he handled it with such ease and grace. A warm heart is sometimes hard to find in the media industry, but he was one of them.
Johan Sorensen, Farnham UK
A great man. He sent me three postcards in reply to letters I sent. He didn't have to. The world of music is more interesting for his presence and probably will be duller hereafter. Above all a truly decent, witty lovely man. RIP John
Steven Banks, Paris, France
Simply the coolest old guy in the world ever.
Will, Lancaster
What he didn't know about music wasn't worth knowing, thanks for the teenage kicks, RIP mate.
Michael Lloyd, Cardiff, Wales
I'll be giving "Teenage Kicks" a loud blast while I drink to your memory
John, you were the last hope of hearing proper music on the radio. I'll be giving "Teenage Kicks" a loud blast while I drink to your memory. Rest well, we'll all miss you!
Rob Brook, Blackpool, UK
You start off listening to John Peel for the music he plays, but as you get older you just listen to the programme for him and the music becomes secondary.
Duncan, Cardiff Wales
The world's best DJ, bar none. An irreplaceable loss to music. Heaven now has someone to spin some mean sounds.
Steve, Harrogate
For many years often the sole voice of taste in the wilderness of mainstream radio. Our musical culture heritage would have been immensely impoverished but for his influence. He will be sadly missed.
Colin, Oxford
He gave a credible voice to underground and independent music of all genres - such a terrible loss.
Sparkle, London, UK
How many sixty four year old men can introduce one of the finest programs on Radio Four on a Saturday morning before going on to DJ at the world's coolest club on a Saturday night? John Peel was the type of man that makes me proud to be British. God bless you John and Rock in Peace.
Justin Cooke, Tunbridge Wells, England
I can never hear his voice on any media without stopping and tuning in. He just had so much to say that was so good to hear
Tony Hill, New Malden Surrey
Unique, irreplaceable and a part of my entire radio listening life. I am deeply saddened by his passing but without him I would not have such a wide and varied musical library. Thank you, Peelie.
Stuart, UK
John Peel seemed to have been a part of my life for ever but now he has gone and life will be all the poorer for it. Whatever else was going on in the world JP was a constant and someone to whom I will be forever grateful as the man who exposed me to King Crimson. Rock on JP.
Trevor, Cambs, UK
John Peel had a profound impact on my life. I would never have loved this country the way that I do had it not been for his influence, via the weekly programmes he made during the late 1970's. He exposed me to the music that defined my identity and made me who I am today. Truly, without "Uncle John", I would be a completely different, and lesser person. This man was the father and shepherd of the music scene that defined a whole generation. What a great and insightful man. The debt that I owe him is truly enormous. Goodbye John Peel, you were truly inspirational.
Alex Fernandez, London England
The sky has gained a bright, bright star.
Katie, London
I am gutted. I will miss him playing 30s Jazz followed by a black metal followed by techno. All at the wrong speed. The man was a genius, and the only reason to listen to the radio. RIP Mr Peel. The world is a worse place without you
John, Hove
By some considerable distance the greatest Radio DJ to ever live. The world of music (not just that that is popular) is a much, much poorer place today. What a shame we won't get to hear his views any more. RIP.
Dr Cameron Sweet, Warwick, UK
My Saturday morning drive won't ever be same. My condolences to his wife and family, I feel I know them all.
Sandra, Bucks
What other presenter would earn tributes from Radio 1 and Radio 4 listeners?
What other presenter would earn tributes from Radio 1 and Radio 4 listeners? Now I won't have any excuse for staying in bed on Saturday mornings. I felt like John's family were my family too. Our hearts go out to Sheila and the children.
Steve, Dover, UK
Influential, legendary and original. He will be sorely missed by generations of listeners.
Howard Cardinal, London, UK
He was a star of man, he brought generations together and he opened all our minds to world music.
Gavin Steele, Liverpool
Unrivalled in his support for all types of musicians. He gave them the chances when no one else would. I have enjoyed his shows on Radio 1 for 25 years and he will be sorely missed by his fans and the bands he has helped over his illustrious career. What will I tune to at night, on an open road?
Mark Elliker, Aldridge, West Midlands
My heart goes out to his family and all those who loved him
For many years the Peel Sessions were absolutely the only access to the music scene in the UK for Americans such as myself. It is not an overstatement to say that without Mr Peel my life and many other Americans would have been severely diminished. It is just so sad. My heart goes out to his family and all those who loved him.
Tim, Oxford UK
John Peel was the music industry's red hot poker. Without him, innovation and all that's weird and wonderful would've dried up decades ago.
Simon, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Gonna miss those awful shorts on the Glastonbury coverage. And grumpy old men won't be the same.
Cillian O' Neill, Rugby, England
Just so very sad, when i was 15 (1980) he was the only one playing the music I loved. He truly is an icon. My thoughts go to his family whose loss must be so much greater than that who only new him through music. Love and peace
Mark Fudge, London
Sitting in my bedroom listening to him, he seemed a beacon in the darkness
I've still got compilation tapes of punk and new wave tracks he played in the 70s, the only DJ doing so at the time. Sitting in my bedroom listening to him, he seemed a beacon in the darkness. A great man.
Simon, Woolaston, UK
What a sad loss for the entire country. His unique style and understanding in knowing what appealed to his listeners will be almost impossible to replace. His constant references to Sheila demonstrated his total commitment to her and she, along with the rest of their family, will hopefully gain some comfort in the knowledge that he touched so many other lives.
Michael Overlander, Stanmore
A terrible loss to the broadcast world and to music journalism. He was a one-off.
Alex Norman, Westcliff-on-Sea
Truly one of the few gifted DJ's who could spot good music in any genre. Never afraid to play something different, John Peel's opinions and contributions were and still are respected by generations of pan-generic music lovers, just as he was respected as a lover of music. Cheers, John.
Daniel, London
80% of my record collection is a result of listening to his show
John Peel was a true legend whose influence on the record buying habits of several generations is immeasurable. I reckon 80% of my record collection is a result of listening to his show. A very sad day indeed.
Karen, Greece
My life, like that of thousands of others, would have been so much poorer without Peelie. A decent man who merited the respect and affection his listeners had for him. He'll be hugely missed, and music will be the worse for his loss.
Adrian, London
Gone are the late night drives listening to the most eclectic mix of music I've ever been blessed to listen too! Radio will miss that voice. At least now the saying is true, God is a DJ!
Gavin, Altrincham, England
Farewell John Peel. You were a true DJ and broadcaster, the rest have a lot to learn from your devotion, honesty, and style. Our loss is heaven's gain.
Dr. Simon Minkoff, London, England
The show always revealed how young at heart he was
I was very saddened to read that John Peel has gone to the Great Gig in the Sky.
I shall miss the quirkiness of Home Truths, the eccentricity of the Great British Public (or at least some of us) and his great sense of humour. How ironic that only a couple of weeks ago John should refer to collecting his bus pass - until then I had no idea he was 65 as the show always revealed how young at heart he was. Nevertheless, 65 is still far too young to lose a personality and talent as great as John's.
Sincere condolences to his family and colleagues.
Paul Harriss, London
Just want to say, how very sad I am to hear the news about John Peel. He'll be missed.
Bex, England
I would like to have the opportunity to pay tribute to the late John Peel. I am sure that I will not be the only one to want to express the joy he gave over the years with his innovative musical tastes and the constant ability to introduce listeners to new, and sometimes obscure, bands and musicians. If it wasn't for John, I wouldn't have developed my own wide musical tastes for bands such as Half-Man Half-Biscuit and the much under rated (and bizarrely titled) Danny Glover Fridge Foundation. His eclecticism will be sadly missed.
Kevin Rush, Scotland
There are few people who span the generation gap in the way that John Peel has always managed. His open minded approach to music was only matched by his humble approach to his audience. He will be greatly missed.
Derek Mayne, Northamptonshire, UK
Radio 1 will never be the same again
I honestly want to cry at the moment. Radio 1 will never be the same again. No, come to think of it, alternative music radio will never be the same again.
David Meller, Stockport
Big shock. John was the only person who was responsible for introducing me to so many different types of music. African, Punk, Reggae, Grunge. John covered them all. It's sad to say that there isn't anyone who can fill his shoes... I'm sure his legend will live on!
Kevin English, London, U.K.
I have listened to John all my life, and his Radio 1 show was a part of growing up. He will be missed
Peter Lovatt, Birmingham
John Peel was single handily responsible for my early musical education. He introduced me as a teenager to King Crimson, Neil Young, Lynyrd Skynyrd and countless others who never got daytime play. Who can forget his Christmas "festive 50" of listener voted tracks in the '70's (Layla by Derek and the Domino's was always no. 2, and Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin was always no. 1). He played punk before anybody else (who remembers Eddy and the Hot Rods?), and was always genuinely interesting to listen to. Well done John, well done!
John, England
He will be sadly missed by many and leave a huge hole in my listening schedule.
Daniel Ortonious, London, England
I was stuck in a homeless hostel for 18 months and all that kept me just sane was John Peel
I was stuck in a homeless hostel for 18 months and all that kept me just sane was John Peel's Radio One show every weekday evening. What a loss.
Andy, London
I've just heard the news about John Peel and am in tears. I can't believe it. Peel was my guru when I was a teenage indie kid and he remained a favourite ever since. You were the boss, mate.
Siv, London
I can't believe it. My heart goes out to Shelia and his family. A totally irreplaceable person in every respect. I was only listening to him this morning singing "Pedro the Fisherman" with the producers laughing in the background. Totally irreplaceable. He will be sorely missed. 17 years I had been listening to him for.
Stuart Hirons, Blackburn, Lancashire
I'm sure I have similar memories to everyone else - the main one being as a kid, under the duvet, with a radio on listening to exciting new music that you couldn't hear anywhere else. Not only was the music amazing, but it felt like your mate (or kindly uncle perhaps) was presenting it, making witty comments all the way through. The records played at the wrong speed just added to the level of endearment. There was also the presenting at Glastonbury on TV but more importantly the feeling that John Peel was an all round great bloke. He was a legend. Hope he's getting his teenage kicks somewhere else now.
Simon Harris, London, UK
What an enormous loss to broadcasting and the music world
What an enormous loss to broadcasting and the music world. John's voice was one of the most familiar on Radio and TV and his informal, witty and somewhat wry manner endeared him to music fans since the early sixties. Here is an instance of someone who really will be missed by millions of fans and admirers as well as fellow professionals.
Ray, Manchester, UK
A hero, legend, mentor, god! You'll be sadly missed John.
Chris Learmouth, Bedford, England
Whether it was discovering an entire world of sounds that I never even knew existed, or being inspired to join the Anthony Nolan bone marrow trust by his equally unusual Home Truths, his inspiration to celebrate yourself for who you are will live on.
Jamie Macdonald, Avalon Australia
An absolute legend. An icon! Growing up in South London in the 1970's and 80's two radio DJ's stood head and shoulders above their peers. John Peel and David Rodigan. In a era of "packaged mainstream" music, John Peel's cutting edge musical ear unearthed many a great talent who would never made it out of garages, warehouses, and small clubs. May you rest in peace.
Gary Officer, Silver Spring, Maryland
I'm absolutely gutted, I've been joking for years with my friends how I wanted to adopt him as my new granddad, painfully unfunny now. The greatest ambassador music in Britain has ever had.
Dan, Warwick
I am truly, truly gutted by this news... John Peel was a warm and gentle man who will be genuinely missed... Bless you, John. My thoughts are with your family.
Goffik, Southampton, UK
Sadly missed, Saturday mornings will not be the same without him when doing battle to feed our 13 month daughter to your show.
Pat Crew, Sudbury, Suffolk
The man who sound tracked my isolated country upbringing, introducing me, through his show, to music i would never have been exposed to otherwise. Truly radio's greatest, the man who had music coursing through his veins. RIP
Lei-Lei Jayenne, Walthamstow, London, UK
John Peel was an inspiration to many, He will be sadly missed for his diverse and open approach to music, RIP John you will be remembered for many years to come
Leon H, Coventry
Thank you John for a lifetime of pleasure, laughter, music, humanity since hiding under the bedclothes as a teenager to middle-aged secret wearing of headphones to hear strange music at strange times of the night. Thank you John. You stood for my generation and as such were loved so much. You went on to stand up for the next generation too. What a guy. I send strength to his nearest and dearest - remember how lucky you were to be close to him and how lucky he was to have you all to love.
Gillian Menzies, London
He was the Daddy of great music, in all shapes and forms
I am gutted. Quite simply, he was the Daddy of great music, in all shapes and forms, of the last 40 years. He is truly irreplaceable. My thoughts are with his friends, family and dedicated listeners.
James Irwin, Bristol, UK
Stunned and shocked. John Peel was a selfless champion of emerging bands for decades and the greatest DJ this country has ever known.
Ray Hughes, Rainham, Kent
I just read the news and I am totally gutted. John Peel is responsible in so many ways for the development of the UK music scene and also shaped my own musical tastes over the many years I have listened to his show. We are all big music fans in the office where I work and this afternoon has suddenly become very quiet and sombre. My heart felt wishes go out to John's family and friends, he will be sorely missed buy millions.
Gary Bliss, Cirencester
What can be said? Gutted.. Never have I felt this bad over someone I never actually knew. But that was the thing with John, he made you feel you did know him. My thoughts are with his family.
Elton, Bham UK
A truly sad day. JP was an inspiration, an object lesson in the possibility of remaining fluid, inspired, curious into later age and success. Introduced millions to new music and made the curious comforting on a Saturday morning with Home Truths. There's no-one to replace him.
Michael Fordham, Bath, England
John Peel's career spanned 40 years and his appeal spanned all age groups. He'll be sorely missed by all music lovers. My heartfelt sympathies to Shelia and his family.
John, Southampton Hants
John Peel will be sadly missed. As one of the key people responsible for bringing the heavy/death metal genre to the forefront of musical consciousness, the genre as a whole have lost a dear friend.
Rick, Bradford, UK
He was a hero to music. I didn't always like what I heard but he give us what we would be listening to months or years ahead of its time. I'll miss his accent not just from music but from his voice-over work...yes even all the ads.
Martin, Belfast
A champion of the underground music scene
I am deeply saddened to hear of John's death. As a musician and band member I know I'm not the only one who looked up to Mr Peel as a champion of the underground music scene. He will be sorely missed.
Jeff, London, UK
The end of an era! John Peel was for so long synonymous with the real "pop" culture, and somehow managed to stay current in all things to do with the music world, whilst most of us fell woefully behind. He will be sorely missed. My thoughts are with his family and close friends.
Barry Green, Skipton, North Yorkshire
A living legend, no one could present a radio show like him. A distinguished voice and a distinguished play list. He shall be missed. RIP
Fraser Hamilton, Coventry
All I can say is that I'm totally gutted. I almost cried when 6 music played "Teenage Kicks" after the announcement. You were the best John.
Marcus Slade, Philadelphia USA
Whenever he turned up on the television my friends and I would genuflect
Without John Peel I would never have heard Nirvana or The Smiths, never would have even realised there was an alternative music scene, never become such a passionate music fan, never experienced some of the most incredible music out there and never have realised that a song could change your life. I listened to him for years and his comforting voice and genuine love of music shone through in every show - whenever he turned up on the television my friends and I would genuflect on our hands and knees in sheer admiration. Thank you John for everything, at least they'll finally be listening to some decent music in heaven!
Sarah, London, UK
I remember when Liverpool won the European Cup. His show that night started with chiming bells instead of the usual theme tune. I reckon I've been listening to him on Radio 1 through to his radio 4 career for the past 25 years. It's the death of radio.
Derek Macdonald, Musselburgh
I'll never forget hearing the Sex Pistols for the first time listening on headphones under the covers from ten to midnight when I was a teenager. For magical memories and the greatest music, thanks John and Goodbye. You will be missed.
Tim Haines, Evesham UK
A serious loss to those grumpy old men that grew up to that new sound of punk......
Andrew T, UK
Now all we have to look forwards to is dull, unintelligent and fad influenced pretty faces
He is probably the last truly independent and non-corporate DJ. Now all we have to look forwards to is dull, unintelligent and fad influenced pretty faces to tell the kids what they should try listening too. You'll be sorely missed John.
Chris Byers, Preston, UK
A sad loss for music. I only hope that radio one keep the spirit of his show going in some form. Amazing late night listening.
Ben Hazell, Sheffield
A great shock, deep condolences to John's family. He will be hugely missed.
Liz, Hampshire
Devastated, this is so shocking, only the other day I was thinking I had not heard one of his shows for a while and was planning on tuning back in again to hear that recognisable John Peel voice. Irreplaceable. Condolences to the family.
Craig, Cambridge
John Peel stayed true to what mattered most in music
The death of John Peel is a tragic loss to the world of music. In an age of 'personality' over ability, vacuous corporate hype, talent less manufactured rubbish and gimmicks, John Peel stayed true to what mattered most in music. RIP mate, you will be sorely missed.
Pete, Nottingham, UK
My deepest condolences to John's family. He will be sorely missed. I know that, I along with many others, owe John a huge debt for introducing us to so many great, new artists over the years and for continually championing what is great about music. He will never be forgotten.
John Fisher, Bideford, Devon. UK
Absolutely, genuinely stunned by this sad, sad news. Music radio, and musicians everywhere, owe him a huge debt of gratitude. RIP JP
Dan, London
I feel like a bit of my youth has died with him
As a music-loving 30-something, I feel like a bit of my youth has died with him. His wonderfully matter-of-fact voice will always, to me, be synonymous with long, late nights of exam revision in my bedroom. So long John.
Sue, London, UK
I'm utterly gutted, he will be sorely missed. My sympathies go out to all his family and many many friends and listeners.
Paul, Leeds
Saturday mornings won't ever be the same. RIP
Jennifer, UK
It feels as if a true friend has gone. A great great man.
Mook, Ipswich
An unmistakable voice, and a remarkable man. He will be much missed by his home truths listeners. God Bless.
Paul Feder, Telford, Salop
Influenced just about everything I ever listened to as a teenager. A very modest, intelligent and passionate man - I feel like a friend has died - I will really miss him
James Cameron, Glasgow, Scotland
He's the man who broadened my horizons and musical taste, no one could replace him. from napalm death to folk music...who else can play such a spectrum of wonderful music ? I'll miss you Peelie.
Philip Thompson, Aberdeen , Scotland
A massive influence on music in the UK and the World, and a genuinely modest man.
Colin MacDonald, UK
I will dearly miss the best DJ in the world. He showed me the way through my childhood to present day in the music world. What will we do without him. You will never be forgotten.
Steven Clarkson, Liverpool, UK
John Peel was one of the few people in the music business because of a genuine love of music. This is a great loss for all music lovers. My sympathies go out to his wife and family. Thank you for your contribution, John.
Ellie , Liverpool, UK
Shocked by the passing of such a great man. He has been such a crucial part of the music I have listened to since I was a child it almost seems inconceivable to listen to the radio without his benign presence. Will be sadly missed, not just by the legions of faithful listeners, but by the vast number of bands and musicians who owe him their careers.
Richard Coates, Gloucester, UK
The world has lost a legend of radio broadcasting
Dave, UK
The touchstone of cool for a generation ignored by daytime radio.
Matthew, London, UK
A great DJ who brought diverse music to the masses and will be sadly missed.
Mike Williams, Stockport, UK
He was a genius, a gentleman and a true inspiration
Not only is this the end of an era in British culture, but this is a saad, sad day for me and so many of my generation who idolised this fantastic man. He was a genius, a gentleman and a true inspiration. He will be sorely missed.
Johnny, Scotland
Absolutely gutted. A legend of music and radio - my thoughts and deepest sympathies go out to his family.
Ross, UK
A giant of a man, the only true idol I ever had. His loss is immensely saddening. RIP Peelie.
Keith Lerego, Cardiff
I am truly saddened by this loss. John Peel introduced me to so many new genres of music. He will be sadly missed. All my sympathy to his family.
Colin Gray, Dundee, UK
Let's hope he introduces the oldies upstairs to some proper tunes
The man who introduced me to so many of my favourite bands, artists and songs. If not for Peel, how many hugely respected an influential artists may never have made it big? Deeply saddened, but let's hope he introduces the oldies upstairs to some proper tunes.
Niki, London, UK