
Stripey accents

Hello everyone :) I hope you guys had a nice weekend like I did. We had some late summer weather the last couple of days and I enjoyed it very much.

For this post I have stripey accents to share with you. I'm wearing one of my latest purchases, China Glaze Concrete Catwalk. I love the dark shade of grey and the polish applies like butter, just two smooth coats and you're done. Tonight I added the red, stripey accents, using tape and P2's Fever, I love this polish too! It's a deep, shimmery red, very glamorous and I love how it pops against Concrete Catwalk. Thanks for stopping by and have a great night!


  1. OMG GORGEOUS! Stop being so good, I'm too jealous as it is! :]

  2. how to you get your tape cut so evenly? Is there a trick? can you post a video? thanks!

  3. I seriously LOVE this! It makes me want to take off my 6-hour-old mani and put this look on!!

  4. Great combination! I am loving Concrete Catwalk....dangit!

  5. whoa! Stop the presses...this is awesome! the colors pop!

  6. I can't deal with how awesome your nail art is!! I love the color combo too.

  7. I love this look, it is amazing. I always seem to mess up when I try to do stuff like this.

  8. That red looks electric. Reminds me of TRON :)

  9. Holy crap, Jane! This is awesome! I'm going as Optimus Prime for Halloween, and a mani like this would be great with that!

  10. That red polish is GORGEOUS, and it really pops over the grey. After all my attempt of doing stripe manicures I never thought to do them like this. So awesome Jane!

  11. I love that grey very much too~!! This is super cool design!!!

  12. Whoa! This is probably one of your most stunning designs yet. <3 <3 <3

  13. Could you make a swatch of P2 on his own, pleeeease :) My mom will bring me one bottle, but i actualy don't like the swatches that i find so much...

  14. I love this manicure! It is soooooo perfect made and looking <3

  15. Wow!!! Love the different positions of the stripes!

  16. O.O I think my eyes just popped out of my head over that gorgeous red! *lemming for P2 Fever officially acquired* I love this design so much! It really POPS! AWESOME! :D

  17. I'm definitely stealing this idea! Really, just wow!

  18. I've awarded you with the Classic Beauty Award!


  19. Love these two colors together!! Love the design-awesome as usual!

  20. So pretty again! Loving this combo

  21. Wow!! I really like colour combination, the red looks so gorgeous over the grey...


  22. gorgeous! jealous! >:D

  23. This one is just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G: simple, no boring, no excessive, just perfect! è_é/

  24. Whoa, so many comments! Thank you guys so much, you're truly amazing.

    #Elzedge: First I cut off a piece of the tape roll, which I then lay flat on one scissorblade, that way it will automatically be cut straight ;-) I am considering to make video tutorials in the future, however I'm really busy at the moment, so it might take a while before that moment comes.

    @Irena B: I've just swatched it on a nail wheel for ya :D I'll put in on my Flickr right away and send you a message. Hope you're gonna like it, because it's so beautiful :)

    @Pretty Lil' Things: Thanks for the award, girl! I'm flattered :)

  25. I really love this combination of colors, it's just stunning!

  26. Did you pain your nails red first and then put stripes on top and then gray?

  27. @Sara: Thank you!

    @Susanna: First the grey, then the red ;-)

  28. OOh, I bet it would look cool with the charcoal color as matte.

  29. LOVE it! rly cute though i dont think i could ever do it myself. i'll just sit here and admire LOL . rly nice though! love the color choices

  30. I'm in love with this color combination! The creamy gray is perfect with the glittery red!

  31. Just joined your blog so I'm going through old posts. You are great! Love the contrast of glittery red on grey creme base!

  32. I did these (with a pyramid tip for the thumbnail) over here: http://wayofftarget.tumblr.com/post/12195977185/okay-so-this-is-just-a-thing-that-i-am-doing-now

    And I love it! Thanks for the inspiration!

  33. @Amanda: Thanks for the heads-up! I like your use of colors!! ^^

  34. Hi! I love this mani! ♥
    I tried it. Not is perfect, but I like the final result. (:
    Isa (:
