
Hema - #82

Hello everyone! This might be more interesting for Dutch and Belgian readers, since this is a swatch of a polish from a Dutch department store, Hema. In the old days Hema only had 'regular', conservative polishes - which were usually cremes in pink or red, nowadays however it's really catching up polish-wise, launching new, modern collections regularly. But because the polishes still don't have actual names, I can only refer to this lovely color as #82. I wanted to love this polish so much, but it's just not a win. #82 is a bit streaky and creates bald spots after the first coat. Three coats were needed to make everything opaque and even, which sometimes didn't even want to happen, I had to do 2 nails over! Despite its cons, I'd probably still want to wear it frequently, because the color is just really pretty! It's more than 'another mint green' since it's not actually mint, but a muted, pastel green. And me like muted colors! Price: €2.50 for 11ml.


  1. Ooo reminds me of Turquoise and Caicos! So pretty!

  2. pretty color! as always i am drawn to it! haha
