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Hey y'all,
Happy Queen's Birthday weekend New Zealand!!!!
Sadly, getting Monday off doesn't mean too much when you're on Study Break! Two long weekends a year always land on the first day of study break for the mid and end of year exams. Grrr UC, gggrrrrrrrr!
It's nice for all the working peeps though :)
I am wearing a pretty cool mani right now and it's always fun to share what I'm actually wearing in real time than swatches from the vault, so here goes:
Miss T - 2 coats - white light |
Miss T - 2 coats - white light |
Miss T - macro |
First off,
Miss T is darker and more vibrant in person but after lots of fiddling with the camera, it still washed the heck out it!!! Temptalia has a really great swatch
here showing the true colour. I won this in a giveaway from Jenna Froggy at
I'm Still Thinking.
Mademoiselle is a gorgeous and vibrant ultra blue toned fuchsia shimmer. It is slightly brush-strokey, but it looked awesome regardless! MT has great pigmentation, needing two coats for good coverage.
I added 1 coat of NYC top coat for these photos.
Boy Girl Party tape mani - white light |
Boy Girl Party tape mani - white light |
Boy Girl Party tape mani - macro |
Boy Girl Party is a mix of different pinks, blues and red glitters of all shapes and sizes in a slightly pink tinted base. It is a serious party on your nails. I never do tape manis, mainly because I can never find my cellotape!!! I didn't want to cover up all of Miss T because she's so HOT, so I taped off my nails on an angle that didn't quite reach from corner to corner of the free edge (nail tip). Then I painted on one layer of BGP. Lastly, I topped it with 1 layer of Seche Vite and then a coat of Revlon quick dry top coat because the glitter corners still felt rough.
I'm very pleased with the result! It just looks more stylish than a full glitter nail, but I'm thinking I ought to glitter the whole of my ring fingers as an accent!!!!
I love wearing girlie pinks every now and then. I know heaps of you are anti-pink and especially anti-pink glitter, but it feels good to be a quintessential girl! I never wear pink clothing, in fact I think the only pinkish thing I own is a pair of fuchsia suede high heels (which are super high with a closed, curved toe and haute!) - so I feel like my nails can deal with screaming, "I have a v-jay-jay and I'm proud of it!"
Hope your weekends are everything you want them to be!!!