Showing posts with label fuchsia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fuchsia. Show all posts

Monday, 13 January 2014

What I got for Christmas: Cadillacquer Remember Me

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Yesterday I started showing you the polishes I got for Christmas.
Today I've got a polish reminiscent of Nerd Lacquer's All of Time and Space to share with you.

Cadillacquer Remember Me

Remember Me is a pale mint green shimmer with fuchsia and silver glitter. There are small fuchsia circle glitters in this that I love. I applied three thin coats plus Gelous & Seche Vite for a smooth finish.

I bought some HK Girl top coat during the Glisten & Glow pre-Christmas sale and I can't wait for it to arrive!!! I'm getting sick of the Seche's thickening/bubbling. I also picked up some more Seche Restore so I can return it to its former glory. Fingers crossed.


Sunday, 1 September 2013

NPA Does Digital Nails Part II

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How was everyone's weekends?
Because I feel like two days just isn't enough! We need 4 day weeks. Fridays could be for catching up on sleep, Saturdays for getting everything done and Sundays for preparing for the week ahead! Or for swatch-a-thons :)

The other day I showed you some Digital Nails glitters, and today I'm back with some of Raphaelle's fabulous shimmers and holos!

Digital Nails Super Temp

Super Temp is a saturated orange with gold flake glitter. It is seriously hot, perfect for Summer, and only needs two thin coats for full coverage.

Digital Nails Stars At Night

Stars At Night is a navy blue linear holo. In the shade (a picture of which I forgot to include) it's a bit darker. The formula is a bit thin, so I used three thin coats for the photos above.

Digital Nails So Disco

So Disco is another holo. This time it is a scattered fuchsia pink with purple/blue shimmer. I can't tell/show you how amazing SD truly is :( The sun wasn't coming out that day, but it is really fab and another two coater.

Digital Nails Run, You Clever Boy

Run, You Clever Boy is my new polish crush! A deep raisin burgundy/brown filled with colour shifting flake shimmer!!! It gives RYCB a duochrome/dual-tone flash of shimmer effect. The dominant colour is green but it shifts to blue and pink as well. I think this was two coats.

So are you in love with Digital Nails now too? I really want the thermal polish Lying - teal to purple with flake shimmer? Yes PLEASE! 15mL bottles will set you back US$10-13.

Hope your manicures make Monday bearable you'all!


Saturday, 25 May 2013

piCture pOlish Gene Doll Swatches & Review

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Press Sample

Hi guys,

I forgot I had planned to post another piCture pOlish review yesterday. The internet was having a spaz last night anyway, so Saturday it is!

Gene doll is part of the 'glitter shades' line of PP's. I never thought much of it or wanted to buy it because it looked pretty plain for a glitter (therefore not worth the higher price tag). But when it was sent to me for review I was pleasantly surprised to find that it's another winner!

piCture pOlish Gene Doll over Cult Nails Let's Get Dirty

Gene Doll is a fuchsia purple glitter in a clear base. There are both small and micro hex glitters in this one. The blend of smaller glitters makes Gene Doll perfect for layering. I applied two seamless coats over Cult Nails Let's Get Dirty from the In the Garden Collection. The glitter isn't dense, so you have a lot of control over how much ends up on your nail.

piCture pOlish is available online at and for local stockists, click on the network tab.

To keep up with the latest news; follow piCture pOlish on social media

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Hope your weekends are warmer and dryer than mine :)


Sunday, 24 March 2013

The secret to staying warm this Winter: Elevation Pata Puffer

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It seems like almost everyone has a Puffer jacket in NZ.
In fact the other day one of the girls in my course was wearing hers inside the classroom. Yes, inside the classroom. It's been F***ing HOT all Summer, we're in a pretty severe drought throughout most of the country; so I have no idea how she wasn't filling an inflatable paddling pool with her own sweat, but since having lived in Christchurch I've noticed that Aucklanders are incredibly wimpy in the 'cold'.

Anyway, that's neither here nor there, LOL. My point is that I love the name of Elevation's LE polish from 2012; Pata Puffer. This came to me via Fingers' giveaway and after 6 months I've finally got some decent photos of it!!!

Elevation Pata Puffer

Pata Puffer is the shiz! And it is as close to Lynnderella Garden of Even as I'm ever gonna get (shakes fist at lack of international shipping and exorbitant bottle prices!!!).
In a fuchsia-red violet base, sits ultra-fine matching holo glitter and small, pinker holo hexes that glow in the light. I'm sorry it's not still available, guys. The formula was alright, I can't remember if I used 2 or 3 thin coats, though my gut is telling me it was likely 3 (because I can't handle unevenness or bald spots - OCD!). I topped it with a coat each of Glitter Gloss and Seche Vite, which gave a smooth and shiny finish.

Now whenever I reach for my Puffer jacket this winter (and I probably won't since it's Auckland ahahaha), I'll think of PP and have the urge to redo my nails!!!

Elevation just restocked yesterday, so you might be able to get your hands on some of her newer pretties now!


Saturday, 5 January 2013

Half Moon Hanna

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I really am trying (this month at least...) to add more nail art/anything but plain swatches to the blog.

In an effort to 'pick up my game' I did a half moon mani using Different Dimensions Hanna and OPI Ate Berries In The Canaries (my of my all time favourite OPI cremes!).

I freehanded the moon shape because I couldn't find my guides and it worked out alright, I think. I love how Ate Berries In The Canaries is the same colour as the fuchsia glitter in Hanna. It makes it a bit more co-ordinated :)
I had already applied a few layers of top coat over Hanna so I used acetone and a nail art brush the even up the moons without any issues. I might apply the same tactic next time because my usual guides never end up even anyway!

Do you dig the half moon look?
Personally, I think nude half moons with red creme nails is holla sexy!


Sunday, 9 December 2012

Ozotic Sugar 903 Swatches & Review

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Ozotic Sugar 903 is another of the polishes the kind ladies from Picture Polish sent for review.

903 can be worn alone or layered. It is an ice blue shimmer made up of micro colour-shifting flakes which shift from blue-purple-fuchsia.  Alone it is a bit sheer but looks just like it does in the bottle, very ethereal with flashes of pink in the light.

I swatched it over Essie Bobbing for Baubles (a greyed and muted navy), and the true colour shift became super obvious!

Ozotic Sugar 903 over Essie Bobbing for Baubles

natural light



I love how 903 looks layered. This is just 1 thin coat (it's a seriously concentrated polish). The fuchsia and purple is way more obvious in the shade and so beautiful! The formula is pretty thick and glides on like butter.

The NZ Picture Polish reseller is Gracie Lou and she sells the Sugar range for $15.50, but they are on sale right now for $13.95. She has wee sales quite frequently too.

You can see the entire range of Ozotic and piCture pOlish and lots of other info at the links below

piCture pOlish
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Sunday, 7 October 2012

Hare Polish Asteroid Turf

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Who loves green?
And purple?





Asteroid Turf is an odd green. It has strong yellow undertones, so may look a little swampy but I think it'll make a great Halloween polish!  There are lots of purple/fuchsia hexes in the jelly base, which makes me think of  witches and warts!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwww!
Application was good, if a little thick. I needed 2 coats for full coverage. I think 1 coat layered over a green base would look fantastic too.


Thursday, 19 July 2012

Hey-ay-ay COME OUT AND PLAY! Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na

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I'm guessing Sandy named Come Out and Play after The Offspring song which is now stuck in my head. It makes me wanna don a bikini and dance on the beach with a glass of punch in my hand!

The polish is also summery - a neon pigment purple/fuchsia, with small white matte hex glitter in it.

Dandy Nails Come Out and Play



Come Out and Play is that sort of jelly fuchsia/purple that lacquer companies call neon but really aren't! I love this shade and can't believe I don't have anything else like it already! The white glitter is pretty cool, it just makes it a bit more fun. The formula was on the thicker side of stuff, it spread fairly well and took about 2 thickish coats to cover VNL. If you use thin coats I'd give it 3. It does dry a bit bumpy because of the glitter so you'll need a couple of layers of a heavy top coat. I think I used 2 layers of Seche Vite for these pics.

You can purchase Dandy Nails lacquers here.

I'm going home tomorrow! It's my Nana's 90th so it's a big family reunion. I'm going to get to see my sisters for the first time in AGES! One lives in Saudi and has been gone since September last year and I don't think I've seen my Melbourne sis, since late last year either! Can't believe its been so long actually... It must be the texts and calls and polish swaps with Katie that make me feel like I only just saw her!
I also get to see my cousin's new baby - he looks so pinch-able in photos so I can't wait to get a cuddle!!!
Anyway... so I might not post over the weekend, and I've had too much uni work to make any scheduled posts so you'll have to do without me!!

I'll leave you with another couple of Charlie photos!

Hasn't he got the cutest expression in these pics?!
Mum's having Charlie and Buster groomed tomorrow morning before we all fly in so they're going to be looking a smelling beautiful! I love the scent of the shampoo the groomers use!!!!


Saturday, 2 June 2012

NOTD: Urban Decay Miss T & a little bit of Lynnderella Boy Girl Party

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Hey y'all,

Happy Queen's Birthday weekend New Zealand!!!!

Sadly, getting Monday off doesn't mean too much when you're on Study Break! Two long weekends a year always land on the first day of study break for the mid and end of year exams. Grrr UC, gggrrrrrrrr!

It's nice for all the working peeps though :)

I am wearing a pretty cool mani right now and it's always fun to share what I'm actually wearing in real time than swatches from the vault, so here goes:

Miss T - 2 coats - white light

Miss T - 2 coats - white light

Miss T - macro

First off, Miss T is darker and more vibrant in person but after lots of fiddling with the camera, it still washed the heck out it!!! Temptalia has a really great swatch here showing the true colour. I won this in a giveaway from Jenna Froggy at I'm Still Thinking.
Mademoiselle is a gorgeous and vibrant ultra blue toned fuchsia shimmer. It is slightly brush-strokey, but it looked awesome regardless! MT has great pigmentation, needing two coats for good coverage.
I added 1 coat of NYC top coat for these photos.

Boy Girl Party tape mani - white light

Boy Girl Party tape mani - white light

Boy Girl Party tape mani - macro

 Boy Girl Party is a mix of different pinks, blues and red glitters of all shapes and sizes in a slightly pink tinted base. It is a serious party on your nails. I never do tape manis, mainly because I can never find my cellotape!!! I didn't want to cover up all of Miss T because she's so HOT, so I taped off my nails on an angle that didn't quite reach from corner to corner of the free edge (nail tip). Then I painted on one layer of BGP. Lastly, I topped it with 1 layer of Seche Vite and then a coat of Revlon quick dry top coat because the glitter corners still felt rough.

I'm very pleased with the result! It just looks more stylish than a full glitter nail, but I'm thinking I ought to glitter the whole of my ring fingers as an accent!!!!

I love wearing girlie pinks every now and then. I know heaps of you are anti-pink and especially anti-pink glitter, but it feels good to be a quintessential girl! I never wear pink clothing, in fact I think the only pinkish thing I own is a pair of fuchsia suede high heels (which are super high with a closed, curved toe and haute!) - so I feel like my nails can deal with screaming, "I have a v-jay-jay and I'm proud of it!"

Hope your weekends are everything you want them to be!!!



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