Showing posts with label Top Coat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top Coat. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Different Dimensions Christmas/Holiday Collection

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I picked up the 4 I couldn't resist from Missi's Holiday Collection. She created quite a few that are appropriate for all year round wear, so I knew they would be worth it. DD is quickly becoming one of my favourite brands! All photos were taken in my light box unless otherwise stated.

Different Dimensions Out of Space Convertible



Out of Space Convertible is a black based jelly with pink, purple, turquoise and holo glitter. Application was alright and I got full coverage after 3 thin coats. I used 1 layer of glitter smoother and topped it with SV for shine.

Different Dimensions I've Been An Awful Good Girl

I've Been An Awful Good Girl is Sparkles Like Edward's sister. It has the same white base with pink flake shimmer, but the glitters are various sizes of pink and purple hex glitter. There's some holo pink glitter in it too which is gorgeous in the sun! I used two coats and 1 layer of SV for these photos.

Different Dimensions Santa Baby  over NYX Girl Alaskan Wild

Santa Baby was only 1 of 2 blatant Christmas polishes I purchased this year. A mix of matte red, white, pink and iridescent glitter in a clear base. The large red hexes are my favourite and the pink glitter softens the candy cane palette a little. This'll make a great Valentine polish too I think. I layered 1 coat of Santa Baby over NYX Girl Alaskan Wild. I topped it all off with 1 coat of SV.

Different Dimensions Sign Your 'X' On The Line over China Glaze Little Drummer Boy

Sign Your 'X' On The Line has a clear base with irregular gold flake glitter and shredded gold and silver glitter. This one just grabbed me. I don't have many plain gold or silver top coats and Chalkboard Nails made it look gorgeous! Application was a breeze. Pictured is 1 thin coat over China Glaze Little Drummer Boy, with 1 coat of SV.

You can pick up Different Dimensions polishes from Missi's Etsy Store.

Which holiday polishes did you pick up?


Friday, 28 December 2012

Ozotic Beam 908 Swatches & Review

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This is the last of the polishes sent for review by Picture Polish :(
Talk about bittersweet!!!!

This was the polish I was most excited to try out so I saved it till last! This is another colourshifting flake shimmer top coat that is dominantly green and fuchsia.
I've layered it over OPI Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees (because I couldn't locate Black Onyx - my only black creme), a dark charcoal that leans blue. SSITP is a really great softer black if you find blacks to be too harsh.

And NEWS: I got a lightbox for xmas so I took some photos in it of 908!

Ozotic Beam 908 over OPI Suzi Skis in the Pyrenees



macro - light box

Beam 908 sparkles green, blue, gold, orange, fuchsia, pink and purple. From a distance you really just notice the pearly colour of the top coat and the green and fuchsia flecks but up close you can see the full colour shift that occurs. It's really obvious in the macro photo.
The formula is thickish and flows really nicely. If you want less coverage you may want to thin 908 and use very thin coats.I applied 1 thin coat for these swatches and SV.

I think I'll end up getting the rest of the Beam collection, they're just so fun to play with!!!! Imagine frankening with them!

If you are in NZ you can purchase Ozotic from Gracie Lou for $15.50/15mL bottle.
To find your local reseller visit the piCture pOlish website below.

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Sunday, 9 December 2012

Ozotic Sugar 903 Swatches & Review

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Ozotic Sugar 903 is another of the polishes the kind ladies from Picture Polish sent for review.

903 can be worn alone or layered. It is an ice blue shimmer made up of micro colour-shifting flakes which shift from blue-purple-fuchsia.  Alone it is a bit sheer but looks just like it does in the bottle, very ethereal with flashes of pink in the light.

I swatched it over Essie Bobbing for Baubles (a greyed and muted navy), and the true colour shift became super obvious!

Ozotic Sugar 903 over Essie Bobbing for Baubles

natural light



I love how 903 looks layered. This is just 1 thin coat (it's a seriously concentrated polish). The fuchsia and purple is way more obvious in the shade and so beautiful! The formula is pretty thick and glides on like butter.

The NZ Picture Polish reseller is Gracie Lou and she sells the Sugar range for $15.50, but they are on sale right now for $13.95. She has wee sales quite frequently too.

You can see the entire range of Ozotic and piCture pOlish and lots of other info at the links below

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Follow us on Twitter - piCture pOlish
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Saturday, 10 November 2012

DIY Gold & Silver Leaf Top Coats

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I came across a post on making your own gold and silver leaf top coats the other day on Candy Glaze.
She gives you a how-to-guide in making your own for a fraction of the cost so click on that link to learn for yourself!

I immediately purchased the sheets of gold and silver leaf from a thai website for US$5.90 + shipping (which is around US$3-4 to NZ) for 10 sheets of each. The gold is 24k while the Zoya and OPI only sport 18k, so that's a bit more decadent to start with!

The method on Candy Glaze is for 5 sheets (of around 3.5x3.5cm) per 5mL bottle. I bought Frankie's Plasma from Wonder Beauty Supplies in 15mL bottles and found that 10 sheets wasn't quite enough for a full sized bottle, so I poured a few mLs out.

The suspension base is pretty darn thick, so some thinner may be in order, but it's still a great and cheap way to have your own little pot of gold or silver for your fingernails. Considering OPI The Man With The Golden Gun is retailing for $74 in NZ, my $12 alternative would be worth it regardless of how it turned out!

The flakes sit fairly flat on the nail. I think 1 coat of Seche Vite would be all you need. I have a little more base in the silver so not as many flakes end up on the nail without a tad of fishing, but the gold one is a dream!

I haven't gotten any swatches yet because I'm trying to get the China Glaze Holiday Joy polishes photographed, but here are some close ups of my top coats:

Edit: some people asked for pics so ok, here's a really quick swatch of 1 coat of gold and 1 coat of the silver on my thumb:

The bubbles are just there because I've been shaking the bottles like hell to break up the flakes some and didn't let it settle before I applied it.

What's the most you are willing to pay for 1 bottle of polish?


Friday, 28 September 2012

Ozotic Beam 906 Swatches & Review

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The fabulous Debbie from Gracie Lou sent me Ozotic 906 from the brand new Beam line, for review.

You may not have heard of Gracie Lou, but it is an NZ cosmetic e-tailer that carries a wide range of brands at costs well below retail. They are the official stockist of Picture Polish and Ozotic in NZ, with PP going for $13.50-15.50 and Ozotic for $15.50/bottle. I never thought I'd see these kind of prices here! Gone are the days of haemorrhaging money for these beauts via Llarowe!

I layered 906 over a light and dark base to give you an idea of its versatility. You may want to wear it alone, but that's not really my jam.

Ozotic 906 over OPI Black Onyx





906 is a opalescent polish "jam-packed with pink & purple sparks!"  Over black it really comes to life, shifting from gold - orange- pink - purple - blue. Amazing! It's got a thick formula which equals intense coverage. This is just 1 coat!!! Next time I will probably thin it out or just apply a teeny tiny amount. 906 des have a kind of long dry time, but that's probably to do with the thickness.

 Ozotic 906 over Barry M Strawberry Icecream



Over a pale shade you get a pretty opalescent shimmer/sparkle. The pictures don't show it, but you still see the pink and purple sparkle in person. My camera just wouldn't pick it up!! Over Strawberry Icecream it makes the polish more blue.purple toned. Again, it looks amazing!

To get your hands on 906 and all the other Sugar and Beam Ozotics, visit Gracie Lou!!!!
It's like frosting for you nails :)


Thursday, 2 August 2012

Dollish Polish Super Mario Bros. Collection Swatches & Review

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I've gotten some really great nail mail lately - not only because I didn't pay for them, but because they are from 2 quality independent polish makers and they shipped lightning quick! As in a week or less, which is crazy for First Class USPS to NZ!

Dolly sent me the Super Mario Collection as well as other goodies.
These are some awesome glitter top coats - mainly matte - and I love the theme! Super Mario Bros is one of the only Gameboy games I liked to play (Pokemon was the other, I don't like scary things jumping out and trying to kill me!!!).

I used 1 coat for all the swatches - some more generous than others. I found that the glitter pay off and application was way better (and quicker) if I used a thick coat. Otherwise most of the glitter got wiped off on to the neck of the bottle. I also used 1 layer of NYC quick dry top coat for these swatches.

1-Up over OPI Dim Sum Plum

 1-Up is made up of medium green matte hex glitter, ultra-fine and micro green gliiter, matte white hexes in small and medium, as well a matte white bar glitter. This was the first one I applied so it looks a lot less glittery than the other swatches but it is exactly the same - I just wiped too much off my brush. I also didn't shake it up much so there isn't much white glitter on my nails, but that's easily sorted.

A Peachy Princess over OPI Mod About You

A Peachy Princess is a pink and peachy mix of glitter. There's large square pale pink glitter, magenta pink in small square, ultra fine and small hex glitter, and pinky/orange holo glitter in small hex and square shapes. This is my favourite pink glitter top coat now. I especially love how the magenta hexes jump out at you in person - so pretty.

The Koopa King over Claire's Mood Polish Earthy/Happy

 The Koopa King is the most interesting glitter in the collection. A mix of yellow, green, red and white matte glitters as well as matte black bars and silver holo diamonds. I don't know this character at all, but the polish is cool!

 Go Luigi! over China Glaze Riveting

Go Luigi! is a fabulous tribute to the green and blue clad brother! This has small and medium sized hex in green and blue and silver stars. I love how fiery Riveting looks in the macro shot; it was the only outdoor photo I got and it was overcast - one of ChG's best polishes ever! I did fish out a couple of the stars and place them - but I was using a mini bottle which I always find makes for a more challenging glitter application (narrow necks and you usually don't get as consistent formula as hand poured large bottles).

Dino-Mite Yoshi over China Glaze Holly-Day

 Dino-Mite Yoshi is one of my favs. Yoshi is such a cutie and I love how the matte ruby red squares and pale green large hex look. There's also fine red and micro green glitter, small mate hex glitter in green and white.

 Wicked Wario over Essie Picture Perfect

 Wicked Wario is pretty cool and unusual looking. I think it's the fine matte purple glitter that sets it apart from every other matte glitter mix I've seen on the market. Aside from the purple there's also small green hex, medium matte yellow hex and larger white square glitter in the mix. I just want to add a black moustache to this mani to make it truly look like Wario!!

 It's A Me, Mario! over Revlon Winter Mist

It's A Me, Mario! is the first polish released from this collection. It was perfect for Independence Day. A mix of fine, small and medium blue hex; small and medium red hex and the occasional silver star glitter. I spent a wee while fishing for these stars, because they're a bit sparser than the Luigi ones. Again, a bigger bottle would make it easier - plus the stars are heavier so the sink a bit more.

Toad-Ally Awesome over Barry M Blueberry Ice Cream

Toad-Ally Awesome is the one I fell completely in love with! It actually makes me think of the Olympics! It's made up of fine blue square/diamond glitter, small matte white squares and medium hexes, small gold squares and hexes and medium matte red hex glitter, plus medium matte blue squares. The gold is fairly yellow and it just pops so well with the other colours and really catches your eye.

All the formulas were pretty good - they're got that thickish suspension base consistency and I was happy with the concentration of glitter. I do recommend applying it in thick coats though, it just goes on so much better than messing around trying to place glitter when you use thin coats.

The reason why I like these so much (and Dolly's glitters in general) is because she really makes a complete polish. There's attention to the details - like the combination of colours and the use of fine/micro glitter rather than just dumping a whole lot of the same sized glitter in to some base. The coverage and look of the glitter is just superior to a lot of other indie glitters I have.

The stand outs for me are Toad-Ally Awesome, A Peachy Princess and Dino-Mite Yoshi with an honourable mention for Wicked Wario. I just know I'll wear those the most!

You can purchase Dollish Polish from the online store here for $4.50 (5mL) or $8.75 (15mL). She restocks about once a month and you have to get in quick!!
Llarowe also stocks a selection of Dollish Polish for $11 (15mL). She'll be getting the Super Mario Collection in soon, so keep an eye out.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this collection! Which is your favourite? Have you had enough of matte glitters or can you not get enough? Who doesn't have any indie polish glitters yet?



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