Showing posts with label Nerd Lacquer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nerd Lacquer. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Nerd Lacquer Event Horizon

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Event Horizon  is a teal creme-jelly with tons of holo, green and blue glitter. I'm really glad I bought the full sized bottle!

all photos taken under white light using 2 coats of Event Horizon.

Application was great, slightly thick formula, good coverage.
Bought this from Ninja Polish

Night, night,


Thursday, 2 February 2012

Nerd Lacquer's got me Pinin' For The Fjords

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I'm crazy about Pinin' For The Fjords from the lovely Amanda of Nerd Lacquer

PFTF - 2 coats - sunlight

PFTF - 2 coats - shade

PFTF - macro

PFTF is a pretty periwinkle shimmer with a mix of lavender, blue, silver and greyish white glitter in varying sizes (all hex). Stunning!!!

I can't wait til she restocks her Etsy store so I can get my hands on more of her pretties!!!


Wednesday, 18 January 2012

All of Time and Space

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Hi guys,

My puppy's sick and has to stay overnight at the vet clinic. We and they, don't know what's wrong with him but he can't keep anything down :( He doesn't seem to have an infection or anything so perhaps he ate something that upset his tummy. He looked so sad, tail at half mast and moving really slow with dopey eyes. Made me almost cry!!! I'm worried he swallowed something that's perforated his intestines or something, but they couldn't see anything strange on the x-ray... Fingers crossed he comes right and I can bring him home in the morn. I miss his cuddles and kisses (whenever I cuddle him he finds his way to my ear and licks it!!! It's gross but I even miss that!) and even telling him off for all his naughtiness :(

Anyway, enough about my worrying; here's what you come to this page to see, please welcome All of Time and Space by Nerd Lacquer.

AOTAS - 3 coats - overcast
AOTAS - macro

 All of Time and Space is a light dirty green/blue shimmer with fuchsia and white glitter. There's small normal glitter, as well as medium and large hex glitter in this baby! It's a bit sheer so needs 3 coats for full coverage, but makes a great layering polish too. I didn't really mind the slight curling of the large hex in this one (unlike Resolutionary), probably because the base is a bit murky? One layer of SV was plenty to give an ultra smooth and shiny finish, yay!

What do you think?


Monday, 16 January 2012


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Still sick.

Another Nerd Lacquer.



Resolutionary - 3 coats - overcast

Resolutionary - 3 coats - overcast
Pinky purple jelly base with gold, silver and fuchsia glitter + large fuchsia hex glitter. I used one thick layer of SV to smooth it out. It's cute but I'm not a huge fan of the hexes curling. You can tell they stick out on the sides of my nails, even the SV doesn't fully cover those sharp corners. They don't do it as bad as those Color Club Backstage Pass glitters though.

I'm going back to bed,
Over & OUT,

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Nerd Lacquer Beggar's Canyon

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I'm still feeling sick - have had a niggling sore throat since New Years & started getting a tad phlegmy and coughing this week. Then yesterday I got a headache & felt crap, ended up sleeping most of the day. Today the sore throat's gone, only to be replaced by an achy neck and back :(

Enough of complaining though, here's another Nerd Lacquer for you.

Beggar's Canyon - 2/3 coats - sunlight

Beggar's Canyon - 2/3 coats - shade
Beggar's Canyon is a gold shimmer with gold and purple hex & micro glitter. Some of the  gold glitter has a bit of an orange cast to it. I LIKE. I used 1 coat of Seche Vite top cot for the photos, to add shine.

You can purchase Nerd Lacquer from the Etsy Store or from Harlow & Co


Tuesday, 10 January 2012

NOTD: Nerd Lacquer NEBULA

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Morning loves,

I don't often post my Nails of the Day because seriously, I'm pretty much always swatching untrieds. Or I'm reswatching polishes I have horrendous photos of :)

But yesterday afternoon I popped on Ned Lacquer Nebula that I got just before xmas.
I had only skittle swatched it before so it's awesome to finally see how it looks as a full mani.

Nebula - 2 coats - lamp

Nebula - 2 coats - lamp

Nebula - 2 coats - overcast

My first thoughts were that it is the glitter version of Orly Fowl Play!!! It just reminds me of it a lot. There's a mix of hex and micro glitter in red, fuchsia and lilac all in a red purple jelly base. What I didn't notice until it got dark last night, is that it also has lots of super fine holo glitter in it so it's got a beautiful sparkle in sunlight and artificial lighting!!!!!!
Pretty much amazing on the creator's (Amanda) part! And guess what?! In two coats (I might have used thick ones but it dried quick) it was completely opaque. Amazing for a jelly base!
I used two coat of Out The Door top coat to smooth it out and truth be told I should have used some Seche Vite or Poshe base coat because they're much thicker, but overall I'm very pleased with the results.

Are you a fan too?
You can purchase Nebula and other creations in full or mini size at Nerd Lacquer on Etsy


Saturday, 24 December 2011

It's Christmas Eve And...

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Warrior Ethos - lamp

Hey guys,

It's christmas eve and we're about to have our xmas dinner (a first for my family - usually we do it all on xmas day- because everyone's got other places to be tomorrow :( ).

I've done a couple of holiday manis on my mum & aunt so will get those photographed & up tomorrow. For now here are some shots of another epic win from Nerd Lacquer. Click on the photos to enlarge.

Warrior Ethos - lamp

Warrior Ethos - outdoors, cloudy

Warrior Ethos is a pinky red tinged jelly with two sizes of  black glitter, some fine blue/violet glitter & orangey large hex glitter. This polish is currently top of my epic win list! Applied beautifully - this was 3 coats & 1 coat of SV.

Because it's only a mini I will probably end up layering it over a red like OPI Malaga Wine or Finger Paints Sculptured Scarlet - or it'll be gone in a flash.
I love that I can wear this at xmas and still feel festive :)

Merry Christmas,


Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Don't Blink - you won't want to miss this

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Merry Christmas!

Just 5 more sleeps til Santa comes down that chimney and gives you presents!!!!

Nerd Lacquer is another franken label selling off Etsy that I've gone crazy over lately. Amanda's polishes are so professional looking too. The packaging is awesome. Check it out *here*

I recently got two mini quads (so 8 5mL polishes) from Nerd Lacquer so there will be lots of swatches coming up for you to drool over. Today I have Don't Blink to show you.

Don't Blink - lamp

Don't Blink - lamp

Sorry about the lack of clean-up. Was feeling a bit grumpy when I was swatching! My cuticles look absolutely disgusting! Mainly because when I get Seche Vite on them it dries the crap out of them!!! Good news is I finally got my hands on some acetone so it's more likely I be cleaning up the cutes in the future :)

So Don't Blink is a pale grey creme base with dark grey/black and white & possibly silver micro glitter + medium & large white hex glitter. I love it! This is as close as I've got to Lynderella's Snow Angel so I'm happy as can be! It actually looks a lot like a bitterly overcast sky! Or dirty snow sludge. This was only 2 coats so really good coverage & I had no probs with application. The glitter doesn't sink & it's not hard to get the hexes on to the nail. Pretty much a 5 star polish. I just wish I'd gotten a full size bottle.

What do you think of Don't Blink? Do you have any Nerd Lacquers I need to check out?



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