Showing posts with label Jade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jade. Show all posts

Monday, 18 March 2013

The BATTLE #7: Geometric vs Flora

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Ok, I've enjoyed an almost  3 month hiatus on The BATTLE Nail Art Challenge, but here I am with Challenge 7. I chose to go Geometric with this one, I hope this stamping counts!

Geometric Nail Art

I started with a base of Maybelline My Varnish in 357 (I think, the labelling was confusing) and stamped on this neat pattern of BM 319 using Jade Vermelho Surreal. I was trying to get the complimentary red to show up in the holo stamp, but it's not really noticeable. I topped this mani off with a layer of Seche Vite.

I love subtle stamping, especially with vampy reds!!

I'm going to try to knock out a couple more of the BATTLE challenges over the next month, maybe catch up to everyone else?!

Do stop by the other participant's blogs to see their nail art interpretations:
Two Matejas Creating
An Indie Girl's Passion
Lacquered Tips
My Wondrous Marvellous Obsession
Cats n Nails
Jibber Jabber
Life in Color!
Polished Polygot  


Sunday, 22 July 2012

Jade Holographico Delirio Rosa on Sunday

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Hey guys,

I'm back in the Churrrrrr...
Baby cousins are the best!!! And one of the highlights of my weekend away :) Seeing my big sis and my pups again was pretty awesome too.
Gotta say congrats to the Waikato/Bay of Plenty Magic - ANZ Netball Champs, finally!!! And they did it in Melbourne, boo-yah!

I've got some swatches the awesome light bubblegum pink holo that is Delirio Rosa for you:

Jade Delirio Rosa

 Delirio Rosa is the ultimate psychedelic-y girl polish! It's a light, bright pink that is warm, woohoo!!! The holo is seriously in your face like the rest of the Holographico collection. I used 2 coats for the photos above taken indoors with flash.

DS is my favourite pink holo - it's gonna be hard to knock it out of first place!!

What's your favourite pink holo?


Monday, 9 July 2012

To Planet AMAZING And Beyond - Jade Holografico Vermelho Surreal

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Yes, Vermelho Surreal is currently sitting at the head of my 'Polishes of the Round Table'.

It's a rusty red that at times can lean orange or even better, the colour of dried blood. I'm not in to gore, but something about bloody nail polish gets me way too excited for my comfort level!!!

And **** me sideways with a chainsaw, is it HOLOGRAPHIC?!!!!! In sunlight I recommend wearing some shades so the rainbow doesn't blind or thoroughly distract you from say, driving or a simple conversation!







Crazy, gorgeous! It's got a beautiful formula too - this was 2 coats and they applied super easily with an almost gel like consistency, similar to the Specialita Hits No Olimpio holographics.

Just had to include a bottle shot (a la Fingers!) - I had to pose poor Charlie with my 2 Jade Holograficos. I think it's so cute that it looks like he's holding Vermelho Surreal to his chest!!



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