Showing posts with label ILNP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ILNP. Show all posts

Monday, 22 July 2013

Giveaway Winners & The Battle #10 - Matte vs Holo

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Thank you to everyone who entered my 'Because I Passed My Exams' Giveaway.
Congratulations to Sarah Lundy & Jewell Sparkled who won the Harlow & Co $20 voucher and the NZ Polish Prize Pack, respectively.
Please contact me ladies, I would hate to draw new winners!!!

Yes, The Battle is back. One of these days I'll manage more than 1 challenge a month, I promise!!!!
Today it's holo vs matte... come on there is NO comparison. Holo all the way, baby!

ILNP Grape Alicious

ILNP Grape Alicious with Essie Matte About You

Half 'n half

Even though Grape Alicious looks nice matte, the holo absolutely dies. I can't tell you how happy I was when Orly Glosser magically restored the rainbows!

Now I need to do a Duochrome vs Foil look because I skipped Challenge 9, woops.

Hope your weekends were absolutely amazing in some little way :)


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

ILNP Holographic Part II - dark crellies

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On Monday I showed you the lighter creme holos from ILNP and today I have the darker crellies for you! The holo stands out a lot more in these darker shades because the formula is more jelly-like and the bases being darker = stand out sparkle!

 ILNP Raspberry Beret

Raspberry Beret is a muted berry pink because the silver holo pigment grays it. But in the sun or in direct light it transforms in to a banging medium strength linear holo. This one needs about two coats for full coverage.

ILNP Grape Alicious

Grape Alicious is a stunning deep violet holo. The blue rainbow sparkle just hangs around non-stop!!!! So this is creamy formula-wise, but it doesn't ever really look like a creme on the nail. It's too holo, hum-ah-nah, hum-ah-nah!! Two coats for full coverage. I don't have many photos of this one because I accidentally deleted most of them hehehe.

ILNP Simply Adorablue

Simply Adorablue is a medium teal green holo. The formula is more jelly-like and when you're in the shade the scattered holo particles are quite visible. In direct light it illicits a weak-medium linear holo effect. Two-three coats are best for full coverage.

ILNP Monterey Bay

Monterey Bay is a very dark teal blue. It's bluer than Glitter Gal Lizard Belly but not as holo. Another easy two coat application - getting tired of me saying that yet?!

ILNP A.C. Slater

A.C. Slater is a slate brown holo. How awesome is the Saved by the Bell reference?!!!!!! That was my favourite show growing up. You have no idea how happy I was when we went to the US over Summer and they always had it playing non-stop. My favourite shows were when the kids were working at the county club over Summer break!!! Anyway slate brown is the bestest brown, so I'm a huge fan. The holo is pretty obvious and it's another two coater.

Yes, I'm pretty happy with my weak-medium linear holos. They aren't in your face holo so I still get that excited feeling when I walk out in to the sun and suddenly there are little rainbows on my nails :) You might say, I'm not too hard to please.

Check out ILNP's glitters, holos, chromes, cremes and jellies for yourself. They are US$10/bottle and offer worldwide shipping.


Monday, 8 July 2013

ILNP Holographic Part I - spring cremes

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Ahhh, I was suppossed to go to the Beauty Expo in Auckland over the weekend, but I was so exhausted from exams and pretty broke, so I stayed home and slept instead. Totally LAME but hey, I have a LOT of polish already, right?
I'm mega jealous of the hauling my facebook friends did though! All these hard to find in NZ or mega expensive here in NZ brands were there at great prices, Waaah!

Luckily I had a GENEROUS nail mail week with Candy Lacquer, Digital Nails and blog sale polishes arriving so I have plenty of pretties to tide me over :)

And now for some totally lovable holo cremes from I <3 Nail Polish. These are my first ILNP lacquers and it was a top notch experience. They shipped fast and came in great packaging and quality bottles etc, so I recommend them 100%

 ILNP A Touch of Mint

A Touch of Mint is a pale pastel mint creme with a very weak linear holo effect in direct light. Indoors or in the shade you see fine silvery scattered shimmer. 2-3 coats for full even coverage.

ILNP Concrete Sprinkles

Concrete Sprinkles is a concrete grey creme with a weak linear holo effect under direct light. It's got a soft scattered sparkle in natural or shaded lighting. Two coats for even, full coverage.

ILNP Chloe

Chloe is a creamy lavender weak linear holo. In natural or shaded lighting it has a subtle scattered holo shimmer. Two coats for full coverage.

ILNP Grande Sunset

Grande Sunset is a creamy coral weak linear holo. In natural or shaded lighting it has a soft scattered holo sparkle. Two coats for full coverage.

All of these are beautiful shades, but the holo effect is WEAK. I don't mind because I love the slight shimmer you get with weak scattered holo particles, but it might disappoint some. These were all from the first wave of holos ILNP put out and I think they are still being restocked.

If you are a creme lover these are a great way to jazz up your nails without they overpowering rainbow effect most holos have.

ILNP is available HERE for US$10/bottle. Lovely rubber coated bush handles for easy grip too!
I have all the darker shades to show you tomorrow too.



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