I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day! My dogs made great V-day dates!!! After I put wee Buster to bed, Charlie and I even had some uninterrupted cuddles for once!!! (Buster loves to jump up on to my lap and push Charlie out of the way whenever I'm giving him attention, jealous much?!)
Anyone else have a fur-baby date instead of a 'real' one?
My friend Sparkly encouraged me to get I Make The Path by CrowsToes. She thought it was spectacular and I was on the fence until I saw her swatches. And to be honest I was still umming and ahhing over it once it arrived but now that I've finally worn it... Boy am I glad I listened!!!!
Anyone else have a fur-baby date instead of a 'real' one?
My friend Sparkly encouraged me to get I Make The Path by CrowsToes. She thought it was spectacular and I was on the fence until I saw her swatches. And to be honest I was still umming and ahhing over it once it arrived but now that I've finally worn it... Boy am I glad I listened!!!!
CrowsToes I Make The Path over Elevation Polish Alphubel
I Make The Path is a mix of blue, gold and silver glitters in a clear base. Some are holo, the light blue ones are matte, and some are square - they are all perfect! And IMTP is packed with glitter, so I only needed 1 coat over Alphubel for fantastic coverage. It went all super smooth with one coat of Glitter Gloss too.
I don't have many CrowsToes, but I Make The Path is possibly my favourite. Even over Cheshire!!!!
Which CrowsToes is your fave?