Showing posts with label white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2012

31 Day Challenge 2012: Day 1

Today is Day 1 of the 31 Day Challenge!!

I am also doing 30 Days of Untrieds
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PCOS Awareness Month

September is PCOS Awareness month. PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Nory over at Fierce Makeup and Nails asked if anyone would like to participate in doing a teal mani to show our support for PCOS Awareness month. 
Most of you don't know that I was actually tested to see if I had PCOS about a year ago, thankfully I do not but it was very scary to think that it could be a possibility. So, of course this mani was right up my alley and I had to show my support.

This mani ended up turning out better than I had imagined! For each nail there is actually a meaning behind the design.

For the thumb I chose to do the teal ribbon by using some loose glitter I had. The thumb represents the ribbon and the support that this cause has.

For my index finger I have two coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls and I stamped using BM-201 with Butter London Slapper (the perfect teal might I add). My middle finger is the same colors but opposite. I chose this stamp because I know that PCOS can be a struggle for women and they may encounter quite a few bumpy roads that are forever changing.

My ring finger is a base of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls and a loose glitter gradient of teal glitter. This represents how hopefully, the women with POCS, their symptoms can slowly fade.

My pinkie finger is a base of Butter London Slapper with a coat of Nicole by OPI Somebody Teal Love. This finger represents the light, or shimmer in this case, at the end of the battle against PCOS.

You can also check out Nory's post along with her personal story here!

For more information about PCOS, please visit any of these links: - Support System to help women with PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) - Symptoms 

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Not So Blue Mani

Do I have a comeback mani for you!! I was inspired by a nail artist named Chelsea. Chelsea is the blog owner of Get Nailed, and boy is she creative!! I followed one of her videos on YouTube to create this look.

The colors I used are Sephora by OPI Slushied and OPI My Boyfriend Scaled the Walls. For the glitter I  did it a bit different then the way Chelsea uses them, I just used loose hex glitter I bought from Nail Envy.

I hope you love this mani as much as I did, because another variation is coming your way very soon!!

Chelsea Get Nailed on Facebook
Chelsea Get Nailed on tumblr
Chelsea Get Nailed on YouTube

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Franken Feature: Pahlish Your Silver Lining

How has everyone's holiday weekend been? Mine was fantastic! My family celebrates Easter and we had a great Easter egg hunt put together for my daughter and her aunt and uncles! Anyways, enough with the rambling, ONTO THE POLISH!!!

Pahlish: Your Silver Lining
YSL is a wonderful white polish filled with all sorts of different sized a shaped silver holographic glitters! It is a really fun color and was almost opaque in 2 coats!

While I really love this color and concept, I think if the base color was a tiny bit more sheer you could really see all the different dimensions of glitter in the layers. Other than that, I LOVE IT! It is simple yet girl and fun!

You can purchase this color from Pahlish, an etsy store. Her polishes are full sized and cost $8.50 per bottle.

I am really interested in her Total Eclipse of the Heart polish but it is sold out at the moment. When it restocks I am definitely ordering that one and Lovesong Writer!!!

Edit: She is scheduled for a shop opening this Friday, April 13th with a new color!!
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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Franken Feature: Dollish Polish

Dollish Polish Expecto Patronum
Expecto Patronum is a gorgeous white based polish with turquoise glitter and flakies!!! Anyone who is a polish lover and doesn't have this nail polish, needs to IMMEDIATELY!!!

This polish was easy as pie to apply and was easily opaque in two coats. The glitter and finish is not bumpy at all, its super smooth and glossy. The wear was also really good and lasted a lot longer than other brands I have worn. Normally I have to take off nail polish because I notice chipping, but this one I had to force myself to take off so I can wear another color.

I checked out her shop on etsy and she is currently closed. You can sign up to receive a notification for when she will be open again, but I noticed she might be making some changes and sell her polishes elsewhere.

Dollish Polish sells her frankens at $8.00 for a 15mL bottle. You can check out her etsy shop here and view some of her polishes by clicking sales. She also has a Facebook where more frequent updates are posted.
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Nail-Venturous Laquers: VooDoo Doll

VooDoo Doll
VooDoo Doll is another great franken that was created by the awesome Amy at I'm Feeling Nail-Venturous. I think she needs to stop before she dominates the nail polish world too much ;)

VooDoo Doll is an awesome black and white glitter nail polish. It has a very jelly-sheer black base with multiple sized and shaped black and white glitters. What probably catches your eye the most is the large white hex ones!

I really love how layered this polish looks! Its so neat and unique that I just can't stop staring at my nails today! I can totally see the direction Amy was going when naming this VooDoo Doll, you get stuck in a trance just looking at it! To me it reminds me of a flip flopped version of cookies and cream ice cream, yum!
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