Приветики, приветики, весенние билетики..... У меня сегодня два новых мишки, которые кое-как отправились в магазинчик. Что-то я совсем разучилась фотографировать, фотки получились так себе. Толи мишки совсем не хотят....
According to Stanford Medical, It's indeed the SINGLE reason this country's women get to live 10 years more and weigh an average of 19 kilos lighter than us.
(By the way, it really has NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret-exercise and EVERYTHING around "HOW" they are eating.)
P.S, What I said is "HOW", not "WHAT"...
CLICK this link to reveal if this quick quiz can help you find out your true weight loss possibility
Ой какие лапулечки прелестные)))))
ОтветитьУдалитьОчень миленькие))) Мне понравился второй, в этом беретике он настоящий француз!
According to Stanford Medical, It's indeed the SINGLE reason this country's women get to live 10 years more and weigh an average of 19 kilos lighter than us.
ОтветитьУдалить(By the way, it really has NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret-exercise and EVERYTHING around "HOW" they are eating.)
P.S, What I said is "HOW", not "WHAT"...
CLICK this link to reveal if this quick quiz can help you find out your true weight loss possibility