So here's the deal. To quote a fellow Sexy Knitter....
I am a Filthy Fifi Slacker. Brought along on vacation with the intention of making some "real progress"

..... But in reality, she spent the
entire week balled up, tucked away and completely ignored.
It seems, however, that even though she won the
SKC Kal for 'Most Popular' by a land slide....Other knitters have neglected their Fifi's as well. There has been dismal turnout for completed Fifi's on SKC blog and just as I was considering retiring mine to the frog pond...
Gay posted hers. I'm in love with Fifi all over again...and obsessed with
Gay's Fifi. (minds out of the gutter please) I had always envisioned Fifi w/longer sleeves and body, but Gay's is the first and only finished one I've seen. And, really, could she have picked a more beautiful color. It's GORGEOUS!
Thanks Gay, I hope my Fifi turns out half as fabulous as yours!

And now onto Socks.
There may have been a lack of knitting in my posts, but that certainly does not mean I haven't been knitting.
Current wip is a pair of socks for Jake. He wanted red & black. Thanks to
Nanachan7 on Etsy, I found what I was looking for :)

One down, one to go...with a little extra toe room for a growing boy!

Next up are my Rocktober Ribbed socks. This was my vacation knitting (sorry Fifi) I've had this skein for a while and it was the lucky winner of what to knit in the car ride up and back. The photo's don't do this colorway justice. If you have the Socks that Rock -Rocktober from
Blue Moon Fiber Arts
, you won't be disappointed.
Lastly, I knit up my Oogie Boogie socks from
Dharma Fey's Cosmic Fibers on Etsy....
Carrie from Socks in the City podcast created this yarn, as well as an entire series from Nightmare Before Christmas. She still has a few colorways left, so go check it out.
This final shot is of the newest member of the family. I introduce to you Treyson Alexander, one month old! Proud Papa, Great Auntie, Mr. T, (second cousin) aka the Karate Kid, Beautiful Mama and Great Uncle. Welcome to the family Trey! We love you!!!!
As for the F word..... the new Knitty is up!!!! I want to knit this, and that, ummm this one too and oh yeah, maybe that as well and how cute is this???? Don't even get me started on the baby freak'in sweet, my teeth ache! Hey Treyson...Do you want your Auntie to knit you a new cap???? bwahahahahahah!