Showing posts with label tagged. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tagged. Show all posts

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I've been tagged by my fellow Pinay beauty blogger Lootwagon!

What’s your favourite eye shadow color to wear?
-My favorites are purples and burgundies. But I've been liking rich brown colors and midtone pinks lately.

What’s the one product you wouldn’t leave your house without? 
-A general product I wouldn't leave home without is ethyl alcohol, since I'm a germaphobe... For beauty product, I would say, Oil Blotting Sheets, since my face is really oily and I wouldn't want to look like I've slathered oil over my face.

What’s your favourite makeup look – high drama OR natural? 
-High drama, but it should be edgy and tastefully done. I want to make a statement but I wouldn't want to be laughed at.

Which feature do you play up the most?
-Eyes, since I love playing with eyeshadows and liners and I think my lips are already full enough for my liking.

Which feature do you try to downplay/cover up? 
-Acne Scars are my main problems...and I really don't acquire really bad under eyes circles...

Your favourite makeup brand, if you could pick only ONE to exist? 
-If I have lots of dough to shed, I'd probably pick shu uemura or NARS...I'd be happy with any of the two.
-If I don't have much dough, I'd probably pick MAC.
*Note: I only picked from the brands available in the Philippines, but if every brands in the world is included, my answers would be different. And I would like to pick some Japanese brands but I haven't tried their base makeup yet.

Which product have you re-purchased OVER and OVER again?
-Clinique Super City Block

Which product would you NEVER repurchase again and why? 
-Revlon 3D Mascara, if you read my post with the products I hate buying you'll know why.

One beauty treatment you would always PAY to have done? 
-Body Massage

One beauty treatment you would NEVER pay to have done? 
-Facials, I'm afraid it'll mess up my face more.

One beauty trick you can share with everyone 
-Always use sun protection on the whole body and face even on the lips. Doing this minimize acne scars, age spots, wrinkles, minimize the formation of free radicals, and of course to prevent skin cancer.

Best advice you've ever been given regarding beauty and makeup?
- Always use sun protection!

I'm tagging back Pau, Nikki of Askmewhats, Kimberly Tia, Mona of Make me Blushhh, Diana of Paperdoll, and Fuzkittie.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tagged! 16 Random things

Direction: once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with sixteen random things, facts, habits or goals about you. at the end choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. don’t forget to leave them a comment (“you’re it”) and to read your blog. you can’t tag the person who tagged you. I just got tagged by Nehs, Nana, and M.

1.) I'm a Christian.
2.) My favorite color is red.
3.) I want to be a doctor.
4.) My favorite books are the Harry Potter series and Shopaholic series.
5.) My favorite tv shows are Veronica Mars, Gossip Girl, Lost, The Nanny, and Ugly Betty.
6.) My favorite makeup brush is MAC 180 buffer brush.
7.) My favorite mascaras are Diorshow for dramatic lashes and Clinique High Impact Mascara for natural looking lashes.
8.) My favorite actresses / actors are Isla Fisher, Reese Witherspoon, Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, and Samuel Jackson.
9.) I'm a feminist.
10.) I'm addicted to MAC Fluidlines, and basically any creamy cream/gel liners like Clinique Cream Eyeliner.
11.) I'm a red lipstick advocate. I'm not afraid to wear red lipsticks.
12.) I'm in love with my Shu Uemura Regular and Mini Eyelash Curlers. They're my holy grail lash curlers.
13.) I'm a gamer - love my wii, psp, ds, online games, and what not.
14.) I refuse to wear any foundation that isn't oil free. 
15.) I don't leave the house without any sun protection, specially in my face and lips.
16.) I'm quite hard to please.

I'm tagging everyone who would like to do this tag. 

*PS sorry if I couldn't update this blog as often as I would like to within this month, since I'm super busy. I'm preparing for my NMAT (National Medical Admissions Test), have soooo much exams, and it's the peak season for our family business- need to help. I'll try to update as much as I can, and the contest update is my top priority. Speaking of contest, I noticed that not many has joined, so guys I'm asking everyone to please participate. You still have a month left to join.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I just got tagged!

I got Tagged!

I got tagged by Nehs (Shen C.) 

Blog Interrogation Rules
1. Pass this on to 7 people: So I'm tagging Pau of Pau's Life Blog, M of Make me Blushhh, Kylie of kiitzyy, URY of A Few Things in Kim's Life, Crayonmonkee, Bedtime Cake, Elisa of 3 toast!
2. Answer the following questions using only one word.

1. Where is your cell phone? POCKET
2. Where is your significant other? N/A
3. Your hair color? BRUNETTE 
4. Your mother? BEAUTIFUL
5. Your father? HANDSOME
6. Your favorite thing? MAKEUP
7. Your dream last night? FORGOTTEN
8. Your dream/goal? DOCTOR
9. The room you're in? MINE
10. Your hobby? MAKEUP
11. Your fear? RODENTS
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? CLINIC
13. Where were you last night? HOME
14. What you're not? STUPID
15. One of your wish-list items? M.A.C's
16. Where you grew up? PHILIPPINES
17. The last thing you did? STUDY
18. What are you wearing? CLOTHES
19. Your TV? SONY
20. Your pet? SPECIMEN
21. Your computer? MACBOOK-PRO
22. Your mood? BANGAG!
23. Missing someone? YUPZ
24. Your car? NONE (don't have a personal car but family cars? yes! many to mention ",)
25. Something you're not wearing? SOCKS
26. Favorite store? RUSTAN'S
27. Your summer? THESIS
28. Love someone? YES
29. Your favorite color? RED
30. When is the last time you laughed? EARLIER
31. Last time you cried? DUNNO
32. Are you a bitch? PERHAPS
33. Favorite Position? NONE
34. Favorite Past Time? SINGING
35. Are you a hater or a lover?BOTH
37. Are you genuine or fake? GENUINE
38. Any Vices? OVER-SHOPPING
39. Pro Life or Wire Hanger? PRO LIFE
41. Pro Plastic or Natural? NATURAL
42. Dream Job? M.A./CHEF/DOCTOR
***PS Sorry if you can't understand some of my answers it's tough to limit your answer in one word