
Showing posts with label RSC19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RSC19. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - dark blue

The 6 inch flower blocks are from Lori Holt's book Spelling Bee.  They are so cute.  And now I have a dark blue one to add to the garden.  So I'm caught up with the blocks I've been making for RSC this year - flower, cat, and star blocks. 

I actually have more than these 6 blocks - see the other peeking out from under the red one? But these are the ones made following the RSC colors so far.  I definitely may make more of each color of these since they are small.  And I have no idea what they will become yet, although they would make a fun outer border to a quilt. 

My cat block was made at the beginning of the month as soon as I knew the color.  I used a beautiful blue batik for his body.  And the Ohio Star that I made yesterday has the same dark blue dot that I used in the flower block.  I keep thinking that I need to make a black and white cat block to look like our cat Sammy (nearly 18 years old).

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

RSC19 - aqua kitty

Some lunch hour sewing and my aqua cat block is complete.  I really like the yellow heart on this one.  But it wasn't without some seam ripper time.  When I was doing a final pressing on the completed block, I noticed that one of the 1" squares was sewn onto the wrong corner of an aqua rectangle just under the cat's collar.  Oops!!  But it didn't take long and I had that replaced.  

Now I'm going to get back to working on the brown floral Sew Together bag.  I had time to sew the end sections together and got 1 of the 3 zippers into the pocket sections today.  But rest will have to wait as I have things to work on for both of my part time jobs this afternoon.  

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

An hour to sew

When you have about an hour to sew, what do you do?  I spent some time trying to decide what I might want to sew for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year.  Looking through some pattern books can turn into a much longer activity than an hour could allow. But I did go back to the Farm Girl Vintage book by Lori Holt for a couple of ideas. That book has so many fun blocks, including this little flower block that I did in red (January color).  I had a little trouble with the leaf and stem sections on this 6" block.  

I also looked at the extra FGV blocks that I purchased and downloaded while working on that quilt - such as the cat, cow, and pig blocks.  The blocks below are from my original Farm Girl Vintage project but they would be so cute done in a rainbow of colors.  

The barn cat was missing his eyes and whiskers embroidered when I took this photo. But I can picture colorful cat blocks making up a child's quilt.

The cow and the pig blocks were also adorable.  Although looking at the pig I am wondering why I took that picture without pressing better.  Yikes!!  The 12" versions of all of these FGV blocks are still waiting to be set into a quilt top.  I put all of the smaller 6" blocks into a quilt that is finished. 

In Lori Holt's Spelling Bee book there was a very cute car block that would be fun in a rainbow of colors.  How about colorful pineapple blocks?  Or just simple string blocks done in one color?  And of course I've been looking at a lot of different traditional blocks that I could do for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2019.  I really want to use up more of those scraps and other stash this year.  

Of course all of this fun will probably have to wait until I return from a trip about Feb 1.  My sewing machine went to the repair shop yesterday, and I won't have a lot of time for sewing between now and leaving on the 17th.  Although there will be some sewing happening while on that trip. Stay tuned for more on that later.