Showing posts with label Happy Hauntings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy Hauntings. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Flaunt It Fridays: Friday the 13th Hop

Welcome to our Friday the 13th hop (ooohh-aaahhhh) lol. I guess Blogger took the 13th serious and decided to have a little fun with us all. Hehe, naughty blogger.  Thank you for joining me today. I am very happy to be back as a Guest Designer for Flaunt It Fridays. Woooo I had to dust off cobwebs from my cricut machine. It had been quite some time that I got to play with it like I did this time. Ok so enough of me :)

Onto the hop... You should be coming over from Yolanda at Crafty Scentiments, if not make sure to begin at Flaunt It Fridays (theres some peachy goodness to be had).

I know that this hop was about the Friday the 13th cut from the Happy Haunting cartridge but I wanted to go a non spooky route for both of my projects. For the first project, I created a card/mini album page. I used the Cri-Kits Gel Pens (which I'm loooooving) for my homemade background paper. Do you know how much work I saved myself by using the pens as oppose to cutting them out and gluing them down, a lot!! :) Ok so since I'm using this card as part of a mini album I'm creating, I wanted to keep the card clean, simple and flat. The cute little drawing, that I drew myself (thanks all for asking and liking it), is a representation of a picture I'm going to add there later on. Don't you just love those old silly pictures of when life was simple and your main concern was the color of your braces. Lol, of course you know I wanted the pink colored ones but noooooo, my dad wanted me to be practical and get the boring silver ones. Lol.
For my 2nd project, I used the Frame (pg68) and the 3D Platter (pg70). However, I didn't use them like the way we are suppose to. For the frame, I didn't cut the outer layer (the spider web). That's a great thing that it allows you to do that because then it become versatile and it can be used for whatever you like. As you can see, I made a mini one and its in the middle of the pile. That one holds a less cuter version of the drawing. lol. What I also like about the frame feature is that you can use the Layer 1 as a background layer for a card or a scrapbook page (Just make sure to hide the middle markings with your gypsy or ds). The same thing goes for the 3D platter. I used the Shift cut from the platter and I got a great scallop frame.

Here is a card I made using the scalloped frame (from the 3d platter) as one of my layers for my card. Btw, the cute stamp is from The Greeting Farm. If by any chance you don't know, I totally heart the Farm!! Love them! OK so back to my point, lol. Always look beyond the intended and you can find some interesting ways to change a cut. Granted my cuts weren't changed drastically but I know it can be done. I have done it with other cartridges and so can you.

Whew, OK so we are coming to a close here. Thanks for sticking it out with me, especially with all these blogger issues. I have a cute journaling stamp from WeRMemories for you. You don't have to be a follower but I would love it if you would be. Ill announce my winner after Tuesday (when the hop ends). Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again!

Your next stop is Brynn from Flair and Frills

I will be entering this card to:
Anyone for Anya - Smelling Like a Rose

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Zombie-Mummy Card & Blog Candy Peek

Hello Everyone,
I hope you had a good weekend and enjoyed the blog hop. On my hop post I had written that my candy would be a surprise for the moment but I gave a clue that it was one of my favorite tools. I hardly write about my likes/dislikes but if you are a good detective then you prob guessed what it was. In the off chance that no one knew(lol) I decided to write a post about of it....

I know that many of you love Copic Markers. I don't blame you, I've seen what you can do with them. But for me, this set of Prismacolor Pencils and markers (not shown) were my pride and joy at university. My art teachers lived by these and well ...ingrained the same feeling into us. The lead is soft and buttery that makes blending easy...well ok, I wont lie - it's not that easy because just like with everything else its all about practice, practice, practice - but once you get acquainted with them then you'll be able to create beautiful magic. lol, I sound so cheesy.

Picture 1: Box of 120 possibilities
I had mentioned previously that I had left them to the side collecting dust. It wasn't until earlier this year that I took them out and displayed them on my craft table. I like to turn to them on occasion to get color inspiration. I also like using them for my cricut cuts, stamps, etc.

Picture 2: As part of my blog candy, I am offering 9 pencils to the lucky winner.
You'll receive the primary colors, black/white, some extra blues and brown.
In my eyes, you'll be able to do a lot with these sweet puppies.
My card below is a demonstration...

Picture 3: Zombie-Mummy easel card.
Sentiment: Moonlight Treat.
A2 size.

Picture 4: Zombie-Mummy before he was colored

Picture 5: Closeup - Zombie-Mummy after getting the Prisma treatment

Ill be back tomorrow with another project and the winner. You still have time to comment on my blog hop post here to be eligible for the grand prize and for my candy. For an extra chance for my candy, comment on this Zombie-Mummy post.

Im also entering this card in Cristina's Spooktacular Challenge over at Crafting with Cristina. Her theme for this week is Halloween Theme and you can not use orange and black combined. Go over to her site and join her fun challenges.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall/Halloween Blog Hop is Here

Hello Everyone.
The blog hop is here! Today I will be partaking in a hop with 10 other talented ladies. If you are coming over from crafty Sandra's blog then you are on the right track. If you happened to have stumbled across my blog/post and would like to join us from the beginning then please click here.

The lovely Stephanie from Always Crafting is hosting today's hop full of fun projects and inspiration. The theme is Fall & Halloween so you will find an assortment of goodies, both blog candy and eye candy. We are happy to be sponsored by SCRAPADABADOO. They generously donated a Tim Holtz on the edge Die and a Kaiser Kraft Paper Pack. However, don't be fooled and think that this die is regular, it is nothing of the sort. It is an autographed die signed by Mr. Holtz himself. One lucky hopper will have the opportunity to win this grand prize. In order to be eligible for the prize you must visit every blog and leave a sweet comment. You will have until Wednesday to hop around and comment. Winners will be announced on Thursday.

So onto my project...
I created a Halloween Back to School theme project. I'm still stuck on back to school. Lol. I think it's because my sister just started grad school and I'm looking into joining her. I actually miss school. It was all that studying that I don't miss much of :)  For this set, I used the lovely sweethearts Mr & Mrs Frankenstein.

Picture 1: My set of altered comp books and newly created post it holder. Im going to make a bookmark as well but that will later.

Picture 2: This is an altered mini composition book. It features the Bride with a couple of amazing looking skullies chomping at the bit. And of  course like all men, Frankstein couldnt let her be so he's in the background trying to hog up the spotlight. :)

Picture 3: This customized post-it note holder spotlights Frankie. I learned how to make this holder from one of our fellow blogger Trish. She was kind enough to re-shoot her video for me so I could understand the measurements better. And well I did. I got the hang of it and this is my 3rd one already.

Picture 4: And finally the piece of resistance! (said in a french accent). This is an altered composition book featuring the Sweethearts. In August I had altered several notebooks. I noticed that the Mead brand is better to work with. Its much more flexible than the Staples brand. So if you are planning to alter a comp book for yourself, go with the Mead brand.

Picture 5: Closeup of some of my coloring and inking

I will be offering blog candy. For the moment I will keep it a surprise. But it might be a favorite tool of mine that isn't used by many but I prefer it to shade and color. Or it might be another type of crafting goodie. To be eligible, become a follower and tell me what do you like most about the Fall season. Make sure to come back, Ill have another project to share.

Next on the list is the talented Dorcas. Hop on over to her site and get ready to make some treat boxes. You wont be disappointed.

Below is the list of our bloggers. In case you get lost you can always start with Stephanie or go from here.
1. Stephanie
2. Lorraine
3. Sandra
4. Jess (Me)
5. Dorcas
6. Kim
7. Momo
8. Melissa
9. Trish
10. Sonia
11. Sarah