Onto the hop... You should be coming over from Yolanda at Crafty Scentiments, if not make sure to begin at Flaunt It Fridays (theres some peachy goodness to be had).
I know that this hop was about the Friday the 13th cut from the Happy Haunting cartridge but I wanted to go a non spooky route for both of my projects. For the first project, I created a card/mini album page. I used the Cri-Kits Gel Pens (which I'm loooooving) for my homemade background paper. Do you know how much work I saved myself by using the pens as oppose to cutting them out and gluing them down, a lot!! :) Ok so since I'm using this card as part of a mini album I'm creating, I wanted to keep the card clean, simple and flat. The cute little drawing, that I drew myself (thanks all for asking and liking it), is a representation of a picture I'm going to add there later on. Don't you just love those old silly pictures of when life was simple and your main concern was the color of your braces. Lol, of course you know I wanted the pink colored ones but noooooo, my dad wanted me to be practical and get the boring silver ones. Lol.
For my 2nd project, I used the Frame (pg68) and the 3D Platter (pg70). However, I didn't use them like the way we are suppose to. For the frame, I didn't cut the outer layer (the spider web). That's a great thing that it allows you to do that because then it become versatile and it can be used for whatever you like. As you can see, I made a mini one and its in the middle of the pile. That one holds a less cuter version of the drawing. lol. What I also like about the frame feature is that you can use the Layer 1 as a background layer for a card or a scrapbook page (Just make sure to hide the middle markings with your gypsy or ds). The same thing goes for the 3D platter. I used the Shift cut from the platter and I got a great scallop frame.
Here is a card I made using the scalloped frame (from the 3d platter) as one of my layers for my card. Btw, the cute stamp is from The Greeting Farm. If by any chance you don't know, I totally heart the Farm!! Love them! OK so back to my point, lol. Always look beyond the intended and you can find some interesting ways to change a cut. Granted my cuts weren't changed drastically but I know it can be done. I have done it with other cartridges and so can you.
Whew, OK so we are coming to a close here. Thanks for sticking it out with me, especially with all these blogger issues. I have a cute journaling stamp from WeRMemories for you. You don't have to be a follower but I would love it if you would be. Ill announce my winner after Tuesday (when the hop ends). Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you again!
Your next stop is Brynn from Flair and Frills
I will be entering this card to:
Anyone for Anya - Smelling Like a Rose