Finished piecing at least.
This is the Thimbleberries 2007 club quilt done half size with variations. I really made it my own. Used some printed blocks from the Lazy Crazy Quilt. Those are the couple blocks that look like applique.
I changed the setting a little bit and also the borders. But all the other fabrics are from the club collection. Have no idea when this will get quilted as I would like to hand quilt it.

Then this is the finished Quilter's Garden which I started when I started this blog. It is shown on my husbands bed which is a regular size so you can see it isn't really very big.
I really like the green print in the center setting blocks but like one of the gals said, maybe Mar. That if the center setting blocks were the beige it would show of quilting better.
Well My DD was home overnight and she is very good with colors etc. She has quilted but got waylaid with kids, working and going to school. I showed it to her and she liked it but--" The center setting blocks should have been the beige as the blocks would have shown up better."
But it's done and put in the basket to be quilted later. One of these day I shall show my basket of tops. No dinky little basket like Kim's

DD and I went over to a cousin's house for a family reunion as she wanted to see a couple of her cousins. We drove separately so she could hop on the interstate easier and get on the road home, other side of DC. 95 miles. She wanted to get to the dedication of the church's new organ at 4. She left at 2 . Takes 2 hours. But not today. When I got home about 45 min. after she left DH asked me if those were my shoes by the door. Nope, DD's. So I called her cell. She was stuck in traffic going up the mountain about 10 miles from the house. I asked her to please call when she got home. 6:15 she finally calls. She had gotten to the church for the finger food but there were still a lot of people there. It took her 1 1/2 hours longer than it should have. No way to get off of those crazy roads. She'll get her shoes the next time home.
It was a beautiful day here in the East. Low 70's and I found a couple trees turning in the yard. That's for tomorrow.