Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Friday, May 7, 2010

I Heart Rikshaw

It's not hard to fall in love with Catherine Fitzsimmons beautiful Rikshaw Design collection...gorgeous blockprinted textiles come alive in baby bedding, little kurtas, and too cute bloomers...this weekend you can take 20% off of the lovely sunhats using "mom" at checkout...she also has a great series on her blog where she asks readers - What's Next? - you can check out my ideas here - Thanks so much for asking Catherine!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday Mom - What's for Dinner?

image via  here
Whether you are a work at home or stay at home mom I'm willing to bet that the question of "what's for dinner?" falls squarely on your shoulders 99% of the time...sigh, wouldn't it be nice if someone called you up at least once a week and asked what you were hankering for that evening?  Even if you are an excellent cook, trying to juggle a crying baby, clingy toddler or busy schoolkids can make getting a meal to the table a less than appealing task...
One of my lovely readers asked what my best quick and healthy dinner standbys were so here's a little run down of my fast favorites, and I would be BEYOND thrilled to hear yours:

1) First and foremost, I am pretty adamant about using organic and local whenever possible...I'd rather splurge at Whole Foods than on those pair of shoes I'm lusting after - the payoff in the health of my family is worth spending a little more, plus, having good ingredients makes turning out a good meal so much simpler...a CSA is a great way to keep a steady supply of local veggies or a backyard garden can be suprisingly easy and productive (if you need a little inspiration pick up a copy of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle)

image via here
2) a trip to the grocery store always means a rotisserie chicken for dinner - is anything easier and more versatile?  a healthy veggie - we like green beans sauteed w/olive oil, garlic, & dried cranberries - and a grain...done! Plus, you have leftovers for stirfry, salad, or chicken stock...

image via here
3) Maple Mustard Salmon - mix a glug of maple syrup, 2 T grainy mustard, and a splash of soy sauce, salt & pepper then brush on salmon and cook under broiler for 5 minutes, flip, remove skin, and brush on remaining sauce, broil a few more minutes and serve with a salad, roasted potatoes, etc

image via here
4) Slowcook Chicken Tacos - So easy, from the wonderful Shayla: In a crockpot cook 1 lb chicken breasts, 1 jar of your favorite fresh salsa, and 1/2 cup honey on low...about an hour before dinner break up chicken into smaller pieces and raise heat to high...the result is juicy, shredded chicken...serve with tortillas, rice and black beans...I LOVE these pickled onions on mine...

5) Pasta with Sausage - I'll refer you to Raising Foodies for this one...I like mine with caramelized onions, chicken sausage and greens - heaven!

I also like to make:
 - big batches of turkey spaghetti with lots of carrots & greens and freeze half
 - a japanese influenced stirfry (tofu, mirin, ginger, soy sauce, edamame) over udon noodles and a generous dose of Eden Shake
 - pizza topped with all our leftover CSA veggies...

always in my pantry:
really nice Sea Salt
Maple Syrup
Grainy Mustard

Can't Live Without:
Smitten Kitchen
How to Cook Everything

I also like to get Lila involved when possible (but let's face it - sometimes letting them watch a quick show while you cook in peace is lovely)...I bought her this crinkle cutter - very toddler friendly - and let her sit on the counter, peel onions, chop apples and snack on edamame...

So what's for dinner at your house tonight?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I Want To Go There...

A few years ago, I might have been headed out to Coachella this weekend, but now I'm eyeing next weekend as THE weekend to be in Palm Springs...The ACE Hotel is having an Art Exchange Crafting Community Weekend Friday, April 23, 2010 through Sunday, April 25, 2010's a little bit about it from their blog:

The Art of Exchange is a two day, two night artist retreat for kids and families with interactive workshops, activities, projects, Saturday movie night with popcorn, and the aforementioned s’mores (which we’re obviously feeling pretty casual about). Karen and friends — including Clare Crespo, who made the diorama in the lobby — will guide art projects like potato prints, miniature gardens, macramé, dioramas, and knitting, with a focus on the reuse and repurposing of natural materials. You can also just do your own thing, hang out by the pool, and explore. Community activities will include a poolside barbecue, Sunday brunch, and some communal dining with a special menu for families.

There’s a special package for the event that includes all workshops, projects, and group activities, and a Kimmel Kids tote filled with goodies. See more about visiting daily just for activities here.
Karen’s handmade trivets and Kimmel Kids totes and coloring books are also sold exclusively through the Community Shop at Ace Hotel & Swim Club.

A chance to hang out at the Ace in Palm Springs with family friendly activities!! Color me excited!!
Thanks Alexis for the excellent tip!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Current Crushes...

a cute new flower shop in my hood...

pointelle leggings and espadrilles from Stella...

Coral, Chartreuse, and pink (via Neo-Traditionalist)

Pretty Rock Posters: the small stakes and andrio abero

and this album...especially this song...which makes me feel all giddy inside
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion

Friday, April 9, 2010


Last Thursday Chris took the day off and we hit the road with Lila and nieces in tow to Gale Woods luck would have it we hit their Farmyard Fun Days and got to cuddle with some week old lambs, spy on some baby pigs, cluck with the chickens, felt some wool, and climb some excellent time was had by all! (I highly recommend if you live in the twin cities...and think farmyard visits are one the best mommy perks out there)

Hanging around all that hay got me to thinking on this new overall trend that seems to be creeping up...mind you, overalls might be one of my few fashion nevers, but I have to admit these all look mighty tempting, no?
Even so, during the Guess overall craze of 1986 I stayed firmly in my black acid wash with zippers...
Clockwise: Ralph Lauren, 2 cute street photos by Ms Jackman of course, and J Crew...
What say you girls? Will you be citifying your gardening gear?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Mom - F minus...

My Monday was so bad that I'm just going to post this picture from Jak & Jil and pretend our day went this well...sigh...Are your children especially naughty on Mondays?  We had a no nap day...which turns me into Mean really can't force a 2.5 yr old to nap, can you?

ps - I'm never really mean per se but I did actually yell "LILA, GO TO SLEEP!" (a few times) which, had the exact opposite effect and then I felt like %$@...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Parade...

easter basket

A Basket, A Bunny, A Book, A Bonnet

p.s. if it just isn't Easter without peeps Lucia's and Sugar Sugar in Minneapolis have homemade, hfcs free versions - yum!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

In Bloom...

in bloom
A new print I just purchased from THE WILD UNKNOWN...I have a couple of their calendars and they are gorgeous!! (thanks design*sponge for the heads up!);  My next J Crew purchase - Rose vines blazer - $168;  lovely Deena & Ozzy Spectator Oxfords, $48;  a great romper for Lila at Little Bean - Karen Playsuit, an inspiring collection at Oysho , and gorgeous shades by Thierry Lasry x Sretsis...yeah Spring!

Monday Mom - I'm a Big Girl Now...

Friday night we had a very informal "Big Girl" party for Miss L...I'd love to show you a beautiful tablescape a la Martha S and a gorgeous decorated cake...but, unfortunately, I don't roll like that...sometimes ordering pizzas and letting your little one dump copious amounts of sprinkles on homemade cupcakes is far more satisfying and much less stressful...(but if you'd like to drool over some delectable & stylish feasts check out the sumptous Sunday Suppers - swoon!)

So, you're wondering "what's a Big Girl party?" well, here's where I somewhat embarrasingly confess that up until Friday I was still nursing Miss L, yes, and she's 2 1/2 now...I never in a million years imagined that I would be breastfeeding quite this long but underneath my fashionista front beats the heart of a laissez faire hippie mom - I really wanted it to be her decision to be done...but, my hubby was getting a little annoyed and I had tried the slow wean, etc, nothing was deterring this kid from her "mommy milk"... so to soften the blow we dreamed up a party...a graduation if you Big Girlhood...a place where you are too old for nursing...

she scored an awesome new easel that she's been loving and wore her favorite dress...

So far, so good...she's a little sad, I'm a little sad but we'll survive...
What are your parenting challenges these days?

on a side note - I love India Tree's sanding sugars and they have a line that uses natural colorants...L wore a Pink Chicken dress I splurged on last year - now it's a tunic and next year a shirt, so money well spent ;) Here are some similar ones at Little Bean...I think they make a cute alternative to an Easter dress and you can wear them well beyond fancy occasions


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Random Awesomeness

the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain...

Pandas in Paris
(both via my little day a really gorgeous French blog found via Papier Mache)

April showers...
Nikole has more cloud cookie cutters for sale and a tutorial...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Mom - a few favorites...

Okay, for the second week in a row I'm dodging my "mom" feature but I'm technically on vacation so I wasn't in the mood to tackle any pressing time, finally weaning (seriously!), toddler tantrums, etc...
Instead, I'll stick to what I do best and highlight a few of my mom must haves...
Hopefully we're nearing the end of the diaper stage but for now I can't go anywhere without tossing one of these Patemm pads in my bag...
a round, portable diaper pad with pockets, it folds up into a nice little square and keeps diapers and wipes handy...a great shower gift and new mom essential!  The laminated cotton is free of all the yucky chemicals found in plastics and come in an organic version as well...

This Beaba Babycook was an awesome first Mother's Day present from my mom and I haven't stopped using it since...The Beaba steams and purees in one sweet little package... perfect for tackling make your own baby food (so easy, I swear!). Now I use it on a daily basis for whipping up easy sides of veggies for dinner.

Peaceful car rides are something to be treasured and having music to soothe those savage beasts goes a long way...Lila's current faves are The Biscuit Brothers...which thankfully doesn't make me want to slit my helps a little that they hail from Austin :)  Depending on where you live you can check them out on PBS as well...

Finally, I've was totally crushing on Lila decked out in this outfit yesterday (which could have been pulled from my closet circa 1984)  a Classic J Crew Ruffled Oxford Shirt with the sleeves rolled up, Gap Destructed Cropped Boyfriend Jeans, a Madonna-esque Tulle Headband, and Van's check slipon was super cute to see my girly girl all tomboy style...Is it wrong that I want to dress like my 2 1/2 yr old??
xoxo, M
PS...did you catch this paper doll set over at Mrs. Lilien? Kind of genius!!