One minute science experiment
After reading my daughter's National Geographic Little Kids magazine with her yesterday, we decided to try the featured science experiment. I can't find the magazine now, of course, nor do they have this exact experiment online, so I'll attempt to explain it by memory. Hopefully, I can handle that since I'm 32 and the magazine is written for 3-6 year olds.
You fold a piece of construction paper in half and stand it up like a tent. Take in a big breath, then blow it out pretty forcefully through the tent. The paper should fall flat onto the table. The scientific explanation for why the tent falls is this: It requires a certain amount of air pressure to stand. When you force a burst of air through the tent, you change the pressure causing it to fall.
Simple but educational.
I really like reading a project idea with my kids that we can jump up and try that minute instead of having to prep for an hour only to see them interested and occupied for 5 minutes. Granted, this one only took about 1 minute to complete, but it was a satisfying process to be able to read it, suggest we try it and actually do it.
I wasn't fast enough to snap pictures of my daughter conducting the experiment, but I got my son. After he blew the tent down, he swiftly grabbed the nearest truck and conducted his own experiment by running over it.