Showing posts with label red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Americana Bench

I've been off on vacation for the last couple of weeks & now it's time to get back to work.
If you follow my blog you know I have these benches:

I have painted six of these in the last year. Five of them have all been French. You can see one here & here.  This is the only one I painted Americana:

I start out with two coats of Annie Sloan's Old White:

Now I have a blank canvas. Then I decide on the graphic & fabric.  The flag was easy to paint in. I started with the blue square. First, I cut star shapes out of contact paper, then I stuck them in place.  I used craft paint for the red & blue. Painted in the square right over the stars, then painted in the red stripes.  Once it was dry, I peeled the stars & there you have it!  An Americana Bench!  I distressed, clear & dark waxed it, & buffed to perfection.  The fabric I choose was a navy blue & white Ticking material.  
Here it is in my booth:

I have since moved it to Sassy Fabrics (V Trading) in Grand Blanc, Mi.

Sold to Kid Rock

I have one of these beautiful benches left. How would you paint it? I would love to hear your ideas. I wish everyone a Happy & safe holiday. Thanks for visiting.  Dee