Showing posts with label painted clock face. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painted clock face. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Custom Black & White

I've been a busy bee this past couple of weeks with some Custom work.  Of course I did not get any before pictures, I was just so excited to get started.  You all know how that is, right!?

So this post will be short & sweet, but full of pictures.
My client wanted everything black & white.

I painted another clock face on this cute little Octagon table.

There are two stools so I put No. 1 & No. 2 on them.

A group of pedestals.....

I love how the chalk boards came out.

And the "Creme De la Creme" a beautiful Gate leg table.

This client was awesome, she let me do whatever I wanted, it just had to be black & white.  Custom work always makes me a little nervous.  I was relieved when I saw her reaction after seeing the first few pieces.  She was so happy with all of it.  She has a few more pieces waiting in the wings for me.  

Hope you all have a great week.  Don't forget to check out my Facebook!  Thanks for stopping by,  Dee.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Another Clock Face Table

Happy Valentines Day to all you good people!  I hope you had a lovely day shared with your loved ones, I know I did.
A couple of weeks ago I picked up the most perfectly round coffee table. It was just what I was looking for to paint yet another clock faced table. If you follow me you already know this is my obsession.  I think it's actually bordering on a mental condition.  Every few months I just have to paint a clock face on something. I know, weird right?  On the positive side,  so far every item I've painted a clock face on has sold.

This was my inspiration:

It's the Heloise Wall Clock from Ballard Designs.  I love the colors & the style of the numbers. I normally do roman numerals, but I liked the big fat numbers on this clock. Here is the before picture of the table:

So perfect for this project! I sanded the whole thing really well as the top is Formica. After giving it a good cleaning, I gave it two coats of Paris Grey on the bottom & Old White on the top. After that was good & dry, I did a Duck Egg Blue wash over the Paris Grey.  I just finished another piece using this same application, you can read about it here.

Now I have a blank canvas.
I created the images on my computer in Publisher. I changed the letters & numbers to my own liking. Then I laid them all out & spaced them accordingly. To transfer the images I just turned the image over & scribbled with a pencil on the backside, then turned it over right side up & traced over the image.  Then I painted it in with a paint pen.

Here it is all painted in, sanded, distressed & waxed.

A close up of the cool details.

Available at Sassy Fabrics in Grand Blanc, MI


I added a nice little stencil to the outside edge.

Love these legs with the little black metal tips......

My version of Ballard's Heloise wall clock. 

What is so fun about painting clock faces (for me anyway)is you can add any detail you choose. These letters & numbers have significant meaning to me. There are so many things you can do when painting a clock face. You can do just the 12, 3, 6 & 9, or you could give it a really different background. You could even create a work of art with the clock face floating on a smaller scale off to the side. The possibilities are endless. 

Well, I hope I have inspired you to try painting a clock face on your next project.  If you have an epic fail, you can just paint over it. It's just paint after all.  Leave me a comment, I love to hear from you.  
Thank you for stopping by & have a great weekend! Dee

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My clock face obsession.

I admit it I have an obsession.  A clock face obsession.  It all started when I wanted a very large oval clock.  I couldn't find one as big as I wanted. I'm talking like 35" to 40" big.  I seen a picture of a handmade clock in a magazine called "Paint Decor" or "Decorated with Paint". Sadly both of these magazines are no longer in publication.  It was cool because these magazines gave you templates for some of the projects.  Well I went right out & purchased all my supplies & with the help of my hubby we cut out the oval from MDF. Not as easy as it sounds. And that is where my obsession began.

36" x 27" with 12" hands 

Several years ago I found the sweetest little round coffee table.  It was perfect to put a clock face on.  This was back before I discovered chalk paint.

It had the cutest base.  I painted the base a celery green & glazed it a warm cafe. I fell in love all over again.

I also painted this one at the same time. I loved the shape of this one, so perfectly square.

And it also had a cool base. I painted it red first then black & distressed it so the red showed thru in places.

This is my Dining room table.  It was one of those parkay floor looking tops.  I did a faux finish on the top with some killer glaze, then painted the clock face on. 

This past fall I was browsing in the consignment shop I now sell my pieces at, & I came acrossed this very unique coffee table.  It was pushed into a dark corner feeling very lonely.  It was covered in cobwebs & dust.  I am a bad blogger, I don't have any before pictures of this stuff.  I get so excited to start that I am usually into the second coat of paint before I remember to take pictures. Sorry, this year I promise to do better. Anyway, This table had my mind whirling.  I could just see the potential.  I could actually envision just what it would look like when I was done with it.

I used the same graphic, but I think I like this coffee table better than the first one. This sold in the first few days it was in the shop.  In fact the nice lady that bought it had me paint some old end tables she had the same colors to match the coffee table.  Don't you just love doing this painted stuff?

So that is my guilty painting obsession, clock faces.  Do you have any painting obsessions you'd like to share?