It's been a beautiful warm fall, until 2 hours ago. This morning it was almost balmy, now it's cold, rainy & blowing like the dickens. Well, that's typical of Michigan, wait 5 minutes & the weather will change. Luckily I have worked very hard these last couple of weeks on getting my garage cleaned out so I can park in there again. That is a huge deal here in the north.
Last weekend was one of those perfectly perfect warm fall weekends. The kind you dream of when you live in the north & so much of your day depends on the temps & sunshine. We went to the best flea market in our area, Collette's Vintage & Antique Mall, & I scored yet again.
I bought the most adorable Captain's Desk.
Have you ever seen a desk like this? It has four drawers on both sides & the top lifts up for more storage. It's petite so it can go anywhere. I just had so much potential.
I decided to paint it "Garden Gate" Green. It's one of the colors in my new chalk paint line from The Vintage Farmhouse. I painted the drawers in "Dairy Cream". Then it sat for a couple of days, I had a graphic block. Ever get that? I was trying to think of the "Blow your mind" kind of graphic & it just wasn't happening. Sometimes you just have to go with the familiar.
This is what I ended up with:
My all time favorite French script stencil.
I know you are all probably getting bored with this one, but I love it!
I plastered it all over this baby. The top, the sides.....
And the front. So pretty....
I paired it with a petite chair painted in the same cream.
Here it is in my booth. You can see the chair peeking out from behind the desk. I just love how much storage you get with a desk like this. The petite size with that kind of storage is a perfect combination.
Stay tuned, I will be posting about that cute yellow cabinet next! Check us out on Facebook to see what we're up to. Love to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by, Dee