A few weeks ago I scored on a few chairs on CL. I found a nice Captains chair & two matching dining table chairs.
My Hubby found the two matching ones & wanted to do something different to the cushions. He has been bugging me to do this for weeks. In a word "Burlap". I wasn't thrilled with the idea, but.... after much web surfing on Burlap he finally convinced me. Here is a picture of the before:
Here is the after
I painted them black & shabbied them up. Then my Mom & I upholstered them. I added this cool graphic to the cushion.
When we put them all together I think they look pretty snazzy!
At the same time I painted this nice Captains Chair the same shabby black. Here is a picture of the before:
I wanted to do something different with the cushion so I used drop cloth.
Here it is after:
I added a nice graphic from The Graphics Fairy.
I like the way it turned out. It's a little softer looking. Maybe a little more feminine too.
Here are the Three Amigos. They are available at "V Trading" in Grand Blanc, MI. So my question is, Do you like the Burlap? Or, would you stick with the drop cloth?
Thanks for visiting & have a great day! Dee