Showing posts with label Art by T Hirsch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art by T Hirsch. Show all posts

Friday, August 29, 2014

New Blog Name & Art Work of Tommy Hirsch

I'm making some changes! I have a new name and a new address for my blog. I recently decided to open an etsy store. Doing so I decided to have one name for both my etsy store and my blog. Introducing:

My Mindful Creations

Over the next few days you will notice a few more changes as I do some cleaning up on my blog. A new design...a new header...and I will be sure to have links on my sidebar to my etsy store and Pinterest boards. I am looking forward to my new adventure and I hope you will stop back often to see what I am up to and I would love to have you check out my etsy store. Currently I only have two items listed as I was in a mad rush to get things going and get it open. I will be adding more items very soon. You can find my etsy store HERE

As promised in my last post (sorry for the delay), I would like to share some photos of work that my son created. My son who is an artist was asked by a friend of his to participate in a fine art show that she was organizing. Normally this is not something he would do but he wanted to help his he agreed. Normally he does fine art photography and sculptures, but this show was more about functional art. So it was quite the challenge for him to make items that would be functional but also have a bit of fine art sculpture to them. In some cases it was one or the other. All the pieces though that he had at the show were all nature inspired. The picture above is of a piece he calls "Tsunami" and was my favorite of this show. Here are a few more of my favorites:

Copper Wire Vases

Crocus Vase

Ribbon Vessel

Safari Vessel Duo

Orange Speckled Vessels

Red Dot Vessel

Two Tone Vase
These next three I wish you could see in person as the glazes used on the outside and inside were both designed by my son. They can't be found anywhere else. The darker glaze on the inside of the shells has beautiful hues to it and even a hint of threads of gold can be seen. For now he is keeping it a secret on how he developed the two glazes.


Shell Platter

Spiral Shell
Lastly, this next piece was inspired by a leaf he found in our front yard and is part of a series he currently is working on.


I would love to share more pieces with you but it would end up being a rather long post and a bit picture heavy! Eventually though, these and other pieces will be on my son's web site with more than one view of every piece. I will be sure to post a link to his web site once it has been updated.

Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me! I hope you will stop back again soon.