Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Etsy find

How adorable are these little felt birds from etsy seller giftsdefine

Monday, January 12, 2009

More artwork love

Ever since I read about Canadian artist Janet Hill I've been obsessed with her little treasures. Janet normally offers one or two paintings a day on etsy but you have to be quick! I've been been pipped at the post a few times during the check out process.

Here is a collection of Janet's paintings I have hanging in my studio office at home. I purchased the desk from eBay. But what I love the most is my chair. It's an antique captains chair from the 1800's also purchased on eBay.

All images Sharnel Dollar

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I *heart* letterpress

I just received a proof of my new calling cards from the uber creative Sarah from thingsrbetterwithaparrott.  I'm so thrilled with them, I just had to share.  Four of my favourite things all rolled into one - paper+letterpress+pink+peonies = HEAVEN.
I'll be standing by the postbox waiting for these pretties with baited breath.

Info blanked out so I don't get some nutter calling me at midnight.