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søndag 4. november 2012

Something new

Since my last post we have got another grandchild in our family, she's soooo cute. Unfortunately she is not living in Bergen but next weekend we will visit her in Oslo - looking forward to that :o))

In the meantime I have been doing some knitting. I have finished the zig-zag blanket.

I have also made a sweet little pullover, for a sweet little girl :o)

So this is going with us to Oslo. And hopefully I have managed to finish the jacket I have started. Its so fun to make those tiny small baby-clothes :o)

A couple of weeks ago, a new AnnAKa-pattern came to the shop. And of course I had to try it :o) It was small bags for shoes, laundry, underwear or whatever is nice to keep organised in your suitcase. This is my version:

Love the lady :o) I got a few of them at Vestlandstreffet and this was the perfect product for them, dont you think?

Some of you may have noticed that I have changed the name of my blog. For a long time I have tried to find another, not so complicated (!!!), name. But I havent really come up with something I like. Until my dearest one day said - You know, quilting is like 'snop' for you, you cant ever get enough! And I knew right away that Snop was the new name :o) For you who doesnt know the word, snop is the same as candy, and he's right I cant ever get enough of sewing, blogs, patterns, fabrics, magazines, books, rulers......... I love it!!!

Its been really busy lately, so today I have no plans. Feels good, I just want to knit and sew a bit and maybe read my new book from Carlos Ruiz Zafon - he is one of my favourite writers. 

Have a wonderful, relaxing Sunday